These officers made an assumption about the condition of an individual. They caused an adrenaline spike that made him coherent enough to be able to request assistance and they continued to ignore him. Upon arrival of paramedics they promptly took him to the hospital because of a severe blood sugar deficiency.
As my father had diabetes this isn’t funny, this isn’t ok, this is down right negligent. The police officers assume without any actual evidence that this individual is a criminal. Except he is the exact opposite. He felt his medical emergency coming on and pulled himself off the road. Below is the officers thank you for his responsible actions.
[Sarcasm]Yup that right there is called positive reinforcement for good behavior.[/Sarcasm]
There is also a serious policy issue given the following:
So policy dictates that in an incident where someone is obviously no longer of a sound mental state, so much so they may loose consciousness, medical aid shouldn’t be sought unless it can be confirmed beyond a reasonable doubt the cause is diabetes? What if the individual dies from alcohol poisoning or a drug overdose? Since when have police officers started receiving medical training to the degree of EMTs, much less doctors and nurses. Their job should be merely to asses the situation and say, “Does this person need attention to verify he is ok?” Mental incoherence is a big, “Get Help Now Idiot!”.
No matter how you cut it though these officers were criminally negligent and exercised unnecessary force because well that’s how cops deal with problems. Instead of using their brain, the just beat the thing until they get it to do what they want.
This isn’t the first instance I’ve heard of something like this happening either. Yeah I hate drunk drivers, more than you can possibly believe, but the legal system exists for a reason. Even more than that, I don’t want someone who has an actual medical emergency getting beat up because someone thinks they’re drunk. There’s simple tests to determine the truth. Cops are paid to protect the public, beating the hell out of a man who was in a medical emergency doesn’t fit the bill.
State Sponsored Criminal #431: Officer John Doe
#432: Officer John Doe
Because when you’re a cop, you’re Judge Dread and can determine someone’s guilt on the spot. You don’t need a blood test, there’s no such thing as a medical emergency so they must be either high or drunk.
TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms.
Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.
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Sounds like a good reason to have a medical ID tag where it can be seen if you are found in bad shape.
Oh no doubt. Except cops aren’t trained to look for them, medics are. Especially since many have moved from bracelets to tattoos.
Even if the guy had been drunk, that behavior didn’t justify the level of force used.
Did that waste of oxygen really let that stupidity slip out of his mouth?
What an ignorant ben tian sheng de yi dui rou. Now I want to drive to NJ just to bitch slap that twit.
Yup because a guy in a diabetic coma is coherent and clear headed. !@#$ing Dolt!
I’m not going to watch that. You wouldn’t need to hear my reaction (you already have it here) and judging from the comments I don’t need the BP spike. Mom was diagnosed at 13, I made it to 40 (insulin dependent, A1C is excellent so far, knock on wood). Drunk people, as has been noted, aren’t always drunk. If they’re slurring speech please -ask- “are you diabetic”. The answer may be a false negative or unintelligible but it really isn’t going to hurt you to ask. Also, fwiw, if a diabetic in reaction (as described) can safely swallow offer them juice or (non diet) soda. I hope if I’m ever in that situation a kind stranger will do that simple thing for me. With your blood sugar that low, some level of brain damage is likely to happen while you’re waiting for the medics to arrive. Possibly not “vegetative state” damage sure, but “gee Bob used to be a little quicker on the uptake then he is now” damage. New Jersey is now even more firmly on my “do not visit” list.
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