Just Like Any Other Day…

Today marks yet another complete revolution around that burning ball of fusion called the sun for me.  I’ve gone around now 28 times since escaping my mom early.  Liberated by a doctor 6 and a half weeks premature.  I was liberated at 19 inches and 4lbs 1oz.

Barron with Mom

Notice my moms lack of a wedding band.  That was my fault she swelled up like a balloon and went into the hospital December 7th.  A date that will live in infamy because she calls me then and asked what happened X years ago.  She remembers to call me on the day she went into the hospital to tell me about the two long weeks she had.  Birthday, no call, she did already with the call on the 7th.

Barron with Dad

As you can see, my dad just dwarfed me in size.  I know I have pictures somewhere but I have no clue where of me and him standing next to each other after I grew up.  As you can see below, I made up for lost time.

Wedding Photos 198_resized

Note I’m not even fully standing up straight.  There was no question I was my fathers son since I was a spitting image in height and build.  Seriously a friend had to do a double take when I had a full beard after the accident.  She thought my dad came back from the dead.  One of these day’s, if I find the pictures, I’ll post our grade school pictures side by side and make you guess who is who.

Ear Worm Wednesday – 12/21/2011

How many times do we hear that about gun control, socialism, and so many other pleas to infringe on personal freedom. Every time they bring their new necessity to the table and say “This time it’s different.”

SSCC #215 – Orange County FL

An Orange County Deputy was in jail Tuesday night after he was accused of molesting a disabled woman. The victim said she was scared for her life because Deputy William Martinez was in full uniform and armed with a gun at the time.

Another officer who not only found another victim while on the job, but used his position to intimidate the victim into compliance.  Given the fact that citizens have to just endure illegal searches and mistreatment by the police under protection of law it’s no wonder this type of behavior exists.

This man is a full count no matter his punishment short of death.  The department and the legal system acted to provide him the protections he needed to be invulnerable to his prey.  Are all cops like this?  No, but there are cops like this out there so why is the law protecting them while violating the citizenry.  While a cop has every right to go home at the end of his shift, the law abiding citizen has more of a right to remain unmolested and unventilated.

State Sponsored Criminal Count #215: William Martinez

Because the real reason for all those LEO protections is to make sure the criminals can hide in plain sight with impunity.

h/t Uncle on the reason article.

SSCC #214 – Covington LA

A Covington police officer, the subject of two police brutality investigations, resigned Tuesday, just after he appeared in a St. Tammany Parish courtroom and admitted choking a city resident during a traffic stop and leaving him handcuffed in the back of a patrol cruiser for “an inordinate amount of time.”

Well he was caught and brought before the bar so it’s an honorable mention then right. Wrong!

Driscoll was ordered to resign from the Covington Police Department and forbidden from holding a law enforcement position for the duration of his probation.

He was forced to resign, why would that be!? Oh that’s right, if he was fired it could affect his future prospects for a job in law enforcement.  Instead of doing what was best for the public and law abiding citizens he abuses they protect the out of control officer.  Dollars to doughnuts he goes and gets a job in Canton after this.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 214: Eric Driscoll

Because beating up civilians and throwing them in the back of a cruiser is only a problem if you get caught.  You’ll get a light slap on the wrist to make the public feel better.  Don’t worry you’ll be back to work in no time.

Quote of the Day – Larry Correia (12/20/2011)

Both sides agree that the body politic is unhealthy. The Tea Party solution is to replace the defective parts and put the body on a diet. The OWS solution is to transplant its brain with a cabbage. Then set it on fire.

Larry Correia
More reasons why the Occupy movement sucks and is lame

[I’ve written a few things on the Occupy bums already.  It erupted into a large post, laying out many of the same issues brought up by Larry.

If you can’t understand the above, it’s obvious you’re a generic product of the educational system that lacks the ability to think critically. -B]

Quote of the Day – Tam (12/19/2011)

And you know what? When the world started treating me like an adult, I found out I liked spinach just fine. As long as nobody was standing over me making me eat the stuff, because you still ain’t the boss of me.

Tam Eat Your Spinach

[And that’s the truth right there.  Seriously, there was a pile of stuff that as hard as my parents tried, I refused to eat it.  I refused so hard that even to this day my mom thinks I am as picky as I was as a kid.

You tell me what to do, I will do the exact opposite.  

I’m reminded of a story my buddy told me from the navy.  Out going CO of the boat had a fantastic crew with very little in the way of discipline problems.  A new CO came in and restructured liberty and the overall way he was treating his men.  In the ends the new CO was treating his new men as children.  His discipline problems went through the roof.  The moral of the story, if you treat people like children they will behave as such.

No one has any business telling me what is best for me, doubly so if they have the ability to steal from and kill me at gun point and get away with it.  -B] 

SSCC #213 – Beaumont, TX

A Beaumont police officer accused of leaking confidential information is retiring from the force.

Well maybe it wasn’t really that bad, they did suspend him with pay during the investigation.

Sources tell Fox 4 that Officer Eugene Wilson released information that compromised a federal drug case.

Well at least this leak didn’t result in anyone being killed or injured, but he’s retiring at the end of the month and no charges are being filed.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 213: John Doe

Because who cares if you destroy a case investigating something currently against the law.  The laws are just there to create an artificial market anyway.

*As always if you find the name, contact me.

SSCC #212 – Seabrook

A former Seabrook police sergeant was sentenced to 18 months’ probation yesterday after being found guilty by Newburyport District Court Judge Peter Doyle for drunken driving following a multi-car crash on North End Boulevard in Salisbury on July 31.

So a DUI and the cause of an accident.  I guess 18 months probation is reasonable right?

Mark F. Preston, 51, of 815 Lafayette Road, Seabrook, was also sentenced
to 18 months’ probation for leaving the scene of personal injury,
avoiding the potential of up to two years in jail. Those charged with
drunken driving for the first time are not often sent to jail.

Oh how nice, he fled the scene of the accident and then they added this final icing to the cake.

O’Connell said the leaving the scene of personal injury charge was
generally continued for 18 months, meaning that as long as he adheres to
the condition of his probation, the charge will be dismissed. A third
charge for marked lanes violation was dropped.

Oh how nice, as long as he obeys his probation the worst of the charges will be dismissed.  Oh wait, there’s more!

Days after his arrest, Preston resigned from the force, according to
Seabrook town officials. But Preston, through a union representative
from the New England Police Benevolent Society, disputed the town’s
claim that Preston resigned. Instead, Preston had informed the town he
was going to retire, thus protecting his pension fund and his
certification as a police officer, according to the union

I don’t know if he was successful in altering his resignation, but this whole incident stinks to high heaven with an innocent civilian caught in the middle.  Unsurprisingly he was a state rep for a while.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 212: Mark F. Preston

 Because when you’re a corrupt cop and a politician, a criminal record is a requirement.