Search Results for: node/tsa the children

SSCC #265 – Northumberland Co

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

A Northumberland County deputy, sworn to protect the children that attend the local high school, is currently sitting in a jail cell accused of carrying on a sexual relationship with a female student under his watch.

Yet another wolf hiding in plain sight.  The scariest thing is this is a district with an on going history of problems.

The arrest has shocked a community already reeling from last year’s arrest of 5th grade math teacher Christopher “C. J.” Richardson, who has been indicted for multiple felony and misdemeanor charges including indecent acts with a child, abuse of a child with disregard for life, purchase of alcohol for minor and distribution of marijuana to minors.

Not to mention it appears he committed the acts while on the school campus.  The state put the wolf in the pen with the sheep.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 265: Derek Jones

Because what better way to pick up little girls than to be the trusted police officer.

A Vigil for the Victims of Violence

The Brady Campaign announced an effort to hold a candle light vigil in honor of the victims of “gun violence” today.  Weer’d came up with the idea of holding a vigil for all victims of violence.  Weer’d suggested we do this by having us post pictures of a candle with our defensive arms.

First up is a friends S&W 5906.  He didn’t have a good camera and lives down the street so he came over tonight and we just did all the arms at once.

S&W 5906

A candle does nothing to stop violence.  It does nothing to protect this mans family from harm.  This pistol however provides him, as well as his wife, an effective means to fight off a stronger attacker.  This provides them an effective means to ensure the safety of their children.

I followed that up with my standard open carry arm.  A 5 inch Kimber Custom Classic.

Kimber Custom Classic 1911

Away from the house, that arm is the equivalent of a portable fire extinguisher.  It is used for when evil decides to appear.  Evil doesn’t call in advance to let me know trouble is coming.  It is a tool that I can carry with me to help protect myself and my wife.

M4 Shotgun

This shotgun is one of the two defensive long arms for the house.  I normally carry my 1911, but when something goes bump in the night this is one of my go to weapons.  Enough power I know that those who wish to do me violence will stop in their tracks after meeting the lead.


The AR-15 makes a fantastic home defense weapon. With the weapon mounted light, it’s higher accuracy and higher capacity provides me the largest advantage against those who would wish to do me or mine violence.  It will protect my wife and my self equally well despite who has shouldered it.  Hence the Husky and Cougar both in the image. 

Lastly there is this image.


The most significant of the bunch.  That revolver, my wedding present to my wife, provides her the ability to stand up to any attacker who would do her violence.  That revolver allows her, despite her disability, to say NO with such force that they will lack the capacity to do violence to another.  She has the ability to stop the violence against her and in ending that violence she has the ability to ensure the safety of others by preventing violence against them as well.  She carries it with her, today on her birthday, to ensure that she can stop violence when it comes her way.

That’s the thing with firearms.  While they can be used in violence, they can be used to stop violence.  They can do so without a shot ever being fired.  The gun grabbers though would beg to differ.  They seem to think a criminal will stop if you light a candle and hold it.  Both of my parents had defensive gun uses without a single shot fired.  Violence stopped in it’s tracks at the presentation of overwhelming force.  Overwhelming force from the potential victim of the attacker.

Remember, there are victims of gun control.  When a mass shooting happens in a gun free zone everyone’s a victim of gun control.  Those candles forever burn in my mind as a reminder of them, and why I vehemently support the second amendment.

Again please email me any pictures you would like posted: vigil.picture at

SSCC #302–West Virginia

A former Pocahontas County sheriff’s deputy has been indicted for allegedly sexually abusing four children and one adult woman over a period of 10 years.

Yes it is just as bad as it sounds.

The indictment alleges Totten, a former sheriff’s deputy, forced four juvenile girls and one adult woman to have sex while in the line of duty. The adult was allegedly forced to have sex while incarcerated, the indictment says.

None of the victims are relatives or family members.  Even the police have bad eggs, yet they get a free pass to qualified immunity and laws that help restrain victims from fighting back.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 302: Bradley C. Totten

Because the law exists to protect the thugs who decide to commit their crimes while working for the state.  Their only request is you not get caught.

On Being on Top of the Food Chain

So Tuesday I mentioned an incident where some enterprising individual thought he would stand his ground with a bison and lost.  I stated the following:

When armed however we are far superior to those other predators.  It’s tools that make the difference and for that reason your position on the top of the food chain is considered negotiable to mother nature.

I have also previously talked about how we are self demoting ourselves and our position on the food chain.  Well the situation isn’t getting any better.  Actually it’s going down hill fast and it appears it is showing no signs of stopping.

Like several other neighborhoods in West Seattle, the Seola Beach area is sandwiched between ravines and greenbelts, so it’s not surprising that coyotes live there. But in the last few weeks the animals have been showing up more and more, and residents say the coyotes are taking an aggressive stand.

The solution to this problem isn’t to kill the varmints.  No that would be bad.  The answer is to live trap them and relocate them.  Which is funny when you see the following shortly there after.

And the neighbors aren’t just worried about their own safety, either. Many believe the coyotes are killing off pets.

"Neighbors have talked about losing cats and dogs," said Kristi Coluccio. "Good dinner for coyotes, too."

The situation actually is bad enough that parents are fearing for their children and keeping them inside.  If you’re that fearful, why don’t you deal with the problem permanently.  Relocating the animals is only temporary.  Even then the animals no longer fear humans.  They have no reason to.

The animals are acting aggressively towards humans because they do not appear to be a threat, and actually appear to be walking 180lbs meat popsicles with much smaller juicier varieties that haven’t aged as much.  When their buddies bob and frank don’t eat dirt after being around humans they don’t associate humans as being dangerous.

For a long time wild animals avoid humans because by god if we saw them, we killed them.  Animals learned, and rightfully so, who the top predator was.  We have shoved our predatory status to the side though, and now many are acting surprised that wild life are learning there is no longer a need to fear humans.

Why should Wiley E. Coyote fear humans when a bunch of hippies have run to the state whining about how animals should be protected.  How humans shouldn’t be allowed to hunt them.  How the animals just want to live in peace and are not a threat to humans.

Yeah listen up there sparky and shut your patchouli eating ass up for a second and listen to me.  Any wild animal if given the chance would kill you, doubly so if it is any type of predator.  It is our tools and our history that causes animals to give us wide berth.  You’re meddling with the system has lowered our status on the totem pole and has opened up innocent people to animal attack.  Not only attack though but disease and pestilence carried by the animals is now left to spread unchecked.

Don’t come crying to me as this gets worse, and it will.  Mice are already problems in DC, and what’s that, you can’t kill the mice?  Mice that can carry bubonic plague and other diseases.

Do I like animals? Yes. 

Do I kill animals for the “thrill of the kill”? No.

I kill them for many reasons ranging from food, to pest control, to effective conservation.  Conservation? I hear you ask.  Yes conservation since over population actually weakens a herd as a whole limiting available resources limiting the overall health of the animals.

Besides, none of you tree hugging hippies can say a damn thing to me.  You know why?  Because while I try to act ethically and put an animal out of it’s pain and suffering, you tree huggers made sure I spent an extra 45 minutes waiting to get the O.K. from the state.  Why?  Because you were delusional about the condition of the deer and what needed to be done.  Yeah, who really cares about the animals again?  Not to mention hunters spend way more on conservation than you tree huggers.

My suggestion to the residents, get some of these and start shooting the damn things.

h/t Ry via email.

Some Times Life Hits You Without Warning

So two of my friends lost their father early this week.  I’ve been there, I know what that’s like, and it’s never easy.  For them though it was with very little warning and quite rapid.


I met Jack Zimmer the first time at Corina and Dan’s wedding.  Awesome guy, no matter when I saw him he had a huge grin on his face.  Not only did he have a grin though, he loved working, even more than that fixing.  After the wedding he helped Corina and Dan remodel the restaurant, he would fix Dan’s truck.  That was who he was.


His response after I say put your best side forward… Dan and I thought it was funny.

Come to think of it, I think the last time I saw him I ran into him at CD’s and he was climbing back under Dan’s truck to fix something.

He came up to visit family last week and spent his time fixing things for his children and playing with his granddaughter.  For that I am thankful.  I just wish that the story kept going to a happy ending.  Alas it does not.  I won’t go into details of what happened, but we’ll just say Ambulance Driver was pissed about Law Dog’s incident for a reason.  Not the same condition, but stupid behavior on the part of some doctors strongly contributed to aggravated the issue, and yes there are some angry medics.DSC_0013_tonemapped

Good bye Jack, I’m sorry I’m not able to sit down and have another beer with you.  You will be missed.  Thank you to you and your wife for raising two such wonderful girls my wife and I are glad to be able to call our friends.

SSCC Honorable Mention–NYPD

Via Ry comes this wonderful doozey.

A 26-year veteran police sergeant was arrested Friday morning by the New York Police Department on charges accusing him of committing computer crimes dangerous to minors, city police said.

Sgt. Patrick Rosney, 53, was arrested Friday morning when he arrived for work at police headquarters. He was handcuffed while in uniform.

It appears in this case he is not being given any quarter and this has earmarks of moving into the Accountabilibuddyable realm.  As he was only suspended, at least without pay, I’m not quite ready to stack it in that realm.  It does have the certain possibility of making it though.

Given the previous incidents involving cops and children on the count, this is still an honorable mention.

State Sponsored Criminal Honorable Mention: Patrick Rosney

Because the best part of being a cop is all the little girls trust you.  That is except the guy that on the other end of the conversation who’s also a cop.

*As I said, some times I’ll do them on the weekend when it really pisses me off.

Can you say “Winning”

Via FarmDad in the GBC chat room:

A new gun range is in the works for Lewisville, that hopes to offer the community a family-friendly experience and kids’ birthday parties on the shooting range.

But according to those elites in the Brady  Campaign and CSGV that has to be impossible.  For you see according to them interest in the shooting sports is at an all time low.  As we all know, this is them obviously in the first stage of grief.

Given we know they suffer from “Peterson Syndrome”*, I am wondering if their condition will relegate them permanently to the first stage of grief.  Given they disassociate from reality anyway, they can continue to live in denial without ever changing.

Think about it, what would actually cause Joan** to admit that she is on the loosing side of this proposition?  There is nothing that I can currently fathom that would induce her or her compatriots with a dose of reality to the point where they move on to stage two.  Their view of reality is so skewed and tainted they can rationalize away reality.  What is there left to move them forward?

All the while, we’re winning with instances like the above.  What’s the goal of the gun range I hear you ask?

The Eagle Gun Range hopes to offer a new experience for families seeking to educate their children about proper, safe gun use.

See, we on this side say educate and train.  The other side says ignore them and be an ostrich.  Kids on our side of the fence though know how to behave when they find a firearm.  On their side of the fence, little bobby shoots baby Randy and they scream for more gun control.  Never mind the following:

  • Prohibition of Alcohol Failed
  • Prohibition of Drugs has Failed
  • Prohibition on Murder doesn’t stop it
  • Prohibition on Rape doesn’t stop it

All those prohibitions do is affect the law abiding.  The only thing a prohibition on gun control accomplishes is the prevention of the law abiding citizen being armed to the best of their ability for their own defense.

*Peterson Syndrome seems tied to Cognitive Distortion.  I also found an article about reality distortion which seems to match as well.

Hallucinations and delusions, the phenomena that lie at the heart of psychosis, are perhaps the most enigmatic of all mental  symptoms. Both entail a mismatch between a compelling representation of reality produced by the individual’s own mind and the representation supported by objective evidence.

**I am linking her purely for Farm Dad’s enjoyment.

<+FarmDad> japate’s asshole should swallow her head when she sees that lol

You all Thought I was Kidding Didn’t You?

You probably thought my whole Good and Bad post on the soda ban was an over exaggerated joke right?  Well I wasn’t laughing that much as I did the images and rightfully so it appears.

One member, Bruce Vladeck, thinks limiting the sizes for movie theater popcorn should be considered.

“The popcorn isn’t a whole lot better than the soda,” Vladeck said.

Another board member thinks milk drinks should fall under the size limits.

Seriously?  Milk is bad!?  While I’m not one to wish violence upon anyone.  If you happen to see any of these individuals and you happen to land an egg on them, their vehicle, or other wise audibly and visually display your displeasure of their being tyrants, you will get my standing ovation.

Seriously, what has broken in American society so badly that people think they have a right to tell anyone else what they can and cannot eat.  What the !@#$ is wrong with you asshat’s in New York.  Evidently 46% of you love your tyrant overlords.  If you don’t want it, don’t order it or eat it.  You do not need the force of the state to do this, and you have no right to force your will upon others.  Period!

My suggestion to those in New York, either stop it now or kiss your freedom good bye.  You’re already not really American any more, if they can tell you what you can’t eat, next they will be telling you who you can and cannot date, how many children you can have, they will control your life.  That is their goal.  I understand that our side of this issue does everything to restrain themselves and avoid the cartridge box, but this overbearing control does beg the question, when should we shoot back?

Bloomberg* disarmed all his slaves constituents and has provided such a maze of firearms laws one must be anointed to have one.  Other than voting the tyrant out of office what other actions can be taken?  Even if you vote him out, how do you undo the damage.  Even more than that though, if you do nothing, the tyrants know they can get away with this type of behavior.

*From now on I’m referring as Bloomberg as Fat Fuck George, because him and that asshole of a tyrant that was the King of England in the late 18th century would have gotten along quite well.  And well I feel no need to hide or obscure the truth.