Another TSA Lawsuit - The Minuteman
This time from Jesse Ventura. Jesse Ventura filed the lawsuit Monday in a Minnesota federal court against the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA, claiming that his right to not be subject to unwarranted searches and seizures is consistently violated when he flies. The article then goes on to say that one of the key motivations is that Jesse Ventura is often stopped because he had hip replacement surgery. Medical hardware of any kind makes flying a complete nightmare. Seriously, as someone with hardware I refuse to fly. Having a metal rod in each leg, one of which is in my femur has guaranteed a intimate visit behind the curtain since 2005. My father in law has a prosthetic leg, the TSA wanted him to fully disassemble it. We’re talking about every nut and bolt here where there was just bare metal for the flexing ankle. What we have is people who barely have a high school education on a power trip, because someone felt that this would make us feel safer. The TSA is A Security Theater, it makes the idiots think their safe while the rest of us get screwed. Mr. Ventura is attacking on the grounds that they are warrantless searches, and a violation of the 4th amendment. This also ignores the fact that they are trampling on rights that people cannot voluntarily surrender. It’s good to see this happening in conjunction with the others currently in the works. Continue reading →