In Which Ladd Shows He’s a Sniveling Coward - The Minuteman
Earlier this week I wrote a post on how I know I’m doing a good job. Well Ladd to make sure his responses were harder to notice updated his article. As always he twists words and moves things out of context. On his blog, Barnett added that those who participated in the vigils "are faster on the draw than a personal injury lawyer to dance in blood." What I actually said was: This coming from a group [CSGV] of individuals who circle around like vultures and are faster on the draw than a personal injury lawyer to dance in blood. When ever there is a shooting the gun grabbers waste no time to attempt to levy the situation for their political gain. See Virginia Tech and the recent Mount Rainier shooting for examples. They do not care about the people, they care about their political ends. Don't believe me, look at the blood dancing they did in Tuscon while the family that lost their daughter was saying the exact opposite. That comments was also a direct response to Ladd saying my comments were inappropriate, I added the italics to help illustrate who the subject was from the previous sentence. I never said anything about people participating in the vigils dancing in blood. I am saying that those doing it for political means as a heart string are dancing in blood. The organizations who organized it and are upset that the gun community expanded the effort to include all victims of violence. Not just the fixed metric of gun violence. What I find most telling though is that there are no comments allowed on the CSGV blog website. Updates like the above are hidden and not mentioned. Basically the only way to discover changes like that is to reread the entire article. It’s his site, he can do whatever he wants. I would point out though that I have open comments, the only thing I delete is spam, personal threats, and things that just are noy acceptable in decent society. I’m more than willing to argue, I even have open comments and user ratings on my video. Lets look at those stats shall we? Continue reading →