So I was browsing through footage from Boomershoot 2012 and there was a couple clips I had intended to use but forgot about. You see when Anette heard there was a rifle caliber pistol, she looked all giddy when I told her that. Then we warned her about all the things that could possibly go wrong, most importantly making sure you provide correct eye relief before the shot.
Below is the video of Anette and Shelly teaching us how to shoot like a girl.
Yes, Anette squealed like a little girl and Shelly just turned around and rocked it like a boss. Now in Anette’s defense, she hadn’t seen that pistol fired every. She didn’t know really what to expect other than what we warned her about. Well when you’re warned about it flying back punching people in the face, you get a bit apprehensive. Shelly got the benefit of watching Anette shoot it so she knew exactly what to expect. Never the less, it was fun for everyone there, even Anette!
At the end was my new production clip I’m going to put at the end of every video I do. That was my first venture into the world of After Effects and over time I may add more but that was 100% done in house. I recorded the sound and edited it, did the 3D animation, and did the effect for the writing. The animation was the hardest part because for some reason my render would break about a quarter of the way through. Finally I did it in a bunch of stills and then condensed it into a clip. Also of note, creating models in Solidworks is much easier than Blender. Honestly I think blender has to be the most counter intuitive UI I have ever encountered. When you’re excuse is, you haven’t learned it, you’re doing it wrong. It doesn’t even lend itself to playing to figure it out, that’s a freaking clue!
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.
Extremely cool!
Yeah, immediately after they both shot I said, “This is totally going on YouTube.” Then I got home, other stuff intervened and I forgot all about it. Then while looking through for stock footage I saw the clips and said, “Oh Yeah!”
Right now the wife and I are trying to figure out if we want to budget another camera that will do 1080 and have a better auto focus. I’ve got a few ideas for comical short films that definitely tie into the shooting community. The first idea will be one done a little later, the joke hits close enough to home for any action shooter it deserves to be done right.