Last week I posted an incident from Moscow at the University of Idaho. It was a classic game of fill in the blank, but all the answers were known in advance. I know some of you probably though I was exaggerating how common this type of event is. Well wonder no longer.
Note how the Greek system was involve yet again. No word on alcohol yet, but it’s hard to think it wasn’t involved.
Now many would wonder why things like this are becoming increasingly common. The answer though is quite simple, kids now days live in a bubble wrapped world. Instead of slowly being acclimated to the realities of the real world and personal responsibility they are shielded and sheltered from it.
This quote from Caleb puts it quite well:
Not only are kids sheltered from danger, but adults who attempt to give their kids that taste of personal responsibility are reported to the police and arrested.
“Orange jumpsuit, in a cell, slammed the door, for 18 hours,” Cooper said.
The ages of the children involved were 9 and 6. I remember at 6 regularly going with my sister different places without our parents. Including down to the local park, and through the woods as well.
By 8 I was heading off doing things entirely on my own. My rules were just the same as Robb’s.
What happens when you shield kids from everything in the world? They simply don’t know how to deal with life when it actually shows up. They always figure that life is safe and nothing can possibly go wrong. For them they live in a world without consequences because they’ve never experienced any.
How nice is it though that the state is now trying to force everyone to live in the same bubble wrapped world. There is one saving grace about this woman’s experience.
(Emphasis mine). Yeah, you think either of those two children will ever trust the police again? They got to experience first hand exactly what government is.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.