You’re Broke! So why are you going to do something like this!?
Your debt keeps increasing, yet you keep spending money that isn’t yours.
If you want to close your deficit, stop wasting money that isn’t yours. I don’t know of any private companies doing this, so why are you? There is a reason medical insurance companies do not cover it. This is an elective surgery, that doesn’t even pertain to fixing a disability. Why are you robbing from someone else’s pocket at gun point to pay for someone else’s elective operation?
This is NOT a slam against those who want the elective surgery. I just don’t think it is the job of insurance companies, private business, or public government to subsidize it.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.