But you can have property!

Can you?  This started as a rant I was sending to Facebook and then I decided to push it here.  You see Chris made a post on Facebook yesterday, the crux of which was this image.


The the thread predictably devolved into people saying how taxation is not a form a slavery because you can have property.* Guess he missed all those taxes on that property where if you don’t pay they seize your property (so in reality rent). And my personal favorite, where the state can take your property under eminent domain and give you pennies on the dollar, if the state feels like spending the pennies.  (Seriously check out that link… The City of Seattle is seizing a 103 year old woman’s property, currently a parking lot, to make it a parking lot. I can’t make this crap up.)

So don’t tell me I’m not a slave when there is nothing voluntary about my relationship with my government and I live in fear of them deciding to seize my property without cause and me with no legal recourse. Remember, this is the land of the free, where the mob can vote to have the state steal your stuff to give it to them.

If everyone saw equal services from the state, then I might not call it slavery, but entitlements are horse shit. I should not be taxed to feed someone else’s kids because they squandered their money on a big screen TV.

Go ahead and say I have no heart. Know why I don’t have kids yet? Because I’m paying for someone else’s. But remember I’m the heartless asshole for merely being the responsible person and staying within my means.

I’m paying more now for my healthcare too, why? To subsidize people who didn’t want to take care of it themselves. Pardon me while I say screw all of you who support this BS.

*He also made a comment about the ballot box being involved so it wasn’t really against your will.  Uhh, so because the mob votes to steal my stuff makes it some how morally ok and just?  WTFO!?  Seriously, how does the fact a ballot box being involved make it OK for the state to take, by force, property from one person and give it to another.  If it was really that person’s property it couldn’t be taken in such a way now could it?

**As someone who’s now working as a contractor, I’m well versed in exactly how much I’m paying out in taxes and it’s far beyond most people. For every dollar I earn I see about .46 cents.  I could easily start a family with all that money being dumped into a government who spends more frivolously than a drunken sailor… But I’m not a slave since I can rent property from the state and they can seize at any time to do with as they please.

I’m going to end the rant here because I think I’ve made my point.  But seriously if you think you’re not a slave merely because they’ve provided you some illusions of freedom, you’re an idiot.  The greatest trick the government ever pulled was making the people think they’re free when they’re really slaves, they just don’t know it yet.

Quote of the Day – Lyle Keeney

Hmm.  Goose, gander.  Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum?  Bevis, Butthead?

I guess if we kick out all U.S. military and militia, people will really feel safe.  If we rip the seat-belts from our vehicles, throw away all first aid kits, close down the hospitals, get rid of the fire extinguishers, then by never seeing those things we’ll never again have to be reminded that bad things happen, except when they do.

Or we could all jump off a cliff into the ocean.  Either way we’d need to be hypnotized the same.

Lyle Keeney – Email Thread
October 3, 2013

[Now it should be noted that this was in reference to an email about this incident.  The TL;DR version is as follows.  Parents go into PSH over a police officer dropping his child off in uniform, thus armed.

Ry, rightly pointed out, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”  Though I must say that the stupid is going to evolve into an epic Darwinian moment. Sadly there will be collateral damage involving children outside the gene pool of the idiot suffering from Peterson Syndrome.

With regards to the idiots and their PSH, I think this line/scene from Hunt for Red October puts it best. -B
