Quote of the Day – Ry Jones (2/24/2014)

In WireShark I trust.

Ry JonesThere is no evidence to support that claim.
February 24th, 2014

[Yup.  As a geek this kicked over my giggle box.  Doubly so since I’ve been in that same position.

Well I don’t care what you say, WireShark shows no traffic related to X when you’re process is running.  So you’re craps broken, deal with it!

I’ve noticed it is a unique individual who will just willingly admit, “Yup I screwed up, give me a couple minutes so I can fix that.” Most of the time people are more interested in saving face and making themselves not look bad.

I find it better to look good by admitting my mistake and fixing the problem, but that’s just me.  -B]

Quote of the Day – Marcus Luttrell (2/10/2013)

Fear is a force that sharpens your senses.  Being afraid is a state of paralysis in which you can’t do anything.

I have found that the best way to get through tough times is to surround myself with positive people.  If you spend time around people who are weak or always feel sorry for themselves, it’s bound to rub off on you.  Always look forward, never back.

Marcus Luttrell – Service: A Navy SEAL at War, P208

[Yes that’s more of a twofer, especially since there was another great quote in-between those two but I felt them fitting when paired.  Why?  Let me remind of you A Girl’s post.

You, you who hate guns, you gave me nothing.

No hope.

No tools.

All that was offered me was a life of fear, of resentment, of bitterness, of dependance…

The gun community has offered me hope and strength, and courage.

They have taught me to have belief in myself.

They have asked nothing of me in return and, yet, I would give them my life.

I do really need to write up on my visit to Olympia a couple weeks ago because that second piece of advice was quite apparent.  The opposition only showed up with emotion and hysteria.  Quite honestly the first day was nothing more than a pity party, which was obvious as how they went about championing their bill.

Entertainingly after arguing for a similar bill in Oregon, Mark Kelly went shooting.  Because we all know how they support their ability to exercise the 2nd Amendment as being exempted parts of the political elite while they despise yours.

I believe this man here nails it quite well.

When you see someone arguing to take away your right to keep and bear arms and then go an do the exact thing they were arguing against, they’re a hypocrite.  Mark Kelly borrowed someone’s firearm and the bill he was arguing for in Washington would make that a felony.  He also went and attempted to buy an AR-15 after arguing for an AWB in Connecticut.

All the other side has is self loathing, pity, and hypocrisy.  See this most recent incident involving the New York SAFE Act.

He was a well-known face in the movement for the SAFE Act, the state law that made carrying a gun on school property a felony. He was also a familiar presence in the hallways of the city’s Harvey Austin Elementary School, where he worked in the after-school program and mentored students.

No one imagined that on Thursday he would show up at the school in possession of a gun, touching off an hours-long lockdown, search and ultimately his arrest on two felony charges.

Ferguson, 52, told WGRZ-TV that he frequently carries the gun, for which he has a permit, and did not realize he had it on him when he went to the school as part of the mentoring program.

Had it been any other person would the other side be so lenient? This is exactly the type of issue our side regularly brings up regarding these measures but we’re told, “That’s not the intent of the law.”  Well intent or not, that’s what the law says.  Book ’em Danno.  Don’t like it, take your ill conceived, forced through without debate law off the books and come back and behave like an adult.  Until then you can suffer under the law you helped instituted and create.

Worth a note, a bunch of us are still working on fixing the problem but you deserve to be punished for what you did more than anyone.  -B]

Quote of the Day – Sean Parnell (11/11/2013)

“I’d learned that the strongest thing a leader can do once his men entrust power to him is to put it back into their hands.”

Sean Parnell – Outlaw Platoon: Heroes, Renegades, Infidels, and the Brotherhood of War in Afghanistan; Page 351

February 2013

[Presented without further comment.  It applies to many aspects.  I recommend reading their story, it’s a good one. -B]


Quote of the Day – Lyle Keeney

Hmm.  Goose, gander.  Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum?  Bevis, Butthead?

I guess if we kick out all U.S. military and militia, people will really feel safe.  If we rip the seat-belts from our vehicles, throw away all first aid kits, close down the hospitals, get rid of the fire extinguishers, then by never seeing those things we’ll never again have to be reminded that bad things happen, except when they do.

Or we could all jump off a cliff into the ocean.  Either way we’d need to be hypnotized the same.

Lyle Keeney – Email Thread
October 3, 2013

[Now it should be noted that this was in reference to an email about this incident.  The TL;DR version is as follows.  Parents go into PSH over a police officer dropping his child off in uniform, thus armed.

Ry, rightly pointed out, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”  Though I must say that the stupid is going to evolve into an epic Darwinian moment. Sadly there will be collateral damage involving children outside the gene pool of the idiot suffering from Peterson Syndrome.

With regards to the idiots and their PSH, I think this line/scene from Hunt for Red October puts it best. -B



Quote of the Day–Jefferson Giffeath (7/11/2013)

The government works in two modes: evil and incompetent.

Jefferson GriffeathFacebook Status

July 11th, 2013

[What else he said in that post also applies but that little bit of wisdom was just too pure to let slip by. –B]

Quote of the Day–Jefferson Griffeath (6/22/2013)

shit, I’d be a cop if I were getting to put down human trafficking rings where they’re doing mass  torture

oh wait, i did that.  it was called iraq

Jefferson Griffeath – Facebook Chat


[For full context you probably need to go watch “End of Watch”.  Which is honestly a comedy with some emotional strings of brotherhood tied in.

Also know that Jefferson feels about the same way I do about cops.  We don’t hate them, we under stand their purpose, but a decent number of them seem to sign away their independent thought when putting on the badge.  The best example is the speech at the beginning of the movie.  There are a lot of cops that feel exactly like that speech instead of saying, “That law isn’t right and I shouldn’t be enforcing it.”  They don’t see themselves as the check and balance they should be in the system.

Well I was chatting with Jefferson about some other things and mentioned I was watching the comedy on his recommendation.  I made a comment related to the end, I’m not going to spoil it, and the above was his response.

I couldn’t stop laughing until I started coughing. –B ]

Quote of the Day – John Paul Stapp (6/21/2013)

The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle.

Colonel John Paul Stapp – Stapp’s ironical paradox.

[While as ironic as it is, I’m finding this is true well beyond what most people realize. -B]


Quote of the Day–Me* 6/12/2013

Good lord, that a lot of porn.  How could the NSA categorize it and make sure they have everyone’s kinks right?

Barron – Conversation

June 12th, 2013

[For context I read this article this morning which had this note in it:

Considering that, according to Cisco, the total world Internet traffic for 2012 was 1.1 exabytes per day…

My immediate thought was that was a whole lot of porn and bitching across the internet.  I then someone asked me why I said wow.  To which I informed them of the 1.1 exabyte estimate and immediately followed it with the quote above… It seems the prudent comment to make.

If you don’t understand why I would think that would be a prudent comment to make, I give you:


*It’s my blog and I can quote myself if I damn well please!]