The following initiative is straight from the WA Secretary of State website.
Ballot Title
Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 1069 concerns the state seal.Concise Description: This measure would require the Washington State Seal to depict a tapeworm attached to a taxpayer’s intestine, encircled by the words: Committed to sucking the life blood out of each and every taxpayer.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would require the Seal of the State of Washington to be changed to depict a vignette of a tapeworm dressed in a three piece suit attached to the lower intestine of a taxpayer shown as the central figure. The seal would be required to be encircled with the following words: “Committed to sucking the life blood out of each and every tax payer.” The illustration would be selected from submissions submitted by taxpayers.
TMM and I both find it a realistic translation for I-1077, just in a visual form for the State Seal. Given other taxes they’ve pushed this year, we’re all for it.