SSCC #360 – Houston

The officers didn’t see it that way. Shortly after she took up her post, a squad car pulled up to Miss Plummer and an officer grabbed her backpack off her shoulder and began rifling through it.

Then, he handcuffed her and told her she was under arrested for felony obstruction of justice and that she would spent three to five years in jail, at minimum.

So what did this woman do to attract the attention of an officer in such a way to make him so aggravated, quite simple really.

Then, she said, she turned around and wrote ‘Speed Trap!!’ in large letters on a piece of grocery bag to warn oncoming traffic.

Never mess with cops who are generating revenue or otherwise engaging in tax collection penalty collection.  For you see in this day in age, and in all honesty, a penalty is really a tax on something other people disagree with.

Speed, pay an extra tax.  Want to smoke weed, pay an extra tax.  Want to set off explosives, pay an extra tax.  Want a suppressor or SBR, pay and extra tax.  It is possible to continue, however that is unnecessary.  It is well known that the concept of “mens rea” is under attack and the proliferation of victimless crimes.  Each of which could be ruled just the same a penalty tax.

State Sponsored Criminal #360: Officer John Doe

Because a citizen daring to alert her fellow citizens about officers rounding up “sinners” is a bad thing, they can’t let people dare do that, it would cause chaos. 

*I meant for this to go up on Monday but the scheduling failed for what ever reason.

Attempted “Gun Death” with a Pocket Knife

Normally I kick these over to Weer’d for his “Gun Death” files.  This one though wasn’t successful but it shows how pointless prohibition and laws are at actually stopping stupid behavior.

The Nez Perce County Sheriff’s Office is still on the lookout for a Lewiston man who allegedly stabbed a man in the chest on Saturday.

Unsurprisingly though the roots of this incident come back to something all too common.  Something we regularly see or hear about when it comes to “Gun Deaths”.

"I can’t say that a couple of drunks got into a big fight and somebody got stabbed, because we’re not really sure," said Madison. "We know that it was present, we know it was consumed, we just don’t know how much."

So we have alcohol being a factor, witness claim one was quite intoxicated but the other was sober and hadn’t been drinking.  No matter how hard you try, no matter how many laws you pass, you will not stop people from doing stupid things and exercising poor judgment.

You can ban and outlaw “X” but people will either resort to other means, or obtain the items outside the law.  All it actually serves to do is prevent those who do exercise good judgment and those who would use the tool properly from using “X”.

Outlawing concealed carry doesn’t stop those who exercise bad judgment from carrying.  Just the same, outlawing firearms doesn’t actually stop people from doing stupid things.  What it does do is stop those who do not exercise bad judgment from being able to carry an effective tool for self-defense.  Banning knives stops people who carry them for their utility, it doesn’t stop someone from using it in poor judgment or in violation of the law to commit assault or murder.  Someone who is willing to commit murder gives no extra thought to the legalities of the tools.

The War on Nouns is doomed to failure.  The war on Alcohol failed miserably and proved that prohibition of any kind was impossible to enforce.  Prohibitions on any noun never benefit the law abiding, quite far from it.  The enforcement of the prohibition as well as the actions of the criminal enterprises place the law abiding in the middle.  The reasonable and law abiding suffer from these choices and it provides no actual benefit to their situation or safety.  In the end, the side effects of the cure end up being considerably worse than the disease.

Quote of the Day–Say Uncle(6/30/2012)

I dunno why I see this in lefties more but they have this tendency to make up their oppositions opinions then bash the made up ones.

Say Uncle – Libertarian Fonzie v. Hacks

June 30th, 2012

[It happens in lefties more because that is the only way they can argue.  If they actually let the facts come out, they start to lose.  The have to control the narrative, and their best bet is to attempt to change the opinions of history as well.  More on that later. –B]

On Being In The Eagles Nest

Via No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money I just discovered Eagle Scouts: Merit Beyond the Badge.

A more detailed video presentation can be seen here.

Scout’s had a very large role in my life growing up.  I spent the majority of my summers away from home at summer camp, JLT, National Jamborees, backpacking, and  just about anything else under the sun.

I earned my Eagle and I still feel it worth more than anything else I have accomplished.  I share this nest with a lot of very important people and some reflect well upon the honor, others not so much.

My parents both encouraged me in scouts wanting me to succeed.  My dad’s comment as to why he supported the program reminds me even now of the significance of the program.  His comment was, “I want you to grow up to have character, not be a character.”  I would like to think it accomplished his goal.  Especially since I have been described as being a literal Eagle Scout in the fact that I will do the right thing merely because it’s right, even if it’s to my detriment.

Stepehen Ambrose in his book D-Day noted that the war in Europe could easily be seen as the Hitler Youth vs The Boy Scouts.  The facts found from this survey have been known for a very long time.  Powell’s reason for Scouting was to help mold boys into men physically, mentally, and socially.  The survey merely proves that the program accomplishes Powell’s original goals.

I proudly climbed the hill to Eagle and received a wonderful surprise after completing that journey.  That journey played a significant factor in who and what I am today.

I am an Eagle Scout from the class of 2001.  I am a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow.

Those of us who have made the climb know what it means, why it’s significant, and the results of this study come as no surprise for those of us here.  We live to set ourselves apart from the rest of the pack, for those who may not understand, I give you 100 Scouts.

 Of any one hundred boys who become Scouts, it must be confessed that thirty will drop out in their first year. Perhaps this may be regarded as a failure, but in later life all of these will remember that they had been Scouts and will speak well of the program.

Of the one hundred, only rarely will one ever appear before a juvenile court judge. Twelve of the one hundred will be from families that belong to no church. Through Scouting, these twelve and their families will be brought into contact with a church and will continue to be active all their lives. Six of the one hundred will enter the clergy of his chosen faith.

Each of the one hundred will learn something from Scouting. Almost all will develop hobbies that will add interest throughout the rest of their lives. Approximately one-half will serve in the military and in varying degrees profit from their Scout training. At least one will use it to save another person’s life and many will credit it with saving their own.

Four of the one hundred will reach Eagle rank, and at least one will later say that he valued his Eagle above his college degree. Many will find their future vocation through merit badge work and Scouting contacts. Seventeen of the one hundred boys will later become Scout leaders and will give leadership to thousands of additional boys.

Only one in four boys in America will become Scouts, but it is interesting to know that of the leaders of this nation in business, religion and politics, three out of four were Scouts.

This story will never end. Like the “Golden Pebble” of service dropped into the human sea, it will continue to radiate in ever-widening circles, influencing the characters of men down through unending time.

I’ve bolded the parts that tie to myself personally.

While I haven’t actually done the Oath in 10 years, I can still rattle it off, knowing full well its meaning.  The same can be said for the Scout Law.  Yeah, that’s how deeply it ingrained itself into my soul.  I expect to be able to recite either until the day I die.

On my honor, I will do my best:
To do my duty to god and my country;
To obey the scout law and help others at all time;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

A Scout is:

  • Trustworthy
  • Loyal
  • Helpful
  • Friendly
  • Courteous
  • Kind
  • Obident
  • Cheerful
  • Thirfty
  • Brave
  • Clean
  • Reverent

What I do find interesting, I have run into a decent number of Eagle Scouts within the gun community and I keep finding more.  This however is by no means surprising.

Another Incident with Wild Animals

Wild animals are making the rounds as of late.  It started off with a man attacked by a bear, then another one got into get in a pissing contest with a Bison.  Then information came out about a coyote problem in Seattle.  Now we have an incident involving some of our tree-dwelling cousins.

 The chimpanzees dragged the man for more than a mile, under a fence and into their enclosure at Jane Goodall Institute Chimp Eden near Nelspruit, The Telegraph newspaper reported.

Armed escorts were required for the paramedics who went to treat and rescue the victim.  But they’re just smaller animals that couldn’t possibly be a danger to humans right?

“These chimpanzees have six times the strength of a human being so you have to respect them and we certainly do,” he said.

So if you still think that wild animals, no matter their size, don’t present a threat or danger to humans, remember that’s your choice and opinion.  Facts state that humans are not on the top of the food chain by PFM.  They are there because of their tools and without them they are nothing but walking meat popsicle. If you choose to go into the wild unarmed, or even around suburbia, that is your choice and you can live with the consequences of your choice.  You have no right to force your moral choices though on anyone else.

SSCC #358/#359–Chicago

He bashed Luis Cordero Jr. over the head with a revolver over and over, cursing all the while, according to Cordero, his girlfriend and witnesses.

Then it was Cordero’s girlfriend’s turn for terror.

“He put his gun in my mouth and said: ‘You better shut the f— up, bitch, or I’ll blow your brains out,’ ” the girlfriend, Heather Rzany, told the Chicago Sun-Times.

The man with the gun wasn’t a gangbanger, an angry relative or an armed robber.

He was an off-duty Chicago cop, far outside his Englewood district, getting involved in a noise complaint being handled by a private security guard on the Northwest Side, Cordero and Rzany allege. And now he’s being sued for brutality and investigated by the Independent Police Review Authority.

No worries though because this is in a place where despite Heller and McDonald it is still increasingly difficult to obtain a firearm.  So the probability of either of these citizens putting up a fight against this anointed tyrant was nil allowing him to operate without fear.

Now why would I put this in the sponsored count though?  Simple, because of the following:

The lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages, accuses an on-duty officer who responded to the beating of letting Gofron walk away — and of failing to document his name, badge number and where he worked.

Yup, it’s handy when your buddies can try and cover for you.  Isn’t Chicago great?

State Sponsored Criminal #358: Chris Gofron

359: Jason Burg

Because being a cop means you can get drunk while carrying a gun and do what ever the hell you want.

Where did she go?

Via my buddy The Learned Sergeant.

I miss her, I barely even got to know her and by the time I met her she was already on life support dying.  Bleeding profusely from everyone taking their entitlements, creating their moral wars on nouns, and ultimately dying from an ignorant public who would rather hear fanciful fairy tails than the painful truth.

Today, something very bad happened.  There is some suspicion the decision was done as one would play a game of chess.  There are some ideas of how it could work out, but it is possible to loose a game of chess if you’re not careful.

All I do know is we are no longer, and haven’t been as of recently, the best country on earth.  There is no place I would rather live, it is my home, but she is being gutted.  Government regulation and restriction has proceeded to destroy industry and innovation.  Entitlement programs have proceeded to kill self-motivation and have become nothing more than legalized theft.

All I saw today was something I loved dearly coughing and hemorrhaging blood.  Showing her mortal wound while all of us hope, pray, and plan to find a way that it may not be mortal.  Hoping we can arrest the fall before it’s too late.  Before there is no choice but to find a new frontier.  One where we can find freedom again.

SSCC #357 – Portland PD

Good on this young man for telling that officer in polite way to foxtrot oscar mike.  Now while the supervisor sent him on his way after he showed up, there will be no punishment or reprimand given to this over zealous officer for his transgressions.

His assumption was that oh you have a gun so all your rights are hereby surrendered.  Listen here sparky, that’s not the way it works, nor should it work that way.

Since I know you won’t be punished for your decisions that day, you make the count.  Lack of being held accountable is like quietly stating, “it’s OK unless you come across one who knows his rights.”

Get a different job there officer McDonald, because you suck at this one.

State Sponsored Criminal #357: J. McDonald

Because carrying a gun means that an officer can do what ever he wants, including sweeping your legs with your own weapon and confiscating your property.

h/t SayUncle