Duly qualified eh?

So the city of Harvey Illinois, a suburb of Chicago had 21 guns stolen. It is a suburb of the same Chicago that some politicians claimed recently the National Guard was needed to bring the murder rate under control.

Let me get this straight, the bigots claim that civilians are too irresponsible and are not capable of safely handling and storing a firearm, yet the bastion example of Law Enforcement for a single municipality looses 21 by themselves. Lest the fact that the ATF has lost firearms that were then later used to commit crimes. Though I am beginning to see a pattern emerge from behavior of those determined to be “duly qualified” to carry and handle firearms.

The scariest line from the article was this:

At 4:15 p.m., Harvey spokesman Sandra Alvarado said, “after some really awesome investigating this afternoon, many of the stolen weapons were recovered, along with many other items that were stolen out of the gun range.”

Followed by:

Alvarado could not say where the guns were recovered – or if anyone has been arrested. Or how many guns are still missing.

This confirms the suspicions created by the first line. The public has no idea how many weapons are still unaccounted for, and the most depressing thing is that they will probably be used to commit a crime against a law abiding citizen who paid for those weapons through taxes. That citizen will be deprived of life and/or property by a criminal because his government deprived them of the liberty of self-defense. Self defense is a Devine right that cannot be restricted or limited by the laws of man yet for some reason some men think ill of that right and demand it be restricted. It is restricted by the same group of individuals that are inadvertently arming the criminals, it is not irony, it is idiocy.

Go Galaxy 15

A friend just told me about this. I for one am hoping that the Galaxy 15 will at least get close enough to disrupt MTV for the East Coast. Taking it out would be down right AWESOME, but they are claiming there will be no collision! As I no longer have TV service and live off of streaming internet, I could care less which is why I’m cheering for the Galaxy 15. For once it’s a zombie I wouldn’t shoot on sight. It doesn’t want my brain, it wants my MTV which I don’t care about.

Quote Of the Day May 11, 2010

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” — H. L. Mencken

[Somehow after the attempted bombing in Times Square the idea that the rights of law abiding citizens needed to be further restricted for our own safety is by no means a coincidence. Our would-be masters know the above and adhere to the policy, “Let no good crisis go wasted.” I am ashamed that Michael Bloomberg is an Eagle Scout, obviously he learned nothing from that trail. –B]

New Domain The-Minuteman.org

I figured I would slip this under its own domain now that I’m slowly updating it more regularly. I must say Drupal was awfully nice about switching to the new domain name. After digging through the SQL and some of the PHP, all I needed to do was just set the .htaccess to remap the domain for me. Due to the number of links coming into barronbarnett.com unless I find some way to snapshot all those links and forward them alone easily, it forever forward to the new domain.


Those Whacky Squirrels

So TMW and I were sitting on the couch and she was rolling through the blogs and came across this from RNS. After she reaches the end and busts up laughing she tosses the laptop to me and says read.

I had a couple different comments for different things. First was that the whole thing revolved around remaining in “condition yellow“. Second was that when something unforeseen like this happens the first order of business is not to panic; no matter how much it hurts. Third that was the most awesome possible result when he finally got rid of the squirrel. I say the squirrel sailed into the cruiser because of Karma(we were watching My Name Is Earl). My last comment was, “People wonder why I prefer to shoot the bastards with as much distance between me and them, THAT’S WHY!” Not to mention the fact that hitting them when they’re further away is considerably harder.

I must say though, for the rider at least it wasn’t a pack like this. Best way to deal with squirrels like that is to make clouds of pink mist. Maybe it is my philosophy on dealing with squirrels that has kept any from showing up around my house.

I had someone ask if I realized that was a story. The answer is yes, doesn’t mean you can’t glean anything from it. Besides, at Philmont those squirrels were down right freaking evil, wouldn’t surprise me if a squirrel attacked someone. Also I’d probably let that squirrel live, any squirrel that freaked out two cops that much is OK in my book.

“Green Economy”

So I was searching around catching up on recent events and stumbled across an article from The University of Washington. Evidently the college Republicans and Democrats had their debate recently.

I was skimming through the article, it had the standard boiler plate arguments about “cap and trade” and concealed carry on campus. What caused the sudden in-depth review of the article is the following line:

‘”A green economy doesn’t have to be a successful one,” Rigsby said’

Did you just say what I think you said? We need to legally mandate an economy that will be unsuccessful. Obviously you’re a little short of brain cells. If our economy stops being successful everything is going to come to a crashing halt. Here’s a question, if the economy structure is going to be unsuccessful, why will anyone invest money in it, including China which is paying for the bailout and Obama-Care? This includes both private and government investors. The goal is to make money; if something is uneconomically viable something has to change. You can NOT legislate that change, though you can try to provide incentives.

I just find the above statement as the prime example why I think government should be extremely limited. Often those in power are not faced with the immediate and harsh consequences of their decisions. What’s worse is when their idea fails; they insist that the failure is the result of some outside influence that needs to be fixed.

A prime example of this is the gun-control debate. Chicago has one of the highest homicide rates in the country as well as the most strict gun control measures. The problem according to Daley and the bigots though is not that gun-control doesn’t work; it is that guns are brought from the outside. Now the powers that be would like to bring in the National Guard to help fight the crime wave. Evidently Chicago’s finest is not enough and they think that deploying the soldiers will somehow curb crime.

Here is a solid lesson in how things work. Police are there to enforce the laws and punish those who break the law. Note I did not say prevent. It is the duty of the civilian population to prevent crime. This is done by making the criminal environment an unsafe one. Why is Chicago’s homicide rate so high? It is because the environment for criminals is safe. A law abiding citizen cannot protect themselves without breaking the law themselves.

Gun control doesn’t have to be successful about controlling crime, just in controlling the slaves.