For you podcast listeners…

I’ve been slacking. Between working gun shows, writing up responses and chatting with journalists my blogging has been light. However it’s nice to have some outside influence to force me to be regular about one thing.

So Sean and Wizard started a new podcast a couple weeks back. It features a crazy cast that many of you will be familiar with:

Episode 6 just went live. The podcast as a whole features everything from guns, prepping, world politics, and tech. Give it a listen.

iTunes link for those of you with iDevices.

Quote of the Day – Darrell Issa (9/25/2014)

Eric Holder is the most divisive U.S. attorney general in modern history,… by needlessly injecting politics into law enforcement, Attorney General Holder’s legacy has eroded more confidence in our legal system than any attorney general before him.

Darrell Issa – Quote to Fox News on Holder Stepping Down
September 25, 2014

[Nailed it and I have nothing else to add other than Christmas came early. -B]


I love my friends…

So yes I’ve been slacking on blogging. Too many irons in the fire and frankly writing on the blog is getting the short straw.

But I have to give a shout out to a friend of mine that is working a case that just makes my heart sing.

Mark Barnhouse filed a civil suit April 1 in U.S. District Court seeking more than $100,000 in damages stemming from the incident. Barnhouse is represented by Moscow attorney Jefferson Griffeath.

The complaint claims that when Barnhouse’s wife was stopped by Coeur d’Alene police officers for failing to use a turn signal, Barnhouse, a passenger, was “unlawfully arrested, seized, assaulted, and battered” by officers over a glass bottle of root beer.

I’ve been friends with Jefferson for a while now and am unbelievably happy for him with this case. He’s been working his ass off to get his practice going and it appears, ever so slowly, to be paying off.

If you need a Lawsmith and you’re in Idaho, hit up my buddy Jefferson.