Usually I’m More Function Over Form…

I don’t really like rifles that will just live on a wall and look pretty.  It’s a tool.  Period dot.

I did however see a rifle I want on my wall oh so badly.


Seriously.  I think I might be getting myself one for Christmas if I have the cash.

h004es_eagle_left h004es_eagle_right

Been There Done That…

Many of us in this arena have been here before…

If you don’t understand what I’m talking about. I point you to the instance where we coined the term Peterson Syndrome.

An Ear Worm For Ya…

This one played on Slacker on my drive back home Friday…

I can’t help but think my dad has been grinning lately saying exactly that.  My mom when chatting with family friends lately about the happenings in my life she’s been prefixing it with, “Remember Harry?  Well you remember how stubborn he was?  Remember how vocal he was and how he spoke the truth even if you didn’t want to hear it?…”

It continues on like that.  A few have gotten text messages about some of the drama in my life lately.  It provides a lot a laughter for us, again not going to post details but it appears my exit survey went viral at my former employer.

To give you another idea of how much I am like my father.  Many people think they are seeing a ghost when they see me.  I ended up going into a rant while on the phone with my mom and she replied “Hi Harry, hadn’t heard from you in a while.”  Ended up my dad had ranted similarly at some point before I was born.  It is amazing how tight that bond is without even fully realizing it.

If/When I have a son, I’m totally screwed.

Rodney Atkins -He’s Mine

Because Dinner Parties are a Bad Thing…

Seriously, lets all freak out about “illegal” dinner parties. Government regulation solves everything!

Incase you missed that above, it was dripping with sarcasm.  I have an awesome idea, why don’t we just get the government out of our personal lives and decisions and let us live like free fucking adults… How’s about that for an idea.