Update: HB 1016-2011-12 Just Passed the House

I just received an email from Joe Schmick:

For your information, HB 1016 just passed the House with a vote of 88-4. I voted in support of the bill. It will now go to the Senate for their consideration.

If you haven’t written your Washigton State Senators yet, now is the time to do so. You can use my letter as a starting point.

Unsurprisingly the 4 nay votes were from the Peoples Republic of Puget Sound.

  • Jeannie Darneille
  • Zack Hudgins
  • Ross Hunter
  • Larry Springer
  • If you live in their districts, remember what they think of you come next election.

    Update 02/08/2011:
    Senate Judiciary passed it this morning. There was no debate. The decision was a unanimous “do pass”. It is now on the way to the Senate Rules Committee.

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    About TMM

    TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms. Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.

    6 Responses to Update: HB 1016-2011-12 Just Passed the House

    1. Update: Suppressor Laws In Was says:

      […] 2/7/2011:It just passed the house. Barron Barnett's […]

    2. Bill Waites says:

      Done and Done!! I expected it to get out of the House, now on to the Senate!!


      • Barron Barnett says:

        I expected it to get through the house this time. What I didn’t expect was the resounding yes, who’s echos drowned out the 4 nays from the People’s Republic.

    3. twydyn says:

      once HB 1016-2011-12 passes what are the chances of getting SBR/SBS legal in Washington State? With so much support behind silencers it would be wise to use that momentum for SRR/SBS. Thank you for everyone involved in this process.

      • Barron Barnett says:

        I actually could see both of those passing. Currently I’m seeing a strong push with other legislation I’ve heard of being proposed is to bring things in line with federal law.

        It’s being seen as a hindrance, especially considering the state gets absolutely 0 tax revenue from sales since they outlaw them, but they are legal federally.

        That’s one of many reasons I could see it working. The one downside we have though is the way the suppressor law was worded we got a considerable amount of support from different groups including law enforcement.

    4. MD Willington says:

      Bill 5112 (allow silencer use) is stuck in committee and going to die unless it is pulled from the Rules committee for a third reading (vote on the Senate floor) by March 7th. I cannot emphasis enough the importance that all WA residents interested in silencer use must call their Senator and members of the Rules committee on the phone to urge them to pull bill 5112 from the calendar for a third reading.