Search Results for: node/tsa pedophile

Quote of the Day – Tam (06/28/2012)

“I mean, as bad as it was for the Jews in eastern Europe, what about the poor Einsatzgruppen? They probably had blisters on their trigger fingers by the end of the day.” *

Seriously, you’re failing to engage my sympathy by telling me what a humiliating drudgery it is to violate the hell out of my rights.

TamOddly I am not overcome with sympathy.

June 28, 2012

[Yeah, and neither am I.  Guess what, if you don’t want to be sticking your hands in the stank of someone else’s crotch the solution is unbelievably simple.  Don’t do it.

If you do stick your hands in there, don’t come whining to me about how horrible and nasty your job is and that all you’re trying to do is make a living.  I don’t care.  Not only do I not care, but I find your actions worth of public scorn.  Seriously, I want to create a flash mob at a security check point of people chanting “Two by Two Hands of Blue”.

Why do I want you publicly insulted and humiliated for your choices?  Because they are exactly that, your choices.  “I was ordered to do it,” didn’t work at Nuremberg and it’s not gong to work with me.  I understand that people are more willing to do questionable acts when ordered to do so.  I don’t care. You have the ability to think about it and say no.  And it’s that willingness of people to blindly follow orders is a serious reason to stand up and just say no.  Just because there’s other people working for the TSA doesn’t make the actions justified either.

You have made this bed and it’s yours to sleep in.  Don’t come crying to me because people continually give you a hard time.  Don’t look to me for sympathy that your hands reek of ass.  Don’t look to me for sympathy because you decided to take a job where you are told to violate your neighbors rights.  You made that choice, you decided that violating your neighbors rights was acceptable.  You decided that taking a job with child molesters and thieves was acceptable.

I don’t care if times are tough for you and you’ve had a hard time finding a job.  My wife spent a large time unemployed.  She never once ran to the TSA and said, “Please masta, let me molest people, I really need a paycheck.”  Consider my sympathy meter at -10.

As I said already, if you work for the TSA and don’t like the fact that people hate you, mock you, and generally want nothing to do with you, that’s a clue.  You are in fact doing something wrong, even if the government says it’s a good idea. -B]

*Joe’s right, Godwin be damned, that quote’s just too good.

Quote of the Day–Samuel Adams (07/13/2011)

If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

-Samuel Adams, August 1, 1776: Philadelphia State House

[I was reminded of this quote while writing a response to Ubu bad mouthing my suggestion to start turning up the heat on TSA employees over at Joe’s place.  Joe has obviously spent some time in contemplation of the subject.

I modified her closing remark into the following, striking out her original words:

I can’t think of anything more useless than a plot to verbally disrespect people to condone sexual assault, molestation, and humiliation of the law abiding under the guise of "security" and think it is going to accomplish something actually make us safer.

Ubu’s main contention is that it will not alter the behavior of those who work there and that it’s just a job to them.  The thing is if it’s just a job, then it’s just a paycheck.  The majority of your time is spent outside of work, if you can identify and harass these people outside of their normal employment the pay they receive for just doing their job will no longer be enough.  As for those who will do the job because they enjoy it, maybe those are parties that would be better served by some of the alternative methods Joe brings up.

There are numerous other ways to deal with the TSA and bring about their end, however for the most part we are confined by operating within the law.  Joe has valid points on the matter, but for all intents and purposes we all wish to operate within it’s bounds.  This also helps aid our case publicly since breaking the law can be manipulated into a negative detractor.  However our enemy in this case though has received a free pass and is even encouraged to violate and humiliate us despite what the law says.  Public humiliation is a well known motivator, especially when the pressure is applied in the correct manner.  There doesn’t have to actually be violence or threats for people to become uncomfortable enough to want to leave.

Ultimately the TSA is a joke and nothing more than A Security Theater.  Their record still sits at naught, while the people they have abused have actually done the work to protect themselves against the “terrorists”.  To understand what’s really going on, just think why I put quote’s around the word terrorist.  It’s because they have redefined that word to manipulate people into compliance.  What better way to completely invalidate your enemy than to make him a “terrorist” that the people will hate and despise, because who likes terrorists?  I’ve accepted that some may label me a terrorist, even though what they have done is twist the definition of a real patriot to that of the new “terrorist”.

So those who would rather lick the heels of the boots of our masters, go home, and may your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.  Patriots stand and call out tyrants and work to find a way to sop tyrants and their thugs instead of berating their countrymen and saying they look like assholes for it. –B

p.s. assuming this post works it means I fixed the problem. Fingers crossed.]

What makes them so special?

James Clyburn would like special treatment for members of congress at airports.

“We’ve had some incidents where TSA authorities think that congress people should be treated like everybody else,” he said. “Well, the fact of the matter is, we are held to a higher standard in so many other areas, and I think we need to take a hard look at exactly how the TSA interact with members of Congress.”

Why shouldn’t the congress critters by abused by the DHS and TSA they created?  Oh that’s right, they think they’re a ruler over us peasants.  They believe that because this happened once, that magically all of them are going to be dead.  Now with all the threats they think, “They want us all dead.”  No, we want you out of office because you’re acting like elitists.  I would like to point out though the shooter would have been considerably more effective just driving a truck into the crowd.

As for a security measure mentioned today,

and they are demanding improved protection ranging from office security cameras to the installation of a Plexiglas barrier over the House floor.

I believe Executive Orders from Tom Clancy already solved that barrier.  All of this behavior is to remind us who the rulers are, and who the peasants are.

Coming to a Mall Near You

With everyone refusing to have their privacy and 4th Amendment rights violated by TSA at the airport, They have decided to expand to commonly traveled areas.

I’ve already seen that the TSA is worse than Russia in 1989. However with the tactics and the rate that they’re expanding, I’m seriously beginning to wonder when people are going to start “disappearing” in the night to never be seen or heard from again.

DHS and TSA are both totally out of control and obsessed with power. The worst part of all of this though is we’re told it’s for our own good. William Pitt has expressed my feelings on that type of sentiment quite well.

Update: Some coworkers and I were talking and trying to figure out why they would want to screen malls. Then it dawned on us, the number of teenage girls at malls is through the roof. Coupled with their soccer mom escorts, it’s a sexual predators wet dream.

Brainwashing Our Youth…

So while writing a blog earlier Stardock decided to throw up an ad. 


Now we can train your kids that road blocks and searching your vehicles are normal.  This is definitely a game I would NOT buy.  Not only because it looks like the mechanics were crapped out by some high school coder, but the whole concept just bugs the crap out of me.  I understand the stopping smuggling, though legalization would help fix that problem wouldn’t it?  I understand preventing unlawful entry.  I’m fine with that, but the whole concept of making it a game just bugs me.  Not to mention this line from the description:

  • Outfit, arm and train your guards with top-of-the-line life-saving security.
  • That sentence just doesn’t make sense.  How do you outfit and arm someone with security?  What does bug me though is this game could easily be used to twist people into thinking that everything DHS comes up with is a good idea.  Such as making people think the TSA scanners will actually make us safer. 

    Though I must say this is probably better than say “Homeland Defense: TSA Agent”. Where you goals are to find out if little Tiffany is smuggling coke in her cooch. 

    Quote of the Day–Joe Huffman (01/30/2011)

    “The same sort of thing happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany.  Each little infringement it was always just a little bit easier to do what they wanted rather than what they should have done.  It is easier to comply and get through this, this indignity, this infringement, this beating, whatever it was, than to face the consequences of taking the big step.“ –Joe Huffman on BB & Guns.

    [This was said while discussing the TSA and their behavior towards law abiding citizens. 

    Joe is right,  the problem is most people can not take the risk to fight back.  It is easier to just walk through the line, than to fight back.  When you fight back, you will probably win in the end, but it also will cost you time, money, and possibly even your job.  People comply with the TSA out of fear, and that is terrorism.  The terrorists from overseas have been replaced by people from the government using the claim of necessityNow that government is doing all it can to make sure it has a monopoly over airport screenings to continue their reign of terror.  Remember, it will only get worse, and we have seen these tiny encroachments in history before.   -B]

    Quote of the Day–Edmund Burke (02/20/2011)

    The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion. –Edmund Burke

    [The American people have been fed numerous lies as of late.  From lying about why the government needs to kill the internet, to the impending doom of an assured terrorist attack.  Many believe them, others do not even really understand what they’ve lost.  Today yet another danger of government involvement in the internet could be seen in China.

    Someone who TMW works with just turned 20 and lives in one of the sororities doesn’t understand what’s wrong with the TSA scanning machines or pat downs.  Her comment was, “You get a physical from your doctor, how is the TSA any different.”  She couldn’t seem to understand that government is force, and the fact she had no voice in the matter was a problem.  Government is force, and they will expand that force through deceit and claims of necessity.   Not to mention she couldn’t comprehend it was A Security Theater.

    Even more than that though, no one seems to understand these are not their rights to give up, and even more importantly they are not rights that can be removed from others.  Not by law or by force of man can our natural rights, which include the right to be secure in our persons and property, can they be removed from us.  For when we allow these rights to be destroyed, we shall begin our decent into serfdom and slavery.  -TMW]

    Random Thought Of The Day

    There is actually a huge market now for chastity belts other than those who have strange kinks.  They can be applied and used while going through airport screenings to help prevent sexual assaults like this.  It’s kind of hard for someone to grab your junk through metal, plastic, or any other stiff material.  Besides, you just need to wear it while going through the security check point.

    Tonight’s posts are going to lean heavily towards the TSA.  My inbox has exploded with different articles regarding different incidents with the cancer that is the TSA.

    *My brain was wondering because of all the articles I’ve seen today.  This is what happens when I’m listening to VC at the same time.