So I saw this today and wanted to make a quote of the day but just couldn’t figure out how. The stupid is so heavy it hurts.
An Irvine resident is requesting that the city install a sign to memorialize the hundreds of fish killed in a traffic crash in early October as they were being taken to Irvine Ranch Market.
In the letter, Dina Kourda, on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, asks the city’s street maintenance superintendent to place the sign at the site of the crash on Walnut and Yale avenues.
I think my favorite though was this quote from the boy genius himself:
“Research tells us that fish use tools, tell time, sing, and have impressive long-term memories and complex social structures, yet fish used for food are routinely crushed, impaled, cut open, and gutted, all while still conscious. Sparing them from being tossed from a speeding truck and slowly dying from injuries and suffocation seems the least that we can do,” the letter continued.
Tell me, what hands do the fish use to pick up their “tools”? They were food there sport and while you may be well intentioned, the fact is, death is a part of life and humans are omnivores. That’s right, we eat both plants and animals. You do realize a plant is a living organism too right? It is the behavior of people like you who have created an environment where things like this occur. Today I got a new one to add to the list.
Berlin authorities say they shot and killed a 120 kilogram (265-pound) wild boar after it attacked and injured four people including a police officer in a residential neighborhood.
I’m sure that Mr. Kourda weeps for the wild boar, that could have easily killed someone, and I’m sure he wishes that they erect a sign to remember the boar time immemorial. This is what happens when animals stop viewing you as a predator. We, as a species, have progressed to the point where many just go to the store and pick up food. Many, like Mr. Kourda feel that it is no longer necessary to kill animals for food.
Well, here’s a random though, that pile of grain you eat because it’s not from the back of an animal? How many mice were killed to prevent them from eating it so it can be on your table? Say you avoid producers and go “organic” which doesn’t use pesticide or kill the little vermin, the reason for the higher costs, which not everyone can afford, is because the lower crop yield due to the pests.
Tell me, what about mouse infestations in your house? See I live on the edge of town surrounded by farm fields. The little bastards have chewed their way into my crawlspace and now into my house. Would you like to put up memorials for all the mice I’ve had to kill Mr. Kourda? They bring with them disease and damage to property. Hire an exterminator I hear you say?
Well I’ve done exactly that, and they poison the little bastards so that people like you can think that they’ve just ran off to live somewhere else. That way you don’t their handy work, or in this case my handy work.

We have been steadily removing ourselves as being a predator in the pool of animals. Many, like Mr. Kourda would like to forcefully prevent those who still act predatory to stop. The thing is, just because we stop being predatory, doesn’t mean other animals won’t view us as prey.
If you would like to voultarily vacate your position at the top of the food chain, that’s your choice. Me, I’m going to stay right here at the top and keep my family and my self free from disease and vermin while keeping them healthy and well fed.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.