Last Friday I saw this did nothing but laugh, I thought about writing something up but doing other stuff won.
Your position is in a seriously losing state if the biggest names you can get to support you are pathological serial killers.
Let’s start at the beginning of this. Mr. Serial Killer here thinks that merely carrying a gun is a big mistake. Tell me something, did you kill those people or did the gun magically make you do it? Yeah, you and I both know the correct answer to that question because my gun, like so many other people’s hasn’t just magically hopped out of its holster and shot someone.
Moving forward, you state that using a firearm against someone else ruins both lives. While for the most part this is technically true because there will be a legal investigation into any death, I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 if I found myself in the company of you or some of your compatriots. In the end I say that because if I ever have to deploy my firearm, ultimately I will not have killed my attacker, he will have killed himself, I just merely carried the bullet around for a while. All he needed to do was walk on by and leave me be and no harm would have befallen either of us.
The real reason this man hates firearms is because the last thing he wants is for innocent victims to be able to fight back. He wants the predator to have an assurance of overwhelming force. The best way to get this to happen is to have the state force disarmament upon the innocent at a threat of force from the state.
This is all that our opponents can bring to the table. Serial killers and criminal professional athletes pardon me if I’m not shivering in fear at the idea that people are going to be swayed by the words of a serial killer saying, “Leave your guns at home.” Yeah, there’s a reason he wants you to do that, and most people with an IQ higher than a rock can figure that out.
Gun control is dying, even while in the wake of tragedy. Overall I’m seeing more and more outbursts of Anger as this goes on. I’m just waiting now to see a serious outburst of anger from our dear friend Ladd. Some may never move on from the first stage, Ladd however I think will eventually become angry, he’s been pretty nasty before.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.
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