Everyone that wants to blame this on the crazy Libertarians needs to realize- NOBODY COURTED US FOR OUR VOTE. Oh, sure, we get some lip service. But nobody came out and said, “Hey, you, in the back, that just want to be left alone… What can we do to make YOU happy?” Which makes me think that we were not a critical voting bloc, yes? We were, maybe, not the moderate independents that both camps were appealing to? So why, in the fiery depths of bipartisan burning f#$%ing HELL are we the ones that are expected to compromise our beliefs and vote YOUR guy into power? How was that supposed to work? We are goddamn Libertarians, for Pete’s sake, not toeing the line IS THE ENTIRETY OF OUR PLATFORM! So we are expected to just fall into place, and vote blindly for the guy thats just as bad, bit in different ways than the other guy that sucks? I repeat: Screw you.
Wolfman – Just One Election Comment
November 7th, 2012
[I was able to retain my calm today up until the point where I started seeing BS being flung about how Libertarians cost Romney the election. Uhh, no there sparky, you accomplished that feat all on your own.
Let me explain something to people who may not be familiar with me. I am very principled and honestly it takes a lot for me to even contemplate it. Bill Whittle got me to seriously think about it for all of about 30 seconds. Is Obama bad, yeah, but honestly, let’s think about this from my perspective as a Libertarian, is Romney any better?
The only thing Romney had going for him is the media and other parts of government might start working as a check and balance again. Deep down though that man would not have represented me, my desires, or what I would like to see from my government. That is what I’m supposed to be voting for, not the lesser of two evils.
The bottom line is that the Republicans could easily get the Libertarian vote, how, by running a candidate that agrees with our principles. Why should we be the only side to comprise in the selection of a candidate? Tell you what, run a candidate that isn’t big government, doesn’t focus on social issues that honestly aren’t the business of government, and focuses purely on correcting the failed economic policies of the past god knows how many years, and you will finally have my attention.
This isn’t as difficult as you might think. You see that whole social issue thing is why the Democrats keep winning. Republicans keep attacking social issues and attempt to use the force of government to force their morals on others. Yeah there’s some seriously contentious issues in there, but face it, the big one isn’t going to change and all it ever does is get you in trouble. As for same-sex marriage let me explain something to you idiots, the government put itself in the business of marriage and there are rights and benefits that are given to married couples. Can you explain why the state is allowed to differentiate between the two groups with regards to rights and benefits? Because seriously that’s what this all boils down to.
The government cannot compel a priest, pastor, or whatever to marry two individuals if they believe it is against their religion. What the government can do, is create the contract of marriage between two consenting adults. No one is forcing people to go out and have same-sex marriages either. What is being said is the state must recognize it. If you’re church doesn’t want to recognize it, that’s its business, but the church has no business forcing the state to follow along with it’s views.
Yet it never fails that some Republican candidate will run his mouth about it.
What about drug use? Well, lets cut the BS and admit that the drug war has failed and the only reason it still exists is because of the jobs and money it generates for those currently involved in waging it. Just because something is made legal doesn’t mean you have to go smoke it. It doesn’t mean that it’s use allows someone to being exempted from being held criminally negligent if they do something stupid. What it does mean is someone is free to make the choice.
I could continue but the bottom line is you want my vote of support. That means you need to run a candidate that I find worth voting for. If you can’t or don’t want to do that don’t even think about attempting to blame us for your loss. If you had really wanted our vote, you would have actually courted and attempted to earn it.
Nothing pisses me off more than some ass-hat telling me that I should sell my principles up the river for their guy. No, if you want me on your side, you need to sacrifice and provide a reason to vote for your side there boy genius.
This also ignores the fact that the margin of libertarian voters in every state would not have changed the election results. So my Republican friends, it’s your failure, own it! -B]
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.