Evidently when that douche failed at getting his lawsuit against gun manufactures to succeed; he instead decided to attack gun stores.
“Bloomberg’s suits said Adventure Outdoors and the others did little to ensure they were making only legal sales and, as a result, those weapons were used in crimes 900 miles away.”
So, let me get this strait, Bloomberg didn’t think that the sales were legal so he initiated the lawsuit. The ATF, with the way they conduct business, would have steam roll this guy already if he was doing things incorrectly. Not to mention the fact that previously Mayor Bloomberg had said this in a deposition:
Looking at the lawsuits themselves, they are insane. In order to buy a firearm and then immediately transfer it is a felony, that’s like buying for someone else. To sell knowingly to a felon, is a felony in and of itself, again fail to see how this is the stores fault. This is nothing more than an attempt to find another way to prevent law abiding citizens from their right of self defense. These firearms could have just as easily been stolen from someone’s house and then taken to New York and sold. Seriously who tries to sell stolen guns in the same town where you got them.
As an FYI you will get caught, I have seen it happen. Guns have gone into shops on consignment and the owner sees it up on the shelf and says, “That’s my gun.” A quick records check by the owner indicates it is, the weapon goes to the police and the person that brought it in is contacted. Then they follow the trail back who stole it.
With all this focus on the “bad” what about the “good” of firearms and firearms ownership Mr. Bloomberg. Or might he have forgotten an Oath and Law that he became a part of a long time ago and that the trail didn’t end. He by no means is acting in a manner to uphold that first tenant of the law. The proof is in that he is discussing and attacking based on presumptions he knows nothing about. He is willingly operating blind at the misfortune of others.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.