Waiver after waiver is being thrown to exempt different companies from the requirements created by ObamaCare. What is most interesting is there are tons of waivers being issued for companies who reside in congressional districts who voted for ObamaCare.
Why does a waiver system exist considering “everyone is equal under the law?” Yet we see the following in the news recently:
Followed by:
The list continues but the issue is obvious. The representatives who were “representing us” forced an ill conceived bill down our throats and exempted themselves and their voters from the repercussions. There are people in the rafters who are screaming, “But this will bring health care to the masses” as well as, “This will help create jobs and employ the unemployed.” Mrs. Pelosi even claimed the following:
The facts, so pesky aren’t they, state something completely different. The CBO announced recently the following statements regarding the impact of ObamaCare.
This comes out, according to the article, to 800,000 jobs destroyed by ObamaCare. The reason these people want waivers is they are getting caught in their lie. They are now forcing the rest of us to live the horrors of the law they created while they exempt their constituents. The following describes this whole situation the best:
This behavior by our elected officials smacks of, “we know best”. Now that it’s discovered to be poison those who didn’t want to eat it to begin with are going to be forced to die while letting the others who supported it vomit. The law is to be applied equally to us all. If some are exempted, the law should be repealed. Where’s the tar and feathers?
H/T to Uncle.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.