Search Results for: node/tsa pedophile

TSA Agent Provides Phony Marriage

This one is another giant bag of unpossible given the high caliber screening processes in place for the hiring process of their employees.  Well here in the real world we know better than to trust statements like that.

A Transportation Security Administration agent was arrested this week on
federal charges for her role in an alleged phony marriage scheme that
sought to secure U.S. citizenship for her purported spouse, a Lebanon

The federal criminal complaint does not detail Taha’s alleged motive for
taking part in the sham February 2002 marriage (or whether she was paid
in return for the marriage vows). Taha, charged with conspiracy and
making false statements, has worked as a TSA agent at the Detroit
airport since late-2002.

So in other words she was helping bring people into the country by marrying them.  She dated other agents while supposedly being married, and even fathered a child with said TSA agents.

This is completely unsurprising, but never the less how did it escape their crack team of investigators?

Because your job as a federal agent is to break the law, just ask the ATF or DEA.

TSA Body Scanners Giving 10x Dose

It came out today that some of their full body scanners are putting out 10 times the expected radiation levels.

The Transportation Security Administration announced Friday that it would retest every full-body X-ray scanner that emits ionizing radiation — 247 machines at 38 airports — after maintenance records on some of the devices showed radiation levels 10 times higher than expected.

As always the agency immediately went into damage control mode claiming that it is still less than what a person receives in background radiation during a normal day.  The fact is this is not surprising at all considering the complete disregard for common safety measures taken when dealing with equipment that use radioactive material.  The spike caused by the malfunctioning equipment would have been immediately seen on the dosimeter worn by employees working around the equipment.  That’s one of the main reason dosimeters are worn by employees.   This is willful negligence on the part of the TSA and DHS.

This coupled with the fact that the DHS also claims the right to:

really illustrates an out of control agency that serves no other purpose than to abuse and kill Americans, albeit slowly by increasing cancer risks.  A Security Theater has done nothing to improve safety, in fact they are now showing that they are doing the complete opposite.  If any private organization had been this negligent OSHA would be all over them until they declared bankruptcy. 

This agency needs to be put down like a rabid dog and it’s behavior and rate of growth reminds me of some other agencies in the early 1990s.  The only difference  is they haven’t shot a woman holding a baby or burned a bunch of people to death.  Instead they are giving people extra unnecessary dose of radiation at the point of the gun, claiming necessity, but in reality it’s pointless.


Minnetta Walker, who was arrested in March after an 11-month investigation, admitted that she helped an alleged member of the drug ring use a fake name for traveling and helped him bypass security scanners at the airport.

The 43-year-old Buffalo woman also admitted that she once warned two of the man’s alleged drug associates that federal agents were tailing them in the airport.

Isn’t it wonderful to see such an entrepreneurial federal agent.  The discovered that her position allowed her to receive kickbacks to ignore things going on.  Even more than that, she then figured out how she could get people to pay protection money with her position.

State Sponsored Criminal Count: 47

Because the TSA is just like the ATF, they need to allow criminals to break the law to help create new ones.

SSCC #189 – TSA

Today we come back around to the same agency that kicked off this series.

The suspect, Harold Glen Rodman, 52, allegedly was wearing his uniform and displayed a badge to the victim, a 37-year-old woman.

Police arrested Rodman on Nov. 20. He is charged with aggravated sexual battery, object sexual penetration, forcible sodomy and
abduction with intent to defile.

So, he flashed his badge and then violated a woman. I wonder how many women he violated while being paid by the government to use that same badge.  This got filed under the ICHH as well since neighbors were shocked to hear about a neighbor facing charges.

Another rant is brewing, but I’ve covered the TSA so much I’m thumping wanting to just beat the living hell out of these people.  In the mean time keep your eyes pealed and feel free to send stuff in.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 189: Harold Glen Rodman

Because when the government issues you a badge and tells you to molest people, you just can’t stop.

SSCC Honorable Mention–TSA

Via Uncle.

Castelveter said it’s important to note that every person who flew through the airport was screened.

“It’s the random secondary that did not happen,” he said. “At no time was a traveler’s safety at risk and there was no impact on flight operations.”

Then what’s the point of it, Sparky?

Yup, what is the point.  Other than to allow molesters, thieves, and other criminals have their way under state protection.  It figures that the idiots in charge would fire the people who had no interest in molesting, assaulting, or stealing from their fellow citizens.

Because when an agent of the state doesn’t molest a small 8 year old boy, you know something is horribly wrong with the system and someone needs to be fired!


This one is just all sorts of fail.   The article leads off with this.

A security supervisor at Newark Liberty International Airport accused of stealing the identity of a murdered Queens man two decades ago began using the victim’s identification three weeks before he was killed, officials said today.

To which I said, well he hadn’t done anything illegal until after hiring maybe?  Nah I didn’t really think that, though the following did actually surprise me.

The supervisor, Bimbo Olumuyiwa Oyewole, 55, of Elizabeth, a Nigerian immigrant living in the United States illegally, is accused of using the birth certificate and Social Security number for Jerry Thompson, who was shot and killed in Queens on July 20, 1992.

Emphasis mine.  That’s right folks, our fearless leaders in the department of homeland security who claim to be doing everything in their power to protect us from those dangerous terrorists couldn’t even find someone using the identity of a dead man.  They couldn’t find someone who was violating the law and walked up to them and asked for a job.  It almost makes you think that they don’t bother vetting these miscreants before letting them rape and pillage the populace.

Oh wait, they don’t.  That’s why you have pedophiles working for them.  That’s why you have thieves working for them.  It is where criminals go to have the state protect them.

State Sponsored Criminal Count #335: Bimbo Olumuyiwa Oyewole

Because proper background checks and rectal exams are for people who want to fly, not for the people doing the checking!

Radio, Radio, and More Radio

Saturday ended up considerably busier than expected.  Initially I had just planned to help with the ARES exercise, but it ended up they were making a trip up to the Kamiak radio site.  I went along to help since I hadn’t seen the radio site.


That’s the tower with the KABARA Repeater Antennas, as well as the packet system we were up there to work on.  Next to it is that tower is KWSU.


Inside the radio shack was some impressive equipment for the KABARA system, more specifically a pair of duplexers for the 6-meter repeater.


After a quick tour we then got down to why were were there.  Someone was going to have to climb the tower for recon for an upcoming antenna installation.


He wanted proof that he climbed the tower.  I have other pictures while he was at the top, none however provide proof that it was actually him climbing.

It appears the recon was successful, the hardline we were planning on using is currently at the location where we are planning on installing the antenna.  We just need to coordinate with some of the other antennas owners when we go to actually install it.

The antenna is going to be hooked into this.


Which is the packet node on top of Kamiak, the recon was because the owner is planning on adding a 70cm link if I remember correctly.  It was pointed out to me though how wind can be a royal bitch up on the tower.


The wind was light that day, the antenna is either caught in the tower, or permanently deformed from wind and ice loading.  That particular antenna however was no longer in use.

After that we headed back down the hill with one quick stop right after we got out of the trees so I could do this today.


After that K7LL helped me test an mobile amp I have.  It works, but nowhere near as effective as it should be.  It is now sitting on my workbench awaiting disassembly.  An upshot a coworker and fellow ham drove by and I paid him a visit.  I must say his ham shack is by no means a shack, and is actually quite nice.  He actually had a spare 2m/70cm base and it’s now sitting on my desk.  He also has a spare HF rig but it needs some repair work.  Electrolytic capacitors don’t last for ever.

From there I went and picked up a sign for the lodge.  The sign was vandalized and I picked it up to take it home to attempt to clean it.  Attempt one removed some of the paint but next on the list is acetone.  From there I headed over the Moscow to W7UQ to kill some time before going over to a friends house for dinner and helping him with some homework.

While sitting at W7UQ one of the members showed up and I then preceded to spend the next 2 hours discussing antenna design, radiation patterns, and methods to solve some issues they are having with their current project.  Including moving from just telemetry based information to adding command and control.  I gave him my contact information so they can come to me with questions and help with the project.

Lastly I had dinner over with some friends.  I finally headed out from their place at 0130 after helping him with a programming assignment.  Overall it was a busy, educational, and productive day.