You Wouldn’t Like Me When I’m Angry - The Minuteman
There were a couple incidents at Boomershoot this year. Three to be exact. The first event had the immediate potential forever to end Boomershoot if we hadn’t been so lucky. It was partially our fault, however one would think that the people who come to this event wouldn’t be so stupid. Well, wish in one hand, crap in the other, see which one fills up first. Incident the first: While putting up targets on the hill side we had missed a full crate of 7 inch targets that did not get put up. The crate was off to the side, not very far from the actual targets. For those who don’t know, a 7 inch target is about 2lbs to 2.5lbs of explosive, and there’s 12 targets to a crate. 8lbs of explosive has blown out windows in the house near the event. 8lbs has knocked stuff off the walls. 8lbs has cost Joe money in having to repair damage. Continue reading →