Never Again Volunteer Yourself

Just got home after a very long day at work followed by a CAP meeting.  A friend in ARES is trying to get some extra senior membership in CAP to help rebuild the squadron. I fit the description.  So instead enjoy this quote from a CAP meeting tonight regarding bureaucracy in the government.

Me: That bureaucracy is spelled with a capital B.

Cadet: Umm sir, I think you mean that whole word is capitalized.

Me: As long as we both realize that forms must be in triplicate prior to saving your mother we’re both on the same page.

Maybe you just had to be there.

SSCC #121 & #122 – Orlando PD

After the past two days of criminals who actually got busted, but no amount of punishment will ever be enough,  we return to our regularly scheduled program.

Video surveillance from Universal Studios captured the entire incident, which contradicts officers reports, 

Brillant wrote in a report he “felt a snap and heard a loud pop” while he directed Kavallierakis to the ground. Soon after, she was compliant and officers handcuffed her while she apologized. The handcuffs were removed and she was taken to Dr. Phillips hospital for treatment.

While it was drunken belligerence that created the initial situation, that is no excuse for the force applied to this woman.  Force was applied because the officers didn’t like being berated by the drunk woman.  Last I heard, verbal insults were not a cause to use force, especially force strong enough to break bone.  In case you think that maybe the officers might still be clear:

Kavallierakis’ trial on three misdemeanor charges — resisting arrest without violence, trespassing and disorderly intoxication — is scheduled to begin Thursday. If the charges are not dropped, Conan said he hopes the jury will acquit his client after watching the video.

Orlando police internal affairs records show Michaels and Brillant have been investigated in excessive force cases in the past.

(Emphasis mine) The video shows there was no reason for the use of force, but you’ll be glad to know both officers are still on duty.  Protecting the public as usual.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 122:

  • Officer Brillant
  • Officer Michaels

Because when a drunk lady calls you a pig, you have every write to break her arm.

And That Illustrates the Problem


They want it now.  It seems that many in my generation think that good things happen overnight.  That overnight you will find yourself rich and without cares.  The problem is it never happens overnight.  It happens after years of toiling and working  that eventually you start to reap the fruits of your labor.

It can be viewed like a garden.  You till the soil, plant the seeds, continue weeding, and caring for the garden so 4 –5 months later you can start bringing in the harvest of your labors.  It does not happen overnight, it does not happen right now, it happens after endless tireless work.

I got one shirt design done this weekend, I have a couple more on the burner that I’m doing the graphic design on.  If I make ANYTHING in the next 6 months I’ll be amazed.  The goal is a year from now as I build up products people might find interesting that I can sell them something.  Not to mention there’s a whole separate branch that I’m eventually going to spin this into.  But that’s for another time after I have stuff available for show.

Bottom line is the American Dream is under fire because lazy bums are asking the government to steal the rewards from those who worked to achieve it.  I worked my ass off through school, am paying down debts as fast as I can, and I know I have no one to blame for those decisions but myself.  Get off your ass and go find a job.

Economics 101–See She Gets It

No one likes staring at my ugly mug while I’m preaching on my soap box.  So instead I’ll let her do it.

Facts are stubborn things and that video does a wonderful job of laying out the facts.  Including previous trends, how they compare historically, and what it means.

The bottom line is the War on Poverty actually creates a system that rewards people for being in poverty.  It becomes a vicious circle since those in poverty remain there because their receive more from doing nothing than working to alter their situation.

Watch the video, it’s just shy of 7 minutes and well worth your time.

h/t Weer’d, Grouch Old Cripple

SSCC #120 – Aquia HarbourPD

The bad news is, given yesterday’s post it can no longer be said that these types of incidents never happen.

A former police officer was sentenced Friday in federal court to 20 years in prison for producing child pornography after he admitted using his iPhone to film sex acts with an 8-year-old boy when the child was sleeping or unconscious.

Hurlbut is a former police officer for Aquia Harbour and had used the department’s Internet connection to share child pornography, according to court records. The state-certified department serves a gated community in Stafford County.

He befriended the parents, developed trust in the child, and then utterly violated both.  Then he violated the trust given by the public by using public resources to distribute his depravity.  The biggest kicker though is the following:

Hurlbut was later fired from the police department for an unrelated issue, court filings state.

So his department didn’t figure it out and instead it was a separate group of agencies.  Given the following information though how did no one seem to notice in his department?

In court records, prosecutors in the case described Hurlbut as a man who “appears to have been attracted to single mothers with boys who were about eight to ten years of age. Hurlbut does not appear to have had a romantic or sexual interest in the mothers but instead lavished his attention on the women’s sons.”

State Sponsored Criminal Count: 120 William Hurlbut

May bruno in cell block a provide a punishment like no other.

Speaking of Productive

So with all those fruit loops running around Wall Street nonproductive because they quit their jobs to be there.  I decided that as usual today was going to be yet another productive day.

Got the house cleaned up, there’s still a few things I need to stash away but I decided to finally start putting some ideas into motion.

I created a Zazzle store.  I’ve only posted up one design idea thus far.  I put it on a coffee mug too.  The wife and I are working on some other design ideas as well.  I’m not the most “graphically gifted”.  I am really good at under the hood type work, but making shiny things people like not so much.

If you’d like to see something a little bit different let me know.  I’m going to continue working on some of my other ideas.

I don’t expect people to throw money towards me without giving something in return.  So I spend my time coming up with goods and services I can exchange for money.  Obviously these dolts are too stupid to figure out that’s how you make money.

There was an article arguing that the dolts were correct because the top one percent has been growing the amount of wealth controlled.  I think the cause of that is there are less people working over all, thus shifting wealth.  If you want to become rich, work your ass off and come up with something world changing.

My wife is working today, I’m working here at home on personal projects.  Yet they’re sitting around on their ass and getting paid to do so.  That’s why I don’t like redistribution of wealth.  It punishes the productive and rewards the lazy.

See He Gets It

Via Kevin

SSCC #119 – Ogden PD

This one makes me sick. 

A former South Ogden police officer has been sentenced to a possible
life prison term on charges of aggravated sexual abuse of a child and
forcible sodomy.

Welling, 41, worked for the agency from August 2008 until his
resignation in January while both the internal and criminal
investigations were ongoing.

As this incident occurred while the officer was off duty the reason for it’s inclusion is because of the trust children are instructed to give to police officers.

State Sponsored Criminal Count: 119 Andrew Welling

Because the trust gained by being police officer is something to abuse.