Spend money in droves to solve a problem when they could be making money instead. What am I talking about?
You cannot obtain wolf tags within the state of Washington. Not even depredation tags which would allow the wolves to be taken as they’re a problem to live stock. Think about that for a second, instead of allowing the public to hunt, control, and otherwise reign in this problem, the state spends almost a half million dollars a year on the problem.
The best part is they aren’t even really maintaining the status quo, overall they’re loosing and the problem is getting worse.
Idaho finally got the right idea and made tags dirt cheap because odds are you won’t see a wolf, they’re too damn smart, but if you do see one, shoot the bastard! As usual animal rights activists I’m sure will end up in an uproar because they live in places like LA or Seattle where they don’t get to experience the problem first hand. If we could relocate the wolves so the animal lovers could live with the problem I’d be in full support.
As an FYI my buddies who went elk hunting in Idaho this year informed me the hunts were a total bust. Why? Wolf tracks were on the tail of any elk tracks they found. The packs are out of control and decimating wildlife. Remember though, according to the animal rights folks, all will work itself out. Never mind there is no other predator to hunt the wolf, I guess their solution is the extinction of the elk and deer herds.
Lets not forget increasing the state deficit in Washington by having to pay farmers for damaged stock and then the state trying to hunt them down. Know what’s easier? Hunters will pay you for the opportunity. Hell I would go out of my way a few times to go wolf hunting.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.