So I’ve been a little bit quiet, not because I don’t care, but because I really hate cancer. Doubly so this time of year…
For those who don’t know because they’re not wrapped up in the gun blog world. Tam is knows as the mistress of snark. She is extremely witty, wonderfully smart, and just a down right awesome person from everyone I’ve ever talked to that’s met her. If you’re wondering how witty she is, some bloggers have a ban on quoting her because otherwise no one else would ever get quoted.
Well it ends up that my online friend has a touch of Basal Cell Carcinoma. As she puts it:
… if you have to get cancer, is probably the way to get it. Hell, it’s barely even cancer; it’s more like cancer’s farm team.
Never the less cancer is still down right scary no matter the form. It’s even scarier though when you’re doing it without insurance since you’re a self employed writer. Enter the gun blog-o-sphere which has rendered Tam speechless which is honestly saying a lot.
Why is she speechless, bloggers are raffling stuff off in an effort to raise money for her. Not only are we sending her funds, but we’re incentivizing others to give to her as well. I’m going to focus on the concentrated raffles here:
So check out this page from Jay G, which lists off a bunch of the different raffles as it first started. Since then it’s been concentrated to make life easier.
If you look on the list of packages to win, you will notice a hat being offered from the wife. We will custom embroider a design or logo and personalize the hat for the winner. If they are unsure of a logo, the following will be used in it’s stead:
The location for the writing will probably shift as this was being laid out for a polo, but you get the idea. So if you haven’t gone to help Tam, please do. There are plenty of prizes to choose from, but the best prize is helping Tam because honestly she’s that awesome.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.
Thanks to both of y’all!!!
Cool! 🙂 That is a great design.
btw, for some reason I can’t tweet or facebook your posts. I click on the icons and it just opens the post in a small window.
My 404 redirect plugin was redirecting for one reason or another. I’ve since disabled it. If people come in from broken links they’ll 404, but that’s not happening as often as when I first ported to WP.