Boomershoot 2010 - The Minuteman
The run up has officially begun. I've got Wednesday through next Tuesday off for pre-run up, PRC, and after event work and clean up. I will be in positions 54/55 this year. Any visiting bloggers are more than welcome to swing by. I'm more than happy to teach you how to snipe some boomers and help you put some rounds down range accurately. (Note: I'll probably walk up and down the line for 45 minutes prior to lunch to look at other hardware and take video and pictures. After lunch I'll be there the whole time.) I've noticed from talking to some people they are extremely put off at the thought of shooting long distances. They somehow feel it is extremely different than shooting 100 yards. While yes it is different, and experience is a great help it's not actually that different. Fundamentals never change, sight picture, breathing, squeezing the trigger, that's all basic and standard. What is different is the amount of thinking ahead of the shot. Experienced shooters can easily do this mental preparation on their own; however what really makes it possible for any shooter connect to a target at long range is the spotter. Whenever possible the more experienced shooter is actually the spotter, not the trigger man. Squeezing the trigger is simple and once mastered it becomes second nature. The spotter watches the trace, following the bullet to the point of impact. Here's the basic order of operations and responsibilities of each during a shot. Continue reading →