Mass murderers use different methods (arson, explosions, knife attacks, shootings), but two coincidence just jump out at me. The first is that almost all mass murderers are men. The other is that they seek out locations where good people are disarmed by law.
(emphasis mine.)
Oleg Volk – Coincidences in most massacres
December 14th, 2012
[A post from Sebastian also rang and a worthy QotD:
As gun owners, if we could just experience the grief and sorrow along with the rest of the country, instead of having it intruded upon by that impending feeling of doom about what the media, the politicians, and the people in society who don’t much care for civilian gun ownership are going to do to our lives, liberty and often times livelihood? If we could go through something like this without worrying how much we’re going to be the scapegoats?
Right now my heart weeps, sad that so many children will not get to live a full and happy life because of the actions of a mad man. There can be no question as to why he chose that target. He wanted his victims as defenseless as possible. There is no better way to achieve that goal than to go after children.
While I would rather mourn, console, and otherwise comfort the families who’s lives have been turned upside down by the actions of an individual I have no choice but to look forward and prepare for the fight on the horizon. Many will try to rush forward in the wake of this tragedy, forgetting rules that should be followed in the wake of something horrifying and disturbing as such as this incident.
Recently Obama gave a statement about the tragedy and stated the following:
Except there is no real 100% way to make sure that something like this does not happen again. The only thing you can do is make sure the tools and abilities for those around who can most quickly and easily respond. If you don’t believe me, look no further than this incident in China where a man committed the same atrocities with a knife.
Other similar incidents have happened before, without a firearm.
There is evil in this world and the atrocities today illustrate and prove that. There are animals who are such due to a lack of conscience, a lack of morality and not even the law will stop them. Many would rather not have to see or deal with the evil that lies within these animals. Even more than that, they think that inanimate objects are some how responsible for the evil. They want to be able to look at a physical object and blame it for what as happened. They want to destroy the physical object and blame it for their grief.
I can understand that feeling, it’s a very hard thing to be angry at something that is invisible and outside of your control. No one likes the idea of someone else being in control of their fate, especially with regards to life and death. They want to do anything they can to give them the illusion that somehow they do have control and they have made a difference, despite all evidence to the contrary.
Despite that feeling it doesn’t change where the responsibilities lie. It doesn’t change the fact that a person an animal would do something like this. The problem and responsibility lie within the head of the thing who felt this was the way to achieve his 15 minutes of fame.
I will not use this cowards name, I will not support his new-found glory supplied by the mainstream media. I will not allow his fame to give the idea to someone else seeking their 15 minutes of fame.
How do you constrain or punish an animal who at the end of their crime merely wants to take their own life? They are escaping any punishment you might give them. The only punishment that remains is one provided through faith. At times such as this though, people with faith find it tried, often crushed.
Ultimately though, the best solution to this problem is to arm good men and women, I bow humbly to Edmund Burke on this one.
The disarmament of the good merely ensures their inability to act resulting in a triumph of evil.
All I really want to do right now is give comfort to those who need it. Alas, I’m not even allowed that moment of grief in solitude without needing to deal with politics. As Sebastian said at the end of his post though:
we may not be interested much in politics, but politics is very interested in us.
I wish I could effectively write something to help people grieve, but that is beyond my skill. While there are times I am good at conveying emotion through the written word, this isn’t one of those times. So I just leave you with this.
If you have kids, hug them and kiss them. Remember that somewhere there is a Christmas tree with presents under it that will not be opened. There will be an empty seat at the Christmas table without the glowing smile of a child at Christmas. Embrace what you have and be thankful. -B]
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.
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Barron – You said it well. I don’t think I could improve on it at all.
Thank you. I know it’s decent but I can’t help but feel something else in the back of my head that I just can not put into words.
Well said, Barron.
Tragedies of this dimension often deny us words.
These kinds of things will only be prevented when we return to what is truly important, the love of our families, the beliefs of our forefathers.
Confucius said, “To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.”
We must fight off the attacks on the family, and we must become set our hearts right to effectively fix this. Even then, evil is ever present and must be guarded against.
Well done indeed
Well said… And thoughts and prayers for those families
“Except there is no real 100% way to make sure that something like this does not happen again.”
Absolutely correct. There will always be a certain segment of the human race that is made up of assholes, and no laws can ever change that. The only way to keep malls and schools from becoming bloodbaths is to make certain that somewhere there will be someone who can shoot back.
These cowards don’t want a gunfight, they want a shooting gallery.
Just my opinion.
I have an offspring unit in first grade. His teacher is an immigrant from Northern Ireland, who escaped the IRA violence in the 80s. This one hit home.
Short of allowing teachers arm themselves (while I’m all for it, I’m pretty sure she would NOT be in favor), the best plan I’ve heard yet is to teach counter-assault with BRIGHT flashlights and throwing stuff, and have the teachers keep something like a shovel to use as a spear. As the kids get older, they can do more, but at that age… options are pretty limited…
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