I have said my mantra about prosecutors many a time and I’ll say it again. It takes a good prosecutor to convict a guilty man, it takes a GREAT prosecutor to convict an innocent one. There is no correlation between the law and justice, don’t believe me? What justice is there needed for a victimless crime? Seriously, is it justice to punish someone because they are doing something that someone else disagrees with?
There is no winning a law suit, and this man has had his life ruined by a prosecutor who is protected by the state, and three cops who share the same protections. I am not sure that his suit will be successful, however I have no doubt about the validity of his claim. Further, they don’t have to find you guilty to ruin your and strip you of your rights.
State Sponsored Criminal Count: #266: Officer Vladimir Krull
#267: Detective Arnaldo Rivera
#268: Lt. Patrick Brown
#269: Bronx District Attorney’s Office (If you know the prosecutors name let me know)
Because when I can convict an innocent man I am in total control of the world and nothing can stop me.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.