Quote of the Day – God, Gals, Guns, Grub (4/2/2012)

So where am I headin’ with this whole diatribe… well I’m tired of gals who tell me they’d do anything to protect they’re kids when they don’t have a plan, training, or tools for that night when some scumbag kicks in their door during a home-invasion. You don’t need a “rape whistle” or to fire off a double-barrel shotgun into the air. You need sound advice and the determination to take care of yourself and survive no matter what you encounter.

It’s not paranoia, just reality and the world we live in… so… To the weaker sex… accept it and plan accordingly!

God, Gals, Guns, GrubTo the weaker sex: accept it, plan accordingly!

April 2nd, 2013


[I have nothing else to add that he didn’t say in that post.  Which I recommend reading the whole thing.

Some may be upset by what he said, but the fact of the matter is just because it’s politically incorrect doesn’t make it false.  We have tools and people are perfectly capable of learning the skills necessary to defend themselves.  It’s much easier though to say evil men just shouldn’t do that.

Well I’m sorry folks, evil men do exist and the prey on those weaker than them.  Accept it and plan accordingly. -B]

Quote of the Day – Kelly Grayson (3/29/2013)

Why yes, that is a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy holding an AR15. Because that’s just how we roll down here in Bitter Clingerville.

Kelly GraysonTin Can Assassin*
March 28th, 2013

[First, go over and read the post and look at the pictures.

Yes, that AR-15 is so unwieldy according to Joe Biden that it should be banned yet all those features allow that wonderful little girl* to experience the same fun as the rest of us.

I will say it is stories like Kelly’s that builds an unbelievable fire in my belly to the point of wanting to just fight this battle with a scorched earth policy.  The thought of Mr. Biden or any other person telling that little girl that she has no reason for that rifle does nothing by make my blood boil.

These people don’t care about safety, violence or the rest of it.  They merely hate firearms, the people who own them, and ultimately what firearms represent.

While I like Kelly’s version, I think I like mine better because it emphasizes my feelings on the subject without any question as to my meaning.

Why yes, that is a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy holding an AR15. Because that’s just how we roll down here in Bitter Clingerville fuck you that’s why!

I suppose since this is Kelly’s daughter he was trying to avoid a 4 letter expletive, frankly the though of people trying to take away her tools and what she’s accomplished pisses me right the hell off.  Not only does it piss me off, but there is no “why” necessary when teaching someone a skill and watching them excel at it, especially when it provides them enjoyment.

*Given Kelly has many of the same online friends as well as knows some of the same people from Meat Space as myself, as well as reading his accounts of Katy Beth, I can only assume she is as awesome as she looks in the picture. -B]

Quote of the Day – Colion Noir (3/28/2013)

Gun control isn’t a solution, it’s a band-aid on a bullet hole.

Colion Noir

[First watch the video, it’s very well put and well said.  Second, save it in your back pocket the next time some bleeding heart starts crying at you.

I’ve grown tired of wasting my time with most of these people.  They are nothing more than tyrants who support the corruption and destruction of freedom by Bloomberg and his ilk.  They attempt to hide under the guise of caring, but honestly they don’t.  -B]

Quote of the Day: Michael Bane (3/22/2013)

Of course, you’ve got to pay your attorney, and because your car, guns and magazines were “seized for cause,” that is, the property was confiscated because you in fact broke a law, you will probably get your car back, but Denver and surrounding municipalities have a policy that NO guns “seized for cause” will be returned.

That’s the minor “inconvenience” that the Governor says is definitely worth inflicting on law-abiding Colorado citizens for a law that will, according to B-Ho’s own Justice Department says will have NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on crime.

Michael BaneColorado ClusterF%$k

March 21st, 2013

[If you want a clue at the real intent of these laws, look no further than New York and this recent discovery:

Nearly a year before signing the nation’s most stringent gun control measure into law, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo launched a hotline that allows state residents to report illegal gun owners in exchange for a $500 reward.

Tell me, if this was really about lowering violent crime rates, why not actually offer that reward for catching people actually doing bad things?  Instead they created this broad bill that criminalizes every gun owner and are encouraging neighbors to stab each other in the back.

Here’s a tip for anyone living in that crap hole, get a 30 round mag from across the border and toss it in your local representatives car and have someone else call it in.  Even better toss it in their spouses car.  Even better if they’re a Fudd and just more than willing to throw you under the bus while they enjoy the rights they would deny you like Gabby Giffords and her husband.

There is no question in the intent of these laws, doubly so as the people supporting them also scream about confiscation. Next time someone tells you they’re not out to confiscate weapons, call bullshit.  There’s enough on the table now that anyone who says that is merely lying or not paying attention.  Frankly if you’re not paying attention, STFU, you have no business talking with regards to this conversation. –B ]

Quote of the Day–Sebastian (3/21/2013)

Likewise, the gun rights debate is actually not about guns, but is rather a personhood debate, derived from the fairly common and historically pervasive American notion that the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right of citizenship and personhood. The right to defend one’s home, one’s life, and one’s liberty is deeply rooted in our sense of personal autonomy, self-reliance, and in our relationship with those who govern us, or who would claim to govern us. It is just as much about a right to our own corporal integrity and dignity as it is to many who support abortion rights.

SebastianSome Thoughts on Guns and Abortion

March 21st, 2013

[Can I get an amen!?  Go read the whole thing.  -B]

Quote of the Day – Sebastian (3/19/2013)

The passage of SAFE in New York, the bills currently in Congress, and Colorado should be a wakeup call that they will pass whatever they can get away with. Gun control must go the way of the temperance movement.

SebastianMaking a Registry

March 19, 2013

[I couldn’t agree more.  It disturbs me no end that people are bitching about Google Glass and the dangers posed while walking around with their smart phone.  Yet at the same time they turn around and say we should throw more money and technology at something like this and then say with a straight face it could never be used for evil.

Yeah tell me, how many houses were robbed thanks to the database of gun owners created by that New York newspaper?  Tell me, how many houses will be robbed by the state when the state legalizes the theft of a particular piece of property by members of the state?  How many people will be killed in that process and in the aftermath as they try and create their “utopia”.  Thanks but no thanks, I’ve seen this movie before.   -B]


Quote of the Day – Lyle (3/15/2013)

I will not step over the line into Crazyland just to make someone else’s politics easier, or to assuage their guilt. No, Young Grasshopper; there is just the one word that matters, the one that encompasses everything, and you’re either for it or against it – liberty.

Lyle Keeney“The economic AND the personal sphere.”

March 14, 2013

[First I recommend reading that post as it provides a solid reason why there is no difference between the two.

Second I find that line can be representative of more than just the difference in the primary referenced subjects.  It easily applies to any and all civil rights, including the right to keep and bear arms.

Our opponents live in an alternate reality where they cannot separate the truth from falsity.  Not only can they not recognize their own process failure, but they cannot even correlate their behavior of civil rights and their own hypocrisy.

As Lyle said:

No, Young Grasshopper; there is just the one word that matters, the one that encompasses everything, and you’re either for it or against it – liberty.

It is really that simple. -B]


Quote of the Day – Robb Allen (3/14/2013)

These are the people who consider themselves more enlightened than you or I and who think they have what it takes to rule your life. It’s like watching a retarded kid scream about how your tying your shoelaces wrong and then gets confused over the Velcro straps holding his sandals on his hands.

Robb AllenIgnorance can be deadly
March 14th, 2013

[And it isn’t just one or two people who seem to think like the person who wrote the provoking tweet either.  Look at this recent tweet that came across twitter.

Don’t worry I responded as my snarky self.

After which he couldn’t take it and promptly banned me.  Not unexpected given their prevalence for reasoned discourse.

Honestly I think Robb nailed our opponents with that analogy. -B]