ATF and Bureaucracy

Anyone who is familiar with firearms and the bureaucracy associated with them also recognize the ATF as the bunch of bastards that have thrown some into jail because of putting a ‘Y’ instead of “Yes” on their 4473s.

Well in an article released by the DOJ yesterday it was found that they themselves cannot even adhere to their own bureaucracy.

Not only did they lose a total of 418 laptops over a 59 month period, but a total of 76 weapons were lost as well. How in the hell do you LOSE a weapon. Then again when it appears that the weapon may in fact prove someone’s innocence it’s probably easier for them to disappear the weapon and then make up the results.

“274 ATF laptops were identified as missing during periodic inventories. These losses represent approximately 66 percent of all lost, stolen, or missing ATF computers… The primary reason was that managers believed the computers were returned to the supplier, exchanged for newer models, or donated to schools after becoming obsolete. However, managers could not demonstrate that this had occurred, because they could not produce the required documentation for such returns, exchanges, or donations.”


Of the 76 weapons, 35 were reported stolen, 19 lost and 12 missing from inventories, investigators found. Of the 418 missing laptops, 50 were stolen, 8 lost and 274 could not be found during inventory. Another 86 laptops were unaccounted for because ATF had either destroyed or lost documents showing where they were, the audit concluded.

Two weapons reported stolen were used to commit crimes. In one instance, a gun was stolen from an ATF car parked outside the agent’s home and later used to shoot through the window of another residence, the audit found. In the other, a stolen ATF gun was taken from a burglary suspect.

Additionally, ATF employees did not report 13 of the 76 lost weapons, or 365 of the 418 missing laptops, to internal affairs as required. ATF officials also did not report much of the lost equipment to the Justice Department.

So let me get this straight, they will prosecute and convict someone over placing a ‘Y’ instead of “Yes” but when it comes to following their own procedures they’re above the law. If there was ever any evidence that an agency is too high on its own power, this definitely takes the cake. Not to mention that Mayor Bloomberg was going after gun stores for selling weapons used in crimes. The ATF seemed to have facilitated it, but he seems to love them. Oh that’s right bigots usually see eye to eye, and another bigot could do no wrong!

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About TMM

TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms. Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.

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