A person on twitter decided to make derogatory statements towards me, behind my husband’s back, so to speak. She had the audacity, without knowing me, to call me fat. My husband was in a debate/argument with her about firearms, more specifically the AR 15 platform. She went into PSH and escalated from there.
Her statement makes me believe that she is a bitter old hag who is angry at life for having a disability. The disability she mentions I don’t have much sympathy for.
Especially since she still has her fucking foot. My dad is an amputee. My disability, radial nerve palsy, has essentially rendered my dominate hand useless. I empathize with people who have disabilities. Also, she seems to not have reading comprehension since my husband did not generalize disabilities. He specifically stated that she doesn’t understand MY disability.
Further, the AR15 platform she is freaking out about has provided a way for me to safely and effectively shoot a rifle.
For starters, it has a low recoil and therefore doesn’t kill my muscle atrophied shoulder. The pistol grip allows me to hold the rifle so as to not torque my wrist like a standard rifle. The front post gives me stability to safely fire the firearm without causing strain to my good/working arm. Due to my disability a bolt-action rifle is not a viable option for me. I can not easily operate a bolt with my injured hand.
This woman is nothing more than a miserable old person intent on spreading her misery to others. Which isn’t surprising since “Gun Control is a Movement of Old White People.”
I’m not miserable or upset by my disability unlike that woman. Why? Because I had one of the best role models in the world for dealing with it. She is dead set on spreading her misery and ensuring that everyone be as miserable as her. Heaven forbid they find the freedom and empowerment that comes with shooting firearms.
Lastly, my family hunts to stock their freezer. The meat is by far healthier for our family and we know full well where our food came from. You don’t get much more “free range” or “organic” than bagging your own buck.
Then again she doesn’t really care, she just hates anyone who does anything that she doesn’t like. If you looked up the word “Puritan” in the dictionary, you would find her face next to it as a shining example.