What makes them so special?

James Clyburn would like special treatment for members of congress at airports.

“We’ve had some incidents where TSA authorities think that congress people should be treated like everybody else,” he said. “Well, the fact of the matter is, we are held to a higher standard in so many other areas, and I think we need to take a hard look at exactly how the TSA interact with members of Congress.”

Why shouldn’t the congress critters by abused by the DHS and TSA they created?  Oh that’s right, they think they’re a ruler over us peasants.  They believe that because this happened once, that magically all of them are going to be dead.  Now with all the threats they think, “They want us all dead.”  No, we want you out of office because you’re acting like elitists.  I would like to point out though the shooter would have been considerably more effective just driving a truck into the crowd.

As for a security measure mentioned today,

and they are demanding improved protection ranging from office security cameras to the installation of a Plexiglas barrier over the House floor.

I believe Executive Orders from Tom Clancy already solved that barrier.  All of this behavior is to remind us who the rulers are, and who the peasants are.

Why is the left so violent?

In the wake of last Saturday there were lots of finger pointing from both sides.  With a complete disregard for those who lost loved ones that morning

This vitriol was quick and thick it was discovered that Planck Time is not the shortest period of time.  We often see how bad the anti-gunners are, but now someone combined a list of how hypocritical the left is regarding incendiary speech.

H/T: Law Dog