Lately the idea of living on the west side of Washington has become more and more displeasing. I have been seeing Strong examples of the differences between myself and those hippie feel good tree huggers.
I haven’t written much lately due to the fact my writing would have been clouded by anger, most of this from the city of Seattle. First time I knew something was going to be blogged was after the Folklife shooting. I’m not going to discuss it much because many of the details I feel important and relevant still haven’t come out, such as why the argument started and what actually occurred. All we have is the biased output of the media which only focuses on him ignoring the other party. Not to mention the fact he by no means represents the majority of concealed carry permit holders, and there are many things that make me wonder why he was issued a permit.
Instead I’ve discovered that Mayor Nickels is going with a knee jerk reaction and is disregarding state law and imposing restrictions on concealed carry by licensed permit holders. Instead of actually getting to the root of the problem, he feels it better to impose restrictions on law abiding citizens. What’s worse is the method by which he is doing it. Instead of this being handled by the city council, which policy such as this should be, his issuing an executive order; thus by passing public discussion and outcry. It has been shown in state after state Concealed carry lowers crime rates, and now in an “effort to go forward” he wants to go backwards.
From this we see who’s side Mayor Nickels is on which is to provide a safe working environment of rapists, murders, and thieves. Not to mention he is as much a criminal as any other jack booted thug by his own blatant disregard for the law.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.