So we close out another year here at the windy castle on the plateau. It’s been a big year for the blog.
Last January I switched hosting providers and finished up the rest of the transitions last November. In June probably the biggest change occurred, I moved from Drupal to WordPress.
Here’s some quick stats though on this year:
- Total visits (as of 0845 Dec 31): 83628
- Number of Posts: 806
- Most viewed post: An Open Response to Joan Peterson
- Second Place: This Just In – Smoking Blunder Wins
- Third Place: Police Qualification Standards, Debunking the Myth
I haven’t done a lot of planning for how I want to expand the blog in this next year. I have a few ideas and I want to grow the video side of the blog as well.
Some of you have probably noticed I have ads on the blog now. My goal is to subsidize the cost of the hosting and possibly buy me a lunch from time to time. I’m trying to make sure that they are where they will generate revenue but also stay out of the way. Up until last month the blog has been running at a loss for me since I ran it ad free. There is a nice part of being ad free, but at the same time it’s burning a hole in my pocket and I would rather buy toys and review them or have extra ammo to train with.
This next year I’ve got a pile of stuff on the plate, including a possible/probable trip to visit a friend. Neither the wife or I want to deal with the TSA and we need to chat with a travel agent about prices as well for what we’re thinking about doing.
So since it’s New Year’s eve, here’s Auld Lange in probably one of the best versions I’ve heard:
h/t To Caleb on that one. And you thought I was all rock and violin didn’t you?
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.