Search Results for: node/tsa pedophile

Someone Needs to Be Fired

A 15-year-old Steilacoom girl is kicked off an amtrak train in the middle of the trip to Portland.

It wasn’t because she misbehaved, but because she was too young to travel without an adult. Her parents are furious at the way Amtrak handled the situation and decided to Get Jesse.

Someone was obviously on a power trip.  Whoever thought that was a good idea obviously is a prime candidate to go work for the TSA.  Now someone may say they were right, I however, thanks to personal experience can call total BS on it.

Summer after 5th grade, when I was only 11 years old I rode the train to stay with my aunt and uncle in Salem.  So I rode the train from Tacoma Washington, to Salem Oregon, the same exact train.  Without my parents or anyone else accompanying me.  I was NOT thrown of the train and the conductor saw my parents saying good bye to me as I got on the train.

I swear there are some people in this world who just have absolutely no ability to think whatsoever.  Even if somehow the rules changed, who thinks it’s a good idea to kick a kid off a train anywhere but her destination.

God I hate stupid people.

Update: A friend pointed me to this, informing me that the policy was changed October 2011.

The new policy establishes 13 as the minimum age of an
unaccompanied minor allowed to travel on its trains, the agency

Emphasis mine.  So she was above the minimum age per policy.  I’m also sure said policy says nothing of dumping an unaccompanied minor in a strange place anywhere other than there destination even if this policy is some how violated.

The Dumb Is Strong With This One

Yeah, here’s your laugh for the day.

Police, however, say the 18-year-old walked into the Wilmer Police
Department Saturday evening with a white towel covering his hands.

Police Chief Victor Kemp described the incident saying, “Yeah well, a
young man walked into the lobby and approached the dispatch window
there and told our Communications Officer ‘give me all your money.’”

Son, you just tried to rob a police station.  Where in your mind did you think that was a “good idea”.  You then turned around and said it was a joke.  In what world did that seem like a “good idea” as a joke, which I don’t believe you by the way.

Thankfully no one was hurt, though I do feel like Darwin was prevented from properly cleaning the gene pool.

On a more serious note folks your average criminal isn’t that bright.  Now this one I certainly would think ranks below average, but if they were smarter the would have a job and not be stealing stuff.  The risk reward matrix on a job is considerably better than being a criminal.  Frankly I prefer to continue to tilt the scales on making crime more risky.  Sadly though our government has decided to take these high school drop outs and make them TSA agents to legitimize their criminal behavior.

There’s just no winning for us is there?

SSCC #353 – ATF

Rochester police and federal agents made a mistake in Charlotte this week that has one woman baffled and frightened. She wants to know how they could mistake her house for one they were supposed to raid in a drug bust.

Simple really, they don’t hire the best and brightest.  Tyrannical bureaucrats don’t want enforcers who can think, much less read and tell the difference between the address on the warrant and the house they just arrived at.

How close was this almost a fatal screw up for the ATF as well as the home owner?

“My son had heard me arguing with this man and it was not a voice he’d recognize. My son is a hunter, he put a bullet in the chamber of his gun. They heard that, they yelled down long gun, at that point there he told another ATF agent that was with me, handcuff her and take her out,” Dominicos said.

However the real take away is the following:

“I’m still terrified. It’s almost like a P.T.S.D. experience, you keep hearing things. You think oh my God I hear a door slam, I hear someone pulling into my driveway. I see a light it’s like oh my God are they back?”

That’s the point.  Law enforcement and the government want us to live in fear.  Their actions exercise the very definition of the word terrorism.    The best part of the story though is the discrepancy between the home owners story, which is considerably more believable, and the statement released by police.

“Upon encountering an elderly resident, the team realized that they were at the wrong location at that time and left the premises.”

No you did not, you put her in cuffs and took her outside until someone bothered to read the house number and street name and noticed it didn’t match the warrant.

Considering this can happen to anyone, anytime, and quite easily can have dire consequences, why is this considered acceptable?  Especially since unsurprisingly the bad guys pretend to be cops.  At this point it’s better to just let the bullets file and sort it out afterwards.  Maybe if cops would knock first and be civil about it this wouldn’t be a problem.  If you think the screw ups are rare:

View Original Map and Database

Don’t give me the line about how serving a warrant is dangerous because the majority of warrants served are for non-violent offenses.  When the criminal is actually dangerous, they negotiate him to come out to reduce collateral damage.  There is the argument about the destruction of evidence, well if we weren’t serving warrants over victimless crimes involving nouns that wouldn’t be a problem now would it?

Even better though, with the consistently increasing use of SWAT teams in unnecessary circumstances, the number of people caught in the middle who are innocent continues to increase.  You can not use the service more and expect it to also become more accurate about it’s use, if anything it will become less accurate.

No knocks, like the TSA, need to be done away with.  They have both grown since September 11th and it’s eroding and destroying the last semblances of freedom and liberty.  The police state is here and we need to put an end to it.

State Sponsored Criminals 353: The ATF

Because it’s not the job of the swat team to read the warrant or make sure they’re at the right house.  If there’s collateral damage, the law-abiding citizen should have just behaved, he had no reason to defend himself.

via Uncle.

SSCC #363 – Upper Moreland

I applaud those who went out to hassle the petty tyrants.  Honestly those who take part in those road blocks are some of the most despicable people in the world.  Seriously, anyone who would willfully violate their fellow citizens like that are no better than the TSA.

State Sponsored Criminal #363: Upper Moreland PD

Because the idea that you can catch a drunk driver by harassing the rest of the populace totally self-justifies.  Never mind that you will violate many more than you will actually catch.  Never mind the law exists to protect the innocent from abuse.

Quote of the Day – Spencer Ackerman(10/4/2012)

The Department of Homeland Security compiled and disseminated the following information as part of a post-9/11 partnership with state and local law enforcement to prevent terrorism: DHS doesn’t appear to care how it spends its cash. The Senate inquiry determined that DHS was “unable to produce a complete and accurate tally of the expense of its support for fusion centers.” Its estimates range between $289 million and $1.4 billion. In other words, DHS doesn’t even know how much money it’s spent on what it calls a centerpiece of its counterterrorism strategy.

Spencer Ackerman – DHS Counterterror Centers Produce ‘a Bunch of Crap,’ Senate Finds
October 2, 2012

[Well, when you know and realize that the TSA, and by proxy it’s parent the DHS is a complete and utter security theater the above is kind of obvious.

Besides it’s not their money they’re spending, it’s our money, well at least the money earned by 53% of us. Why should they worry about how much they spend.  They can just tax us for more right? -B]

Another Mini Meet…

Last night I met A Girl and TSM.  We had organized a plan which almost appeared to fall apart, but alas luck won out.  My meeting ended on time and the TSM finally got out of work as well.

The drove up and we went out to dinner and since I was on the opposite coast I had some Atlantic Salmon.

A Girl and TSM had Trout.  I didn’t get any pics of that though.  We had a nice long dinner, as in we finally split up after about 3 hours of chatting about kids, life, adventures, and other general shenanigans.

Eventually I got dessert, took me trying 3 choices, but eventually that had something.  I also convinced A Girl to add another thing to her EDC tools, a Crème brûlée torch.

It was great fun and then as an added bonus I got back to the hotel just in time to catch Pale Rider in time for my favorite line, “Nothing like a good piece of hickory.”

Time to relax and get ready for another day of fun tomorrow.  Though the real fun will be Thursday with the TSA.

A More Free America

10 Years ago today I woke up in the morning astonished as to what I was seeing on the news.  I woke up that morning to head to class, it was my senior year of high school.  As always I watched the news while getting ready and at first I thought it was an ad for some new movie.  Then I watched the second plane crash into Tower 2 live.  I collapsed on my bed and yelled to my mom to turn on the TV down stairs.

We knew that nothing would be the same, sadly as my dad seemed to be able to do, he called what would happen.

A friend of mine nailed the correct response to the question, “Where were you 10 years ago today?”

His response, “A more free America.”

He’s right, everything has been done in the vain of security but the result has done nothing but destroy the freedoms and liberties we have.  My dad was right in his call because after that morning, we have done more damage to ourselves than they ever possibly could.  If they hated us for our way of life and freedoms prior to that day, they needed to do nothing more than watch us destroy ourselves.

Not even a month before the 9/11 attacks I walked on to a plane carrying my pocket knife.  While I was a scout in uniform, I can tell you that A Security Theater would molest me and steal my property today.  With DHS deeming us Scouts nothing more than terrorists that are intent on a suicide mission.  Sadly though I think that’s the point, none of this has been for security, but instead to destroy the freedoms we had.  If the TSA was about security, explain this, this, or this.  (I could keep going but you probably get the point.)

My dad actually called me to make sure I wasn’t going to run and enlist, he knew exactly what I was feeling. In the end I felt that it would do nothing to help, and it would be far better for me to continue the existing plan of going to the Academy or doing NROTC.  I received an appointment to Rice University the following February. 

I have not forgotten, nor will I ever forget. 

I have not forgotten what happened that fateful day, nor will I ever forget what America once was and what it should be.  This is no longer America.

Like JayG I’m still angry.  I however am not just angry at the people who perpetrated this attack, but also pissed at my elected representatives who seized on the opportunity to squander away my freedoms and that of my children.  Those freedoms are NOT yours to take.

This should not be happening

Yet it is. The 2010 Census is currently ongoing with workers now going door to door.

There are about 635,000 U.S. Census workers currently going door to door counting Americans who did not return their surveys.

One thing many people did not expect was a lack of screening and fingerprinting for potential Census Workers. One Census Worker managed to get hired using an alias despite being a registered sex offender.

A census official told the Inquirer that a “Jamie Shepard” had been hired in late April after passing the name check, but was fired May 5, as he failed the fingerprint check.

He was hired before a full check was completed.

Another incident involved rape and burglary. This census worker was using his job to stake out potential victims.

One of the victims was a 21 year-old physically handicapped woman.

He got caught and in a very stupid manner.

The attacker left his blue jeans, T-shirt, underwear, boots and wallet with his driver’s license in the woman’s bedroom, authorities said.

The same article tells of a completely different incident, still involving Census Workers in Texas. Three men posing as census workers broke into a home, tied three of the victims up and ambushed the fourth when he got home, killing him in the process.

All of these incidents combined indicate how lost our government is and the amazing number of sheep who believe things like the following will help.

How do I know that census takers aren’t criminals? What was the screening process for job applicants?

The U.S. Census Bureau has made the screening process for employees more rigorous than in any previous census. Each applicant is required to accurately disclose information about any conviction, imprisonment, probation, or parole in the last 10 years. All census takers must undergo both an FBI name check and an FBI fingerprint check. We disqualify any applicant whose screening indicates prior convictions or a pending charge for certain categories of crimes, such as murder, sex offenses, robbery, voter fraud, or other crimes that suggest a threat to safety or the integrity of census data.

Obviously the law, in this case, doesn’t stop criminals. Also, they only disqualify applicants based on their background check, but what do they do for those who lied about their background? This seems to be just more lip service, like the TSA, to make people feel safe.

A final note on dealing with the census in particular (but a good habit when dealing with people claiming to be government officials):

If a census worker comes to the door, be sure to be in Condition Orange during the entire visit. Do not allow them into your home. If they asked to come in, notify the authorities immediately. Also, watch out for anyone else that maybe around helping the worker and presume the worker and anyone else to be a potential threat unless you actually know them. Give them only the constitutionally required information
(i.e. how many live there). Do not provide names, birth dates, races, etc for those in residence.

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that no one is out to get you, better alert than dead.