I’m spending this morning backing up stuff off my laptop for a complete reinstall. Back in April I had some issues while at the jet boat races. Well Windows Live Writer has taken a trip south now as well so I figured it’s time to reinstall.
Especially given in a week Joe’s going to be here and I must say, next Sunday looks like it’s going to be fun. I have to agree that the timing for this worked out decently well. It’s doubly interesting because at the last match, there was a pile of new shooters, many who had never shot USPSA before, and even very little outside of that.
There shall be numerous data points, my classification from USPSA just came in and I am not enthused with remaining there. Upshot of that though is whether or not I make the “gold standard”.
Now why do I need my laptop though if Joe’s going to be here, I have my nice desktop at home. Well after the match we’ve got a few other things before we depart my place headed to Reno for GBR-VII. I think my laptop should probably be functional for that.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.