Quote Of The Day Newbius, 05122010

Libertarian Terrorists? You mean those guys who want to take over, then leave you alone? – Newbius

[This made me laugh because when it comes to true Libertarians, it’s true! The idea of liberty is very terrifying to some people for some reason. Still haven’t quite figured out why. -B]

Quote Of the Day May 11, 2010

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” — H. L. Mencken

[Somehow after the attempted bombing in Times Square the idea that the rights of law abiding citizens needed to be further restricted for our own safety is by no means a coincidence. Our would-be masters know the above and adhere to the policy, “Let no good crisis go wasted.” I am ashamed that Michael Bloomberg is an Eagle Scout, obviously he learned nothing from that trail. –B]

“Green Economy”

So I was searching around catching up on recent events and stumbled across an article from The University of Washington. Evidently the college Republicans and Democrats had their debate recently.

I was skimming through the article, it had the standard boiler plate arguments about “cap and trade” and concealed carry on campus. What caused the sudden in-depth review of the article is the following line:

‘”A green economy doesn’t have to be a successful one,” Rigsby said’

Did you just say what I think you said? We need to legally mandate an economy that will be unsuccessful. Obviously you’re a little short of brain cells. If our economy stops being successful everything is going to come to a crashing halt. Here’s a question, if the economy structure is going to be unsuccessful, why will anyone invest money in it, including China which is paying for the bailout and Obama-Care? This includes both private and government investors. The goal is to make money; if something is uneconomically viable something has to change. You can NOT legislate that change, though you can try to provide incentives.

I just find the above statement as the prime example why I think government should be extremely limited. Often those in power are not faced with the immediate and harsh consequences of their decisions. What’s worse is when their idea fails; they insist that the failure is the result of some outside influence that needs to be fixed.

A prime example of this is the gun-control debate. Chicago has one of the highest homicide rates in the country as well as the most strict gun control measures. The problem according to Daley and the bigots though is not that gun-control doesn’t work; it is that guns are brought from the outside. Now the powers that be would like to bring in the National Guard to help fight the crime wave. Evidently Chicago’s finest is not enough and they think that deploying the soldiers will somehow curb crime.

Here is a solid lesson in how things work. Police are there to enforce the laws and punish those who break the law. Note I did not say prevent. It is the duty of the civilian population to prevent crime. This is done by making the criminal environment an unsafe one. Why is Chicago’s homicide rate so high? It is because the environment for criminals is safe. A law abiding citizen cannot protect themselves without breaking the law themselves.

Gun control doesn’t have to be successful about controlling crime, just in controlling the slaves.

Ignored Lessons

For those who have never read it, Joe Huffman wrote this great page on civil disobedience. The lessons quoted from someone else at the end drive it home.

Remember the lessons of the 20th Century:

Lesson No. 1: If a bureaucrat, or a soldier sent by a bureaucrat, comes to knock down your door and take you someplace you don’t want to go because of who you are or what you think– kill him. If you can, kill the politician who sent them. You will likely die anyway, and you will be saving someone else the same fate. For it is a universal truth that the intended victims always far outnumber the tyrant’s executioners. Any nation which practices this lesson will quickly run out of executioners and tyrants, or they will run out of it.

Lesson No. 2: If a bureaucrat, or a soldier sent by a bureaucrat, comes to knock down your door and confiscate your firearms– kill him. The disarmament of law-abiding citizens is the required precursor to genocide.

Lesson No. 3: If a bureaucrat tells you that he must know if you have a firearm so he can put your name on a list for the common good, or wants to issue you an identity card so that you may be more easily identified– tell him to go to hell. Registration of people and firearms is the required precursor to the tyranny which permits genocide. Bureaucrats cannot send soldiers to doors that aren’t on their list.

Lesson No. 4: Believe actions, not words. Tyrants are consummate liars. Just because a tyrant is “democratically elected” doesn’t mean that he believes in democracy. Reference Adolf Hitler, 1932. And just because a would-be tyrant mouths words of reverence to law and justice, or takes a solemn oath to uphold a constitution, doesn’t mean he believes such concepts apply to him. Reference Bill Clinton, among others. The language of the lie is just another tool of killers. A sign saying “Arbeit Macht Frei” (Work Makes You Free) posted above an execution camp gate doesn’t mean that anybody gets out of there alive, and a room labeled “Showers” doesn’t necessarily make you clean. Bill Clinton notwithstanding, the meaning of “is” is plain when such perverted language gets you killed. While all tyrants are liars, it is true that not all political liars are would-be tyrants– but they bear close watching. And keep your rifle handy.

From Obama’s mouth:

If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order and as long as I could pay for it I’d be OK

But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it’s been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.

And that hasn’t shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court-focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.

His statements on guns coupled with the above are greatly disturbing and certainly lesson 4 comes into play.

JPFO and the Current Election

I came across this on another blog I frequent:



By L. Neil Smith <[email protected]>

   Aaron Zelman, founder and executive director of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, has announced creation of a vital and unique new resource for advocates of the individual right to own and carry weapons.

   _2A Today for the USA_ is a free 23-minute video presentation, a weapon of thought, specifically produced to disrupt and destroy the evil, inhumane agenda of victim disarmers and gun prohibitionists with generous applications of legal and historical truth. Because JPFO encourages the widest possible distribution of this film, it is being offered on the Internet for free, with numerous options for viewing or downloading.

   Quite simply put, in these frightening times we’re living through today, you must use this video — or lose your guns.

   Although many gun rights advocates mistakenly believe that the recent Heller Supreme Court decision was a victory for our side, in fact it authorizes all manner of infringements — in the form of “reasonable” regulation — on the individual right to own and carry weapons. _2A Today for the USA_ sets the legal and historical record straight.

   In the current national election — no matter what political propagandists are saying now — both sides are sworn and established enemies of private, individual gun ownership, who either don’t understand the Second Amendment, or willfully misinterpret it. _2A Today for the USA_ exposes them for what they are: ruthless would-be dictators who find a well-armed populace an inconvenience to their plans.

   One thing is certain: whoever wins this election, we will have no friends in the White House for the next four to eight years. Even if John McCain wins, and Sarah Palin means what she appers to say on Second Amendment issues, she won’t be the boss, and she won’t be able to dissuade her boss from ravaging our rights as he has always tried to do.

   We all know the setup: cowardly Republican president wants some pet bill passed; predatory Democratic congress tacks on an anti-gun hitchhiker; cowardly Republican folds like a dollar bill and more of our rights disappear.

   Clearly, you must use this video — or lose your guns.

   Go to: <http://www.jpfo.org/filegen-a-m/2a-today-download.htm> to view or download the movie, which was made possible by JPFO’s members and supporters.

   Please send this announcement to your friends and everyone on your address lists. That should include every gun owner, every gun dealer, every hunting buddy, and everyone else you know.

   Make sure JPFO’s video is seen — as a warning, if nothing else — by anyone in a position to help take your guns away. Start modestly, with just half a dozen city council members, then work your way up to the mayor, city manager, municipal and county judges, county commissioners, the governor, state and federal representatives, senators, and judges.

   What does it cost, how much time does it take, to send an e-mail?

You must use this video — or lose your guns.

   Be relentless with the media — with radio stations, newspapers, and television. Be sure to include any clubs you may belong to: they all start their meetings with the Pledge of Allegiance, make sure they know what it really means.

   Don’t overlook “friends of the NRA” — they need to be shown the truth more than most. Here’s something you can do: tell your friends that when they are approached by various gun groups for money, they should demand that the group encourage their members to watch _2A Today for the USA_ on the Internet or there will be no more donations or memberships for phony “freedom fighters”.

   Tell them they must use this video — or lose their guns.

   Follow whatever viewing or downloading procedure best suits your preferences, and download/bandwidth options. PC users can right click and choose “save target as” on links to download the files to your computer. There are also links to YouTube and Blip.TV. Please email us if you have any problems.

   Again, <http://www.jpfo.org/filegen-a-m/2a-today-download.htm>

   Remember, you must use this video — or lose your guns.


 Four-time Prometheus Award-winner L. Neil Smith has written on guns and gun ownership for more than 30 years. He is the author of 27 books, the most widely-published and prolific libertarian novelist in the world, and is considered an expert on the ethics of self-defense.

His writings (including _The Probability Broach_, _Roswell, Texas_ and the newly re-released _Tom Paine Maru_) may be seen on the following


LNS at JPFO: http://www.jpfo.org/filegen-a-m/lneilsmith.htm

BigHeadPress.com: http://www.bigheadpress.com/

Arc Manor/Phoenix Pick: http://www.phoenixpick.com/

_The Libertarian Enterprise_:  http://www.ncc-1776.org/

The Webley Page:  http://www.lneilsmith.org/

Obama on Self-Defense

I haven’t written much lately because I’ve been tied up with work and making sure I graduated from college. Not to mention the fact that I’ve been trying to benefit my blood pressure by avoiding things that just flat out piss me right the hell off. Well I stumbled across something today that pushed my button so hard I can’t stand it.

“In 2004, while running for the U.S. Senate, he[Obama] promised to bar citizens nationwide from receiving concealed-carry permits.”

WHAT!? Oh so now states aren’t good enough to determine how best to serve and protect their own people. No one in this fine country except those “you” Mr. Obama deem fit is capable of carrying a firearm. I know for a FACT from talking to my local Sheriffs and Police force that I get considerably more range time than they do. Not only that I have a larger ammunition budget for just myself than the whole department. So you can NOT give me that crap that they are better trained.

Your statements basically say that we must depend upon the police for our protection when it has been stated by the Supreme Court that “The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.”

Obama is nothing more than a bigot who hates gun owners because they believe in doing things themselves and not depending on a socialist government for survival. Every person, and I mean everyone has a god given right to self defense with any weapon that man has created. “The right of self defense is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever … the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction.”

Criminals don’t follow the laws, only the law abiding. We see what his ban’s on concealed carry have done to different places, why must he force us to all be complacent victims.

The media is just as much to blame however for the misconceptions about concealed carry. I just found this link. In it they list the arrest of the Appalachian School of Law shooting was due to students tackling him. I wasn’t aware that using a firearm was now called “tackling”.

Mayor Nickels and Concealed carry

Lately the idea of living on the west side of Washington has become more and more displeasing. I have been seeing Strong examples of the differences between myself and those hippie feel good tree huggers.

I haven’t written much lately due to the fact my writing would have been clouded by anger, most of this from the city of Seattle. First time I knew something was going to be blogged was after the Folklife shooting. I’m not going to discuss it much because many of the details I feel important and relevant still haven’t come out, such as why the argument started and what actually occurred. All we have is the biased output of the media which only focuses on him ignoring the other party. Not to mention the fact he by no means represents the majority of concealed carry permit holders, and there are many things that make me wonder why he was issued a permit.

Instead I’ve discovered that Mayor Nickels is going with a knee jerk reaction and is disregarding state law and imposing restrictions on concealed carry by licensed permit holders. Instead of actually getting to the root of the problem, he feels it better to impose restrictions on law abiding citizens. What’s worse is the method by which he is doing it. Instead of this being handled by the city council, which policy such as this should be, his issuing an executive order; thus by passing public discussion and outcry. It has been shown in state after state Concealed carry lowers crime rates, and now in an “effort to go forward” he wants to go backwards.

From this we see who’s side Mayor Nickels is on which is to provide a safe working environment of rapists, murders, and thieves. Not to mention he is as much a criminal as any other jack booted thug by his own blatant disregard for the law.

Bloomberg vs. Adventure Outdoors

Evidently when that douche failed at getting his lawsuit against gun manufactures to succeed; he instead decided to attack gun stores.

“Bloomberg’s suits said Adventure Outdoors and the others did little to ensure they were making only legal sales and, as a result, those weapons were used in crimes 900 miles away.”

So, let me get this strait, Bloomberg didn’t think that the sales were legal so he initiated the lawsuit. The ATF, with the way they conduct business, would have steam roll this guy already if he was doing things incorrectly. Not to mention the fact that previously Mayor Bloomberg had said this in a deposition:

NSSF noted that perhaps the mayor’s insults stems from his self-professed ignorance of our nation’s firearms laws and regulations, business practices of firearms retailers and the duties of the ATF. “I don’t know what the law is and what procedures are,” responded the mayor to a deposition question on illegally purchased firearms, NSSF quoted him. “I have no knowledge of what appropriate safeguards are for a dealer to comply with the law or what standard practices are in the arms business,” they quoted him.

In the same deposition Mr. Bloomberg admitted he did not know that ATF conducted inspections of firearms retailers. “I didn’t even know they had inspections,” the bewildered mayor offered and Bloomberg also noted that he did not know what a Federal Firearms Transaction Record, commonly known as a Form 4473 was or a NICS background check.

Looking at the lawsuits themselves, they are insane. In order to buy a firearm and then immediately transfer it is a felony, that’s like buying for someone else. To sell knowingly to a felon, is a felony in and of itself, again fail to see how this is the stores fault. This is nothing more than an attempt to find another way to prevent law abiding citizens from their right of self defense. These firearms could have just as easily been stolen from someone’s house and then taken to New York and sold. Seriously who tries to sell stolen guns in the same town where you got them.

As an FYI you will get caught, I have seen it happen. Guns have gone into shops on consignment and the owner sees it up on the shelf and says, “That’s my gun.” A quick records check by the owner indicates it is, the weapon goes to the police and the person that brought it in is contacted. Then they follow the trail back who stole it.

With all this focus on the “bad” what about the “good” of firearms and firearms ownership Mr. Bloomberg. Or might he have forgotten an Oath and Law that he became a part of a long time ago and that the trail didn’t end. He by no means is acting in a manner to uphold that first tenant of the law. The proof is in that he is discussing and attacking based on presumptions he knows nothing about. He is willingly operating blind at the misfortune of others.