Search Results for: node/SSCC School resource

SSCC #523 – Salem

The arresting officer says when he pulled Poage’s car over for repeatedly swerving left of center; a breathalizer indicated that his blood alcohol content was more than three times the legal limit.

I  remember distinctly in high school a cop describing the horrors of a DUI accident scene.  Me thinks this officer either didn’t get the memo or the cop from high school was lying.

Either way this officer definitely should have known better.  At least his department gave him unpaid leave.  Would be better if they canned his ass.

State Sponsored Criminal #523: Gary Poage

Because it’s only a problem to drive under the influence if you’re not a cop.

SSCC #422-424: New Jersey

Three teachers and two administrators at a New Jersey high school were arrested Thursday on charges stemming from allegations that the teachers had sexual relationships with students and that administrators covered it up.

What is most disheartening about this case is not just the crimes themselves, but the following:

Faulk said neither administrator contacted authorities. Both were charged with official misconduct.

Faulk said DePaul later said she wished she had been more concerned for the students than the teachers.

Also nothing quite says you’re serious about cracking down on bad behavior than just suspending them instead of firing them.

I’m wanting to go full Jay G right now and can’t.

State Sponsored Criminal #422: Dan Michielli
#423: Nick Martinelli
#424: Jeff Logandro

Honorable mentions for the enabling administrators:

Principal Catherine DePaul and Assistant Principal Jernee Kollock

Because the job of school administrators is to make sure that instructors can use their position to their greatest advantage.

via Joe

SSCC #265 – Northumberland Co

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

A Northumberland County deputy, sworn to protect the children that attend the local high school, is currently sitting in a jail cell accused of carrying on a sexual relationship with a female student under his watch.

Yet another wolf hiding in plain sight.  The scariest thing is this is a district with an on going history of problems.

The arrest has shocked a community already reeling from last year’s arrest of 5th grade math teacher Christopher “C. J.” Richardson, who has been indicted for multiple felony and misdemeanor charges including indecent acts with a child, abuse of a child with disregard for life, purchase of alcohol for minor and distribution of marijuana to minors.

Not to mention it appears he committed the acts while on the school campus.  The state put the wolf in the pen with the sheep.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 265: Derek Jones

Because what better way to pick up little girls than to be the trusted police officer.

SSCC #147 – Kansas City PD

Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three or more times is enemy action.  Well folks, here’s number three all within a week!

A former Kansas police officer and school board member has pleaded no contest in federal court to attempting to entice a minor for illicit sex.

But he was just a school board member I hear you cry, but wait there’s more.

Duncan was the Lansing, Kan., department’s “Officer of the Year” in 2008 and had served as a DARE officer and coordinator of the Safe Kids program. 

Yet again a predator sat in plain view of the public, put there in a professional capacity to protect them, to find his prey amongst his intended victims.  While he may be getting a severe punishment, the fact of the matter remains that the government has created these types of opportunities for predators.  

State Sponsored Criminal Count #147 – William Brian Duncan

Because predators are wolves and their goal is to not be seen by either their prey, or predators who would protect the prey.  The best option is to appear to be the predator protecting the prey who’s really eating the prey.

Thank You Captain Obvious…

DSC_7521_tonemappedSo I stumbled across the following today which while isn’t news to me may be news to others, and even more so may be discounted or considered untrue.  I initially wanted to cover this as I went through the my “Power Series” posts and I touched on it on an episode of Vicious Circle but I think it’s time for me to write it all out.

President Obama has made so-called “green energy” policies a key part of his economic agenda, but as a new book argues, they actually disproportionately hurt the poor by boosting the cost of energy.

This is considered just common knowledge to those within the utility industry.  The reason being is because our legislators are ignoring not just the laws of economics but also the laws of physics.

For the purpose of this example I am going to talk specifically about the Pacific North West, more specifically Washington.

In the mid-2000’s Governor Gregiore decided that hydro-electric dams are not a renewable resource and that by 2020, 20% of the state’s electricity will be “renewable”, read that as wind power.  As an FYI for those out of the area, we pay approximately 4-5 cents per KWh for hydro up here.  Hydro is cheap and plentiful here in the Pacific North West, so much so we ship a good chunk of it to California.

To further encourage the construction of wind farms beyond the mandate the operating costs are subsidized by the state.  The cost even subsidized for a wind farm in the area is approximately 15-17 cents per KWh.  Yes you read that right, 3 times as much even with the state subsidizing it’s operation.

Except wind is not as “Green” as everyone makes it out to be.  You see wind can quickly come and go.  This means generation can quickly come and go offline merely based on what the weather does.  This is a problem because power is consumed on an on-demand basis.  You don’t want your lights turning on in the middle of the night right?  Just the same you don’t like the power going out while you’re working on your computer writing up that report for work.  Part of the whole “smart house” push is so that the utilities can control the load as well such as your refrigerator, dryer, etc., to shed load when necessary.

It makes sense and it sounds good, but ultimately I’m paying for a service and you can either provide it or you cannot.  Well the biggest problem with wind is how quickly it can disappear.  Generators don’t start instantly and other generation in the system doesn’t instantly spin up to supply power to the load.  There is inertia involved and to increase the power means you need to increase the torque etc.  The sudden decline in power being supplied while the load remains constant can cause system instability.

The solution to this problem is to have an onsite generator(s) at a wind farm that idles while the wind farm is producing power.  Usually this takes the form of a Natural Gas Turbine generator.  As the wind dies off the generator spools up to take the load.  Then the generator slowly spools back down to let the rest of the grid slowly absorb the power load.  So in other words your wind generator is burning fuel in a turbine, running as inefficiently as possible so it can pick up the load in event of a rapid loss of wind.

Out here in the Pacific North West this becomes very apparent in the spring with the high spring run off as well as peak winds through the area.  This past year the utilities were forced by the state to buy power from the wind farms while shutting down the dams.

Yes you read that right, the utilities were forced to buy more expensive power and leave cheaper power idle.  Not only were the dams forced to be idle, but because it occurred during peak run off, they were forced to dump water over the spillway and waste it.  Instead of following the laws of economics, they were tossed to the side and instead of the wind, the more expensive power providing the back fill for what hydro couldn’t provide, the roles were reversed, and for what?

Ultimately this does nothing but increase the rates for energy consumption.  Doubly so since the dam has increased costs because instead of it producing power, it’s forced to be shutdown, despite it being the more efficient and cheaper power producer.

This is what happens when politicians get involved in economics and start regulating business.  Instead of the consumer getting a better deal, they get a more expensive product and overall crappier service due to the power swings that come with the fluctuations in wind.

Then again, the goals of our politicians could be much more sinister.

Quote of the Day – Miguel (05/11/2012)

The problem with Anti Gun idiots is that they are willing to bet
everybody else’s life and assorted body parts on their failed Gun
Control Theories.

Miguel Shoot First, Ask Questions Later? Damn Skippy!

May 11th, 2012

[The criminal occupational hazard reduction organizations seem to think that by allowing those who desire to exercise their right to carry it some how forces everyone to carry.  I’ve never quite understood this.  What I do understand quite well is that their wants and desires affect everyone’s choices for self defense.

Their desire to limit the ability to fight back affects everyone, not just themselves.  Currently there is a running theme that we must be able to fully know the intent of an attacker before we defend ourselves.

Umm, I don’t think so sparky.  If someone is threatening myself or my family I am no longer required to exercise restraint.  I don’t care if it ends up he just wants my wallet, there is no magic filter to separate a process criminal and a resource criminal.  I cannot magically separate by immediate behavior who just wants my wallet and who after taking my wallet wants me dead.  The criminal could quite easily retain his life by doing one of two things. 

  • Pick a different victim.  See if he picks one of those anti-gunners who doesn’t believe in defending themselves it’s much safer for the criminal.
  • No longer participate in a life of crime.  If he wasn’t robbing and threatening peaceable citizens he wouldn’t have to worry about being shot when they defended themselves now would they?

I know there are many people who would blame the person for defending themselves for the death of the criminal.  Except that isn’t true now is it?  There were numerous decisions the criminal made which forced the victim into defending themselves.  The criminal made the choices which ultimately resulted in their own death.

If someone  threatens me and mine do you think I’m going to take the time to run him through a psychological profile to determine if I should be less afraid? 

Hell no, I have already made the decision.  I will fight and I will win at any cost to those who threaten or use force against myself or my family.  The criminal made the decision to jump in the pit with the tiger.  I have no duty to try and determine if he’s just bluffing.  Shoot first, you bet.  If my telling them to stop didn’t work, the universal hand signal for go away will.  Even if it most assuredly reduces his recidivism rate to 0.

Besides even if the attacker actually shoots first our opponents will claim I did if my body isn’t cooling to room temperature by the actions of their main supporters. 

A criminal who attacks someone else has no rights during the attack.  He surrendered them in perpetrating the attack.  He made that choice, not me. -B]

When to fight?

On Joe’s blog today Joe posted another question from Mark Philip Alger to go along with the “Just One Question“.

To summarize here:

When is it proper, for example, to use force to stop a legislator engaged in unconstitutional actions? Indeed, when is it required of those who have sworn oaths to… protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic…?

This is a question I have often asked myself over and over, and it is a very critical item. There have been numerous comments made on the subject and many have different feelings. Ultimately I think everyone has their own independent tripwire of what will “set them off”. Joe’s page on Civil Disobedience serves as a good resource to those who have never pondered the question.

I read that new post just after re-reading the Declaration of Independence. Now if you’re wondering why I would spend my free time reading that, or the Constitution or any other numerous items regarding history, it’s because I don’t want to repeat it. A smart man learns from his mistakes, a wise man learns from other peoples mistakes. History gives you the ability to see events and what occurred because of them.

Back to the point however many only remember a few phrases, such as: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Many do not remember the laundry list of things that was done by the King that was presented as evidence. Now while many of these may not directly pertain to our present state of affairs, we should however also note other lessons that we’ve learned in the 20th century.

My personal thoughts on the subject is that the denial of the any specifically enumerated right of the people, most especially the right to keep and bear arms is a tripwire. Any and all attempts to prevent the people from being able to arm themselves properly for the defense of themselves, family, or property serve no other purpose to make us subservient to the state. This includes attempting to restrict ammunition by tax, or by requirements. A firearm without ammo is only an expensive club. While some would argue that you can stash weapons and use them at a later time, not everyone will be successful in stashing weapons. With restrictions on firearms, restrictions on travel and speech will exist limiting our ability to organize.

My definite words to live by are the lessons of the 20th century. When it came to New Orleans after Katrina, certainly shoot any soldier collecting weapons, nail the police chief, and the mayor too. At this point their sole goal is to be bigoted against us and kill us. To me it’s like negotiating with a terrorist who only wants you dead, what is there to negotiate? If it reaches this point you must trip and act. As for legislating it’s much harder to say. If someone actually starts collecting after legislation, they are definitely guilty, but who will hold them accountable.

These are just my thoughts on the subject, they’re very fluid and it’s a topic that is very difficult. It is not clear cut like someone attacking you in your house or stealing your property. However it is someone stealing your rights.

JPFO and the Current Election

I came across this on another blog I frequent:



By L. Neil Smith <[email protected]>

   Aaron Zelman, founder and executive director of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, has announced creation of a vital and unique new resource for advocates of the individual right to own and carry weapons.

   _2A Today for the USA_ is a free 23-minute video presentation, a weapon of thought, specifically produced to disrupt and destroy the evil, inhumane agenda of victim disarmers and gun prohibitionists with generous applications of legal and historical truth. Because JPFO encourages the widest possible distribution of this film, it is being offered on the Internet for free, with numerous options for viewing or downloading.

   Quite simply put, in these frightening times we’re living through today, you must use this video — or lose your guns.

   Although many gun rights advocates mistakenly believe that the recent Heller Supreme Court decision was a victory for our side, in fact it authorizes all manner of infringements — in the form of “reasonable” regulation — on the individual right to own and carry weapons. _2A Today for the USA_ sets the legal and historical record straight.

   In the current national election — no matter what political propagandists are saying now — both sides are sworn and established enemies of private, individual gun ownership, who either don’t understand the Second Amendment, or willfully misinterpret it. _2A Today for the USA_ exposes them for what they are: ruthless would-be dictators who find a well-armed populace an inconvenience to their plans.

   One thing is certain: whoever wins this election, we will have no friends in the White House for the next four to eight years. Even if John McCain wins, and Sarah Palin means what she appers to say on Second Amendment issues, she won’t be the boss, and she won’t be able to dissuade her boss from ravaging our rights as he has always tried to do.

   We all know the setup: cowardly Republican president wants some pet bill passed; predatory Democratic congress tacks on an anti-gun hitchhiker; cowardly Republican folds like a dollar bill and more of our rights disappear.

   Clearly, you must use this video — or lose your guns.

   Go to: <> to view or download the movie, which was made possible by JPFO’s members and supporters.

   Please send this announcement to your friends and everyone on your address lists. That should include every gun owner, every gun dealer, every hunting buddy, and everyone else you know.

   Make sure JPFO’s video is seen — as a warning, if nothing else — by anyone in a position to help take your guns away. Start modestly, with just half a dozen city council members, then work your way up to the mayor, city manager, municipal and county judges, county commissioners, the governor, state and federal representatives, senators, and judges.

   What does it cost, how much time does it take, to send an e-mail?

You must use this video — or lose your guns.

   Be relentless with the media — with radio stations, newspapers, and television. Be sure to include any clubs you may belong to: they all start their meetings with the Pledge of Allegiance, make sure they know what it really means.

   Don’t overlook “friends of the NRA” — they need to be shown the truth more than most. Here’s something you can do: tell your friends that when they are approached by various gun groups for money, they should demand that the group encourage their members to watch _2A Today for the USA_ on the Internet or there will be no more donations or memberships for phony “freedom fighters”.

   Tell them they must use this video — or lose their guns.

   Follow whatever viewing or downloading procedure best suits your preferences, and download/bandwidth options. PC users can right click and choose “save target as” on links to download the files to your computer. There are also links to YouTube and Blip.TV. Please email us if you have any problems.

   Again, <>

   Remember, you must use this video — or lose your guns.


 Four-time Prometheus Award-winner L. Neil Smith has written on guns and gun ownership for more than 30 years. He is the author of 27 books, the most widely-published and prolific libertarian novelist in the world, and is considered an expert on the ethics of self-defense.

His writings (including _The Probability Broach_, _Roswell, Texas_ and the newly re-released _Tom Paine Maru_) may be seen on the following



Arc Manor/Phoenix Pick:

_The Libertarian Enterprise_:

The Webley Page: