SSCC Slaton

Slaton police came to this woman’s house, who wishes to remain anonymous, to arrest her son. But by asking one simple question, she found herself behind bars instead.

“I told him, ‘I will release my son to you upon viewing those orders.’ Those were exactly my words,” The complainant said. “He said, ‘This is how you want to play?’ He took two steps back, turned around to the officer and said, ‘Take her.’ They turned me around, handcuffed me, and took me in.”

Well she had good reason to ask…

The complainant said she was aware police would be coming to apprehend her 11-year-old son based on a criminal complaint, and that she just wanted to see the warrant. As it turns out, that warrant didn’t exist. She spent the night in jail while her son was left at home.

So basically they made her spend a night in jail for exercising her legal rights and protecting her child’s rights as well.  The biggest clue those officers f’d up?

McDonald said the Slaton Police Department will issue an apology as long as the mother agrees not to file a lawsuit. He said unless she is compensated for her expenses and the trauma she’s been through, a lawsuit won’t be out of the question.

I hope she doesn’t.  That is a textbook case of wrongful arrest and deprivation of rights under color of law if I ever saw one.

State Sponsored Criminal: Officer John Doe of the Slaton Police department

Because heaven forbid someone actually verify your legal authority to do something.  They need to follow orders blindly and just throw away their rights!

Ear Worm Wednesday–6/12/2013 (NSFW)

Yeah don’t play either of these while sitting at your desk at work.  I have seen it before but it’s kind of a funny story how it got stuck in my ear tonight.  I try to keep this PG but I’ve been laughing too hard and was reminded of the second video and god it’s so funny!  (Neither are graphic, just the content I wouldn’t consider work appropriate.)

Continue reading

Quote of the Day–Me* 6/12/2013

Good lord, that a lot of porn.  How could the NSA categorize it and make sure they have everyone’s kinks right?

Barron – Conversation

June 12th, 2013

[For context I read this article this morning which had this note in it:

Considering that, according to Cisco, the total world Internet traffic for 2012 was 1.1 exabytes per day…

My immediate thought was that was a whole lot of porn and bitching across the internet.  I then someone asked me why I said wow.  To which I informed them of the 1.1 exabyte estimate and immediately followed it with the quote above… It seems the prudent comment to make.

If you don’t understand why I would think that would be a prudent comment to make, I give you:


*It’s my blog and I can quote myself if I damn well please!]

SSCC North Ridgeville

Accorti responded to a home Monday afternoon where a feral mother cat and her five kittens were living in a woodpile.

He allegedly told the homeowner that shelters were full and that the cats would be going to kitty heaven. He then pulled out his gun and shot the five, 8- to 10-week-old kittens.

Accorti allegedly told the homeowner that he isn’t supposed to do this, but it was justifiable. The woman ran into the house to shield her children, who were screaming and crying.

The police chief has justified the actions of the officer.  Why does this end up in the count?  Because if you or I had done the same thing and someone saw us, we would be arrested at minimum for reckless discharge of a firearm within city limits.  There was no immediate threat to life or even property and there were other methods to deal with the problem.

Further, you’re telling me that no one out in the middle of nowhere Ohio needs barn cats?  No this man exercised poor judgment and was looking for an excuse to exercise some trigger time on a living animal.  If it had been a dog the argument would be it was coming right for him.

I guess cops have decided that killing every dog they find is no longer enough, they’ve decided to move onto killing cats too.

State Sponsored Criminal: Barry Accorti

Because reckless discharge of a firearm is only reckless if you’re not a cop and you make up a good reason, like “killing kittens that were coming right at you!”.  In that case you can do whatever you want and get away with it.

SSCC Cleveland

Incase you can’t see the video:

An Ohio prosecutor who was fired for creating a fake Facebook account to chat with witnesses in a murder trial insists he acted in the interest of the public.

Aaron Brockler confessed to posing as a woman on the social network in an attempt to coax the accused killer’s alibi witnesses to change their testimony, the Cleveland Plain-Dealer reports.

“Law enforcement, including prosecutors, have long engaged in the practice of using a ruse to obtain the truth,” Brockler told the newspaper. “I think the public is better off for what I did.”

Remember, it takes a great prosecutor to convict an innocent man.

State Sponsored Criminal: Aaron Brockler

Because when you think that someone’s guilty, do everything you can to intimidate others into lying to support your version of the story.

via Rob Halvorson

SSCC: Allegheny County

An Allegheny County Police officer is under arrest, and facing 20 criminal charges in three separate road rage incidents.

Court documents say Detective Andrew Marculaitis, a more than 20-year county police veteran, was involved in road rage incidents on May 23, May 26, and May 31.

Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and three or more times is enemy action.  It appears they are concerned about his mental state and if that is the case I hope he gets the help he needs.  That said, if it had been you or I would they be so concerned about our mental state or just tossing us in jail?

State Sponsored Criminal: Andrew Marculaitis

Because when you’re a cop and you go unstable, you get a pass that no one else gets.


Los Angeles County prosecutors say a former police officer has been sentenced to 19 years in prison after pleading no contest to sexually assaulting five women while on duty in 2006 and 2007.

A district attorney’s statement says Ryan Allen West entered the plea Tuesday to five felonies including two counts of rape and three counts of penetration with a foreign object.

Remember though, these men should be allowed to be armed while you are forcibly disarmed and the act of defending yourself against them automatically a felony.

State Sponsored Criminal: Ryan Allen West

Because when you’re a cop, you get the authority of the state behind you and a gun on your hip while your victims are just allowed to cower in fear.

300 Blackout, First Impressions

Since this is my first post, I suppose an introduction is in order.  Being raised in northern Nevada, I’ve always enjoyed shooting sports, but I never got into hunting as a child since you have a better chance of hitting the lotto in Nevada than you do drawing a deer tag.  I married my lovely wife in 2005, and after graduating from college, we moved to eastern Washington.  Since moving here, I’ve become involved in Project Appleseed and am almost a red hat instructor.  Now onto something more interesting…

Before I have any rants or political posts, I want to start with something fun so I’m going to do my best to give you an unbiased (as unbiased as possible) experience with the 300 Blackout.  This caliber has been around for a little while now and is continuing to gain popularity. I just finished my build a month ago and had the opportunity to get some trigger time with it at the last Appleseed event I was at.  A few things stand out so far.

Ammo availability sucks.  Ok, I know it’s hard finding any ammo right now, but 300 BLK is ridiculous.  Short of spending $1.50/round on GunBroker, it just isn’t going to happen.  You can reload, but good luck finding any lightweight ballistic tip.  The same thing goes with powder, not much out there for it.  Because of this, I’ve been using some Speer 130gn hollow points.  This may have biased my experience with the next point.

300 BLK can be very particular about magazines.  It’s pretty well-known that 300 BLK and Magpul don’t get along, but even with USGI mags, it’s tricky getting the bullet depth right so that it feeds through the magazines properly.  I expect that once I can get some of the more popular bullets, I’ll have a little more success with feeding.  I’ll keep everyone updated as I experiment with different bullets.  Some longer 150gn are next on the list.

Now for the good.  It feels fantastic!  It’s like the difference between a 9mm and .45.  The feel is more of a thump than a crack.  It also seems quieter than the .223 round.  When I went down range to look at my targets, the difference in diameter between the .223 and the 300 BLK is impressive.  It also seems like it’s a bit cleaner than .223, but this isn’t scientific, just my impression.  Long story short, even with the ammo availability and magazine feeding issues, I love it so far.  I know some of the issues will be worked out over time as I develop good load for my setup.  I have a bunch more thoughts on it, but we can dig deeper in another post.
