SSCC Murray County

Corruption so dense it’s like steel.

State Sponsored Criminal: Bryant Cochran

Because when you’re a judge, you can rule however you like meaning you can manipulate women.  And if they come forward, you just work to destroy their families under the weight of the law.

Quote of the Day–Brian Hauss(6/6/2013)

To be sure, rummaging around through people’s personal papers may well turn up the occasional bad guy, but that is not the only consideration. No doubt law enforcement agents would also find it useful to walk into people’s homes at will, but we don’t allow them to do so because that would intrude on our reasonable expectation of privacy in our homes. And just as we reasonably expect privacy in our homes, so, too, do we expect that border agents will not base their decisions to search through our electronic information on a whim or a hunch. Put another way, requiring law enforcement agents to possess objective reasons for a search is a feature of our constitutional framework, not a bug.

(Emphasis mine.)

Brian HaussDHS Releases Disappointing Civil Liberties Report on Border Searches of Laptops and Other Electronics

June 5th, 2013

[For those who haven’t heard yet.  The DHS is claiming the following line of BS regarding searches at the border.

[A]dding a heightened [suspicion-based] threshold requirement could be operationally harmful without concomitant civil rights/civil liberties benefit. First, commonplace decisions to search electronic devices might be opened to litigation challenging the reasons for the search. In addition to interfering with a carefully constructed border security system, the litigation could directly undermine national security by requiring the government to produce sensitive investigative and national security information to justify some of the most critical searches. Even a policy change entirely unenforceable by courts might be problematic; we have been presented with some noteworthy CBP and ICE success stories based on hard-to-articulate intuitions or hunches based on officer experience and judgment. Under a reasonable suspicion requirement, officers might hesitate to search an individual’s device without the presence of articulable factors capable of being formally defended, despite having an intuition or hunch based on experience that justified a search.

Translation:  “We don’t need to specify a reason why we are seizing and searching your property.”

Now many may have forgotten so I will provide you an extra reminder of the area the DHS would like to claim as free from that pesky 4th Amendment.

For more on that go back and read my article on it (dated 2008).  So think about what the department of homeland security is claiming as within their legal abilities, and then think long and hard about that map where they can put up “border inspection points” at will.  Think your safe just because you don’t regularly travel out of the country?  Get real.

Listen folks, you either have these rights or you don’t.  They’re not predicated on some theory that you surrender them because you want to do X.  NO!  If the government wants to search my personal effects, they must present a case including evidence that I have committed a crime, or that I intend to harm another.  *Note I said harm, the war on drugs needs to go to!*  The only way you end up with this current view of the law is through twisted perversion and a lackadaisical attitude that say “I don’t care, what’s it matter?”

Just because I want to fly to visit my friends in Nashville, doesn’t mean I surrender my 4th amendment rights and agree to have someone fondle me and my wife.  It’s horse crap and frankly if we don’t stop it, it will just get worse.  There’s two options for stopping it, we get the courts to do their damn job, or well, use your imagination for the second option.

News flash folks, in a free land bad people some times end up doing bad things.  Its comes with territory.  Honestly though even in your perfect police state, the crazy guy can still do damage, even more so due to the delayed response.  Grow a pair, embrace the responsibility and with it experience freedom.  It’s freaking AWESOME. –B]

Quote of the Day–Tam (5/31/2013)

A good start would be allowing everybody to serve as their own bodyguard because, when it comes right down to brass tacks, government can’t protect, only punish. Whether your assailant comes at you with ballistic missiles or butcher knives, all the .gov can do is retaliate after the fact.

Be Prepared: You will be your own first responder.

Tam – The government cannot save you.

May 31st, 2013

[As I’ve said before, and even put more succinctly here but it bears repeating.  You are the help, you are the rescue, you are the extraction team.  Accept it, learn it, love it.  -B]

Quote of the Day–Joe Huffman (05/10/2013)

In the mean time an enraged narcissist who didn’t get his way with the legislature could conceivably apply the regulations to people posting YouTube videos on how to grip your pistol.

Joe HuffmanFaceless bureaucrats, not blue helmeted elk

May 9th, 2013

[Go read’s Joe’s post on the breakdown of how they’re attempting to apply ITAR regulations to stop our culture.  This isn’t a joke either folks, it is quite literally that simple, I just didn’t see how they could grossly apply it over anything firearms related. 

Well evidently some congress critter with a cranial rectal inversion, or more likely placing an Easter Egg, has created hell for us.  I’m not sure how we’re going to fight this one, but fight we must.  This is how they will destroy freedom and those who agree will support the tactics as long as it isn’t being used against them. –B]

A Short Story…

Terry from the Boomershoot staff emailed this to me and honestly it’s worth the read.

Once upon a time there was a street fair. It had striped awnings and bright colors and from far and near, farmers came with wagons full of produce to sell at the street fair. The produce was plentiful and cheap and the crowds it drew were huge which created all sorts of concerns for the government.

So the government created a Ministry of Street Fairs which it funded by taxing the produce sold at the fair. At first the Ministry brought some some order to the street fair, but it would periodically launch new “street fair initiatives” to justify another expansion and pay for them by raising taxes on the produce.

Just keep reading.  For many of us the results were obvious, others however will continue to insist the story is wrong and their false view of the world is real.

I wanted to snap something as the quote of the day but honestly, it only works as a story.  Go, read, spread it far and wide.

I’m sure somehow we’ll be blamed for this…

The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office are asking for help from the public in gathering information about the theft of approximately 559 pounds of high explosives from a USFS explosives bunker located near Red Lodge.

We’re not talking just blasting agent either.

Officials say that various emulsion-type explosives, explosive cast boosters and detonating cord were taken from the facility.

How serious is the ATF taking the theft?  They’re offering a $5,000 reward.  Their warmth and sincerity given the theft occurred with forced entry makes me feel all sorts of warm and fuzzy inside.  Doubly so given the propensity of the government, not to mention the BATFE, is more than willing to throw civil rights and liberties to the wind.

[Sarcasm] But remember, it’s me and you that they need to restrict.  The government could never fail us. [/Sarcasm]

Quote of the Day – Tim (4/30/2013)

“With a terrorist on the loose and literally thousands of police and even military officials searching to no avail, suddenly the idea of having an AR-15 handy to keep a dangerous terrorist from conducting his grand finale in *your* house with *your* loved ones starts to make a hell of a lot of sense, don’t it?”

Tim – The Idiocy of “Outdated”

April 25th, 2013

[Despite the complete trampling of civil liberties, was it a LEO who found the fugitive?  Was it in an area where citizens could easily and readily obtain arms for their own defense?

Tell me, why is it that people grabbed cameras instead of shooting the assailants who were threatening their neighborhood.  Oh calling the police worked great all right, turned the neighborhood into a total war zone and endangered the lives of additional people.  Instead of fighting back to defend themselves and in so doing aiding law enforcement that was risking their lives to protect them, they grabbed a camera.

They grabbed a camera instead of firing one round and taking down the last assailant.  Instead of firing from an elevated position with a clear line of fire to the aggressors, they grabbed a camera.  They grabbed a camera and instead gave the government an excuse to abuse their neighbors and friends at gun point.  They grabbed a camera instead of taking the risk that goes with freedom and liberty.  They grabbed a camera and signed their name as a supporting participant in the death of American Liberty. -B]


State Sponsored Criminals: FBI and BATFE

Given today is the 20th anniversary of the end of the Waco siege, it stands to reason that I would place that event on the list.  The acts committed this day were horrible and no one was ever held accountable for the decisions and actions that led to the deaths of 76 people, including 27 children.

I remember coming home from school that day.  I remember going up to my dad while he sat in his chair fixated on the TV.  I do not remember what it was I had done that I wanted his attention for.  I do remember him promptly picking me up as I started to speak and putting me on his lap while telling me to be quiet.  When I looked at the TV, this is what I saw.


At the time I didn’t understand what was going on.  I didn’t understand what my dad knew happened 8 months earlier.

I was in 3rd grade, I had no real concept of the details of what was going on.  Later I would receive that education, my dad would make sure I was aware of what I saw in the flickering glow of that television.  This day marks one of two major events that molded my relationship with the state.  It was a lesson delivered front and center about power and the abuses that can be dealt to citizens without any fear of consequence.

I am not putting a number with this.  Frankly I’m getting tired of trying to keep track of which number I’m on.  Further this event was so horrible and had so many actors one can not easily list them, much less enumerate them.

State Sponsored Criminals: The BATFE and FBI

Because by all means kill the victims you claim to be there to save, that’s how you make yourself look good right?