SSCC #340 - BATFEieio - The Minuteman
A mother claims Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents terrorized her and her 8-year-old child. She claims the person they were seeking no longer lived there. No warrant was issued for the raid either, but even more entertaining was this: Griego said twice in the year before the raid she had informed police officers that the Angela they were seeking was a previous tenant and no longer living in the home. I guess it's a plus since they didn't shoot a dog or stomp a kitten to death. State Sponsored Criminal 340: The bATFeieio Because police work is for all those other suckers. When we have fancy raid equipment, we need to use it. It justifies our budget you know! Besides what better time to use it than when we know we'll be safe. Our concern is for us, not for you! Continue reading →