SSCC #353 – ATF

Rochester police and federal agents made a mistake in Charlotte this week that has one woman baffled and frightened. She wants to know how they could mistake her house for one they were supposed to raid in a drug bust.

Simple really, they don’t hire the best and brightest.  Tyrannical bureaucrats don’t want enforcers who can think, much less read and tell the difference between the address on the warrant and the house they just arrived at.

How close was this almost a fatal screw up for the ATF as well as the home owner?

“My son had heard me arguing with this man and it was not a voice he’d recognize. My son is a hunter, he put a bullet in the chamber of his gun. They heard that, they yelled down long gun, at that point there he told another ATF agent that was with me, handcuff her and take her out,” Dominicos said.

However the real take away is the following:

“I’m still terrified. It’s almost like a P.T.S.D. experience, you keep hearing things. You think oh my God I hear a door slam, I hear someone pulling into my driveway. I see a light it’s like oh my God are they back?”

That’s the point.  Law enforcement and the government want us to live in fear.  Their actions exercise the very definition of the word terrorism.    The best part of the story though is the discrepancy between the home owners story, which is considerably more believable, and the statement released by police.

“Upon encountering an elderly resident, the team realized that they were at the wrong location at that time and left the premises.”

No you did not, you put her in cuffs and took her outside until someone bothered to read the house number and street name and noticed it didn’t match the warrant.

Considering this can happen to anyone, anytime, and quite easily can have dire consequences, why is this considered acceptable?  Especially since unsurprisingly the bad guys pretend to be cops.  At this point it’s better to just let the bullets file and sort it out afterwards.  Maybe if cops would knock first and be civil about it this wouldn’t be a problem.  If you think the screw ups are rare:

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Don’t give me the line about how serving a warrant is dangerous because the majority of warrants served are for non-violent offenses.  When the criminal is actually dangerous, they negotiate him to come out to reduce collateral damage.  There is the argument about the destruction of evidence, well if we weren’t serving warrants over victimless crimes involving nouns that wouldn’t be a problem now would it?

Even better though, with the consistently increasing use of SWAT teams in unnecessary circumstances, the number of people caught in the middle who are innocent continues to increase.  You can not use the service more and expect it to also become more accurate about it’s use, if anything it will become less accurate.

No knocks, like the TSA, need to be done away with.  They have both grown since September 11th and it’s eroding and destroying the last semblances of freedom and liberty.  The police state is here and we need to put an end to it.

State Sponsored Criminals 353: The ATF

Because it’s not the job of the swat team to read the warrant or make sure they’re at the right house.  If there’s collateral damage, the law-abiding citizen should have just behaved, he had no reason to defend himself.

via Uncle.

I Don’t Think He’d Like How That Would Go Down…

Is this an open invitation to start doing what many others have been thinking?

“It’s not really up to the Supreme Court to second-guess the legitimate decision made by the elected representatives of the people, and if people want to change that law, they can do so by changing the legislators,” he said.

You know, I tried to change the legislator by the ballot box and soap box.  Are you saying I can remove a tyrant by any means necessary?

Seriously this doesn’t surprise me, it’s been the mortis operandi of the left for a very long time.  They don’t want a constitutional republic, they want a de facto democracy which they would twist into a dictatorship.  You see the law only applies to thee, not to me, in their own eyes.  The whole point of the system is that they must act within the law, and that includes only doing things they have the legal power to do.

They cannot just magically change the law to grant them new abilities and powers and it is the role of the Courts to restrain abuse by legislation.

If Representative Gerry Connolly would really like to retire the judicial branch.  I’m more than happy to take over the role of providing a check and balance.  A word of warning though, in such a case it would define him as a domestic enemy given his willful a wanton disrespect for the Constitution he has sworn to uphold and defend.  That clearly defines him as a domestic enemy.

If we take his want and claim as stated lets examine the following.  If the legislators can write laws as they see fit, and the courts cannot do anything about it, does that mean that congress could write a law repeating a US internment.? Not only could they, but it would be legal because they could replace the legislators who imprisoned them.  Oh wait, how would they be able to vote them out?

Listen here sparky, you might want to shut your mouth, because honestly it’s obvious exactly what you are and what needs to be done with rabid animals like you.  It’s just saying so would be considered a threat or some such.  I love this country more than anything and you sir are exactly what’s wrong with it.  I hope to solve the problem though the Soap and Ballot Box as I am currently trying to do currently.  There’s one last box remaining that exists for when all else has failed.

This also ignores the fact that if republicans controlled both house and senate along with the executive branch he would be clamoring how the courts are saving America.

h/t Bitter

Please Be Careful if You Do This…

So a coworker just bumped me this little incident through IM.

He drove upriver, investigated and with the help of Asotin County deputies and area landowners found the fire was started by someone shooting at an exploding target. The alleged fire-starter apparently fled the scene in such haste that he/she left behind an AK-47.

First up, we all know the identification abilities of both the press and law enforcement are how shall we say, lacking.  So I have a feeling it probably was not an AK-47.

Next up is why I’m writing this post.  If you’re going to play around with reactive targets, please be aware, be careful, and do it right.  Doing stupid stuff can cause the powers that be to outlaw things in an effort to stop stupidity.  They seem to think that laws will actually stop stupidity while those of us with functional brains know it just stops the smart and law abiding from enjoying freedom while making it a little more difficult for Darwin to do his job.

I’m not sure exactly why this fire started, there’s a couple different options.  First is that the bullet itself struck something and caused a spark resulting in a fire.  Not impossible, but not very likely unless they were shooting steel core surplus ammo.  I find this a possibility given the expeditious fleeing.

Laughably is the idea that the explosion itself set something on fire.  Combustion, and the heat that accompanies it, dissipates in milliseconds at most.  For the fireballs we create at Boomershoot we actually have to have road flares to cause the fuel to ignite because there is no heat remaining as the vapor cloud expands.  We have added things such as magnesium and other materials and this does help.  Assuming this was Tannerite, it is possible that some of the elements were still combusting when it hit the ground, I just am a bit skeptical.

Lastly they were attempting to be Ry and recreate the following.


It is well known that creating a fireball like that can land you in an interesting position.  The heat radiated after combustion begins can easily cause surrounding plant life to ignite.  We do it prior to the fire season beginning as well for numerous reasons.  Trying to put out a fire as it rages across the field wouldn’t exactly be fun.  Think of the exploding toilet in 2008.

There is a second reason and that is Boomerite that is spread on the ground can actually cause a fire.  The KClO3 breaks down exothermically under UV and can ignite surrounding material.

But seriously, if you’re going to go out into the woods and create a fireball.  Be ready for some stuff to be lit on fire.  It is going to happen and you better be ready to fight it.  So if you’re going to do it please do the following:

  • Have fire extinguishers at the ready
  • Bring numerous friends to help extinguish the fire
  • Soak the surrounding area with water if it’s been dry over the previous couple days
  • Be ready with dirt buckets too
  • Have a plan to deal with fire

Seriously, it only takes one person to screw it up for the rest of us.  Please, don’t be that guy.

You all Thought I was Kidding Didn’t You?

You probably thought my whole Good and Bad post on the soda ban was an over exaggerated joke right?  Well I wasn’t laughing that much as I did the images and rightfully so it appears.

One member, Bruce Vladeck, thinks limiting the sizes for movie theater popcorn should be considered.

“The popcorn isn’t a whole lot better than the soda,” Vladeck said.

Another board member thinks milk drinks should fall under the size limits.

Seriously?  Milk is bad!?  While I’m not one to wish violence upon anyone.  If you happen to see any of these individuals and you happen to land an egg on them, their vehicle, or other wise audibly and visually display your displeasure of their being tyrants, you will get my standing ovation.

Seriously, what has broken in American society so badly that people think they have a right to tell anyone else what they can and cannot eat.  What the !@#$ is wrong with you asshat’s in New York.  Evidently 46% of you love your tyrant overlords.  If you don’t want it, don’t order it or eat it.  You do not need the force of the state to do this, and you have no right to force your will upon others.  Period!

My suggestion to those in New York, either stop it now or kiss your freedom good bye.  You’re already not really American any more, if they can tell you what you can’t eat, next they will be telling you who you can and cannot date, how many children you can have, they will control your life.  That is their goal.  I understand that our side of this issue does everything to restrain themselves and avoid the cartridge box, but this overbearing control does beg the question, when should we shoot back?

Bloomberg* disarmed all his slaves constituents and has provided such a maze of firearms laws one must be anointed to have one.  Other than voting the tyrant out of office what other actions can be taken?  Even if you vote him out, how do you undo the damage.  Even more than that though, if you do nothing, the tyrants know they can get away with this type of behavior.

*From now on I’m referring as Bloomberg as Fat Fuck George, because him and that asshole of a tyrant that was the King of England in the late 18th century would have gotten along quite well.  And well I feel no need to hide or obscure the truth.

On that Soda Ban…

So Phil over at RNS stumbled across and laid out a bunch of petty tyrants talking about how great the soda ban is.  I sparked the beginning of what became the reclassification of the term “New York Reload”.

Now supposedly this ban doesn’t affect places that sell things like grocery’s and convince stores unless they fall under the purview of the “health department”.  I.E. this mainly affects fountain drinks.  I don’t care, and the whole thing is absurd, especially when in light of the following: Continue reading

Quote of the Day – Tam (06/07/2012)

Of course it will, because that’s what a law IS: When you pass a law, you are effectively saying “This
thing is of such momentous import that, if you do it (or don’t do it,
whichever,) we will compel you with force, and will back that force with
the guns of the state. This is something that is so important that compliance is worth, push come to shove, shooting people.

TamIgnorance is no Excuse for a Law

June 7th, 2012

[Seriously I wish that NYC’s soda law was all just a dumb joke, but alas it isn’t.  Some moron actually feels a 44 oz soda is worth threatening and possibly killing another human being over*.  I wish more people would get this through their head.  Government is force and they must use force to enforce the laws.  That’s the thing with laws and government.  When you say, “There ought to be a law!”  You’re saying, “The state should shoot that individual when he refuses to cooperate.”  Please, realize new laws for petty childish crap is NOT a solution to what you think is a problem.

Screw New York City, and state for that matter, there is no reason for me to visit either for business or pleasure.  I say build a wall around the damn city and turn it into a penal colony.  Then the city government might be a little less tyrannical. -B

*While they haven’t put a gun in someone’s face yet, it is only a matter of time till it happens.  If you’re willing to put a gun in someone’s face, the intent is to convey their impending mortality, whether the officer really wants to shoot or not.]

Quote of the Day–Joe Huffman(03/27/2012)

As long as people carrying books or guns into their home worry about the police breaking down their doors in the early morning hours we have more work to do.

Joe HuffmanClimbing the Clock Tower stairs with my rifles

March 25, 2012

[Sadly as great as things have gotten lately Joe nailed this problem right on the head.  Many of us still live in fear of the state randomly deciding they don’t like us anymore for one reason or another.  Some would call us paranoid.

The problem there though is if you have been paying attention you realize yes we should be concerned.  All it takes is some scared sheep calling the police to get a no knock or guns blazing visit from some officer he wants to get his rocks off.  You and I both know how that can and will probably end.  Even in the best circumstances they’ll show up and take your property without cause or warrant and refuse to return it.

I grew up in the 90s and I understood there was some fear then. What I have noticed though, strongly over the past 5 or 6 years my fear level has been steadily rising.  As much as gunnies are “coming out of the closet” we are hearing more and more of the no knock and innocent people being killed.  Back in the 90s you just worried about the state.  Now you have to worry about some puritan calling to complain about your choice of hobbies and how the inanimate objects scare them.  That’s what has changed.  Our neighbors have bought hook line and sinker in to 1800-Dial-A-Nazi in the “War on Terrorism”

We still have a long way to go.  Until police stop treating every gun owner as a second class citizen because of that puritan we are going to have to continue to fight.  It’s a two front battle though, we must first get people to stop having an irrational fear of inanimate objects.  Secondly we need to get the officers who behave in such a manner to realize we are an asset, not a hindrance. 

My local sheriff looks at the wife and I as an asset that can help him if necessary should the need require.  He knows us and he knows there is nothing to fear from us.  It is not gun owners who have perpetuated this us versus them mentality and sadly I’m not sure how to best combat it.  At least I’m not the canary in the coal mine, but I’m close enough I might as well be.  Time for new tactics. 

Please remember this even if you think those of us who worry are just paranoid, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean no one is out to get you.  -B]

Quote of the Day–Thomas Jefferson

“Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.” –Thomas Jefferson

[Many are now arguing for laws against high capacity magazines.  However these same laws would have exemptions for the law enforcement and the military.  No, that is not proper behavior, as Joe said these people cannot have their cake and eat it too. –B]