This has to be some sort of sick joke…

First, this video describes my emotional state quite well right now.

Now why would I have Nerd Rage right now?  Well, the wife just sent me this:

The Walt Disney Company announced Tuesday it is acquiring Lucasfilm LTD and will produce a seventh “Star Wars” film, targeted to come out in 2015.

I’ve checked my calendar 15 times, it still doesn’t say April 1st on it, because honestly if this was I’d be laughing.  But don’t worry, it’s not just Episode VII coming out!

“Star Wars: Episode VII” is targeted for release in 2015, with Lucas serving as a creative consultant. More feature films are expected to continue the saga.

What The !@#$ is left to tell!?  Seriously, you went back and told the story of the rise of the evil empire, which honestly lets admit it, could have been left to our imaginations.  George went and remastered the originals  screwing them to the point where he attempted to claim that Han didn’t shoot first.  We all know that’s a LIE.

Seriously how badly do they have to kill this series?  Seriously WTFO?!

The War on Mice

Those who know me know I hate varmints and vermin with a passion.  We had a small problem last year but we quickly got it taken care of and didn’t have any further issues.  Well this year they have returned, with a vengeance.

Our cats clued us in to their return as they started staring at the access panel to the Jacuzzi tub again.  We opened it up and there was evidence galore they had recently come back.  Down went the kill traps and the wait began.

Yesterday morning I woke up to this:

The other trap had been set off but evidently they got lucky and didn’t take a metal bar to the face.  I reset the traps and away we went.  The wife got home and informed me of the following:

That’s right, two more of the little buggers took metal bars to their necks.  I reset the traps and not even 3 hours later I’m informed by the wife, they’re full again.

Now I’m saying, holy !@#$ Huston we have a problem.  I clean it all up.  Reset the traps and add in two more.  I wake up this morning to find the sneakiest bastard of the bunch:

The little bastard tripped three out of the 4 traps and some how didn’t get snapped… Well the 4th trap broke his neck and ripped open his nose.

Earlier in August the wife and I signed up for pest control which thus far had worked well.  Took out a couple of larger wasp nests that were forming in areas that were difficult for me to get to.  We’ve seen fewer creepy crawlies overall.  At that point we hadn’t seen much in the way of mice signs so they didn’t do much at that time.

Well now that harvest is in full swing, and I’ve killed 6 in 24 hours, they’ll be back out on Thursday.  TMW is less that thrilled right now though because I’m leaving with Joe tonight for Mecca and then we’re headed to Reno for GBR tomorrow morning.  So that means if there are any more of the little buggers she gets to clean them up and reset the traps.

As an FYI, just about everyone has mice problems this time of year in the area, even brand new construction.  It’s the down side of basically living surrounded by wheat fields.  I would poison them, but the last thing I want is for them to die in the crawlspace.  The house would stink to high heaven and then finding the little buggers would be an interesting venture all of it’s own.

SSCC #360 – Houston

The officers didn’t see it that way. Shortly after she took up her post, a squad car pulled up to Miss Plummer and an officer grabbed her backpack off her shoulder and began rifling through it.

Then, he handcuffed her and told her she was under arrested for felony obstruction of justice and that she would spent three to five years in jail, at minimum.

So what did this woman do to attract the attention of an officer in such a way to make him so aggravated, quite simple really.

Then, she said, she turned around and wrote ‘Speed Trap!!’ in large letters on a piece of grocery bag to warn oncoming traffic.

Never mess with cops who are generating revenue or otherwise engaging in tax collection penalty collection.  For you see in this day in age, and in all honesty, a penalty is really a tax on something other people disagree with.

Speed, pay an extra tax.  Want to smoke weed, pay an extra tax.  Want to set off explosives, pay an extra tax.  Want a suppressor or SBR, pay and extra tax.  It is possible to continue, however that is unnecessary.  It is well known that the concept of “mens rea” is under attack and the proliferation of victimless crimes.  Each of which could be ruled just the same a penalty tax.

State Sponsored Criminal #360: Officer John Doe

Because a citizen daring to alert her fellow citizens about officers rounding up “sinners” is a bad thing, they can’t let people dare do that, it would cause chaos. 

*I meant for this to go up on Monday but the scheduling failed for what ever reason.

Busy Day, pardon the light posting

In a long business meeting today and tomorrow.  Currently I feel the urge to gouge my eyes out with a spoon.

Fun thing is to see the main players involved in the discussion, count all the extra engineers in the room, figure in hourly engineering wages, this is one expensive meeting.

So enjoy this picture and read some of the folks in the blog roll on the right.


I had been meaning to post this before.  That shirt is just awesome!