It appears though that most likely he got away not because he wasn’t guilty, but because of the safeguards in the law for the innocent. For you see his brothers in harms mishandled material and the process of getting the warrant so he could escape the first trial and it interjected reasonable doubt of the second.
Again, see the fact they had to get prosecutors from out of the county. So don’t worry he’ll be back on the roads in no time in a tax payer funded vehicle.
State Sponsored Criminal: William H. Smith
Because when you drink and drive while you’re a cop in your own jurisdiction, you can rely on the fact that everyone you work with will protect you.
h/t Lance Anderson
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.