Quote of the Day – Marko Kloos - The Minuteman
That intentionally making yourself weaker in the face of danger and aggression is somehow more civilized, moral, intelligent, or enlightened. Marko Kloos – The Ethics of Going Armed March 13, 2012 [There are those who think the above is actually the real world. I do not see an logical reason how the above could be true. What is civilized about letting a rapist have his way with you? What is moral about giving a mugger your life? What is intelligent about letting a home invader have his way with you, your property, and your family? What is enlightened about letting a criminal break the law? I cannot fathom or even begin to understand these people. I value my life, the life of my family, and the things that I spend my time earning. That time I spend is a part of my life. When someone threatens force to steal it, they are willing to both end my life, as well as steal the part of it I spent earning it. What’s moral, civilized, intelligent, or enlightened about that? What is moral, civilized, intelligent, and enlightened is to defend your family, your property, and yourself. -B] Continue reading →