So Jay asks the question:
Honestly it’s a very close race. I’ll tell both the stories and see if you can figure out which wins.
First up is the first time I took the wife shooting. It was one of our first dates and she shot just about everything I had. From the .44 Mag revolver, to the M1 Garand, to my little old 10/22. It was a fun date and I’ve got pictures of it around here somewhere. It was that date I also decided that I was going to either Bic my head or go with a buzz cut from now on.
The second option is the last time my dad and I went to the range together. We spent a good chunk of the morning shooting pistol drills switching between the Hi-Standard and 1911. The uncle I am named after was visiting as well. We spent a decent chunk of time looking for what was to become my graduation present. While at the range/gun store I told the clerk I was looking for a Remington 700 VS. He asked what caliber and I responded, “308 Winchester”. He promptly responded, “What the hell are you planning on shooting with that!?” Without missing a beat I replied, “Two legged varmints at 500 yards.” My uncle and dad burst into laughter.
We found a gunsmith and ordered it about a month later. We finally picked it up 10 months later on my 19th birthday. Hell that was a fun day too, but he never got to actually see me behind his gift to me. I finally got to the range a week before we said our last good byes and handed him a quarter with a nice .30 caliber hole through the middle taped to a paper plate with the date and range of 200 yards. He just looked up and grinned.
If I had to pick a day, it’s that last day I spent on the range with my dad. I really miss that.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.