Quote of the Day–Joe Huffman (06/19/2012)

What is extraordinary here is that Issa didn’t have Federal Marshalls rip his jacket and shirt off, tie him face down on the table, stuff a copy of the subpoena in his mouth, give him 30 lashes with a bull whip, then tell him there would a whipping every day at 9:00 AM until he fully complied or his flesh had been stripped off and his bones were polished clean.

Joe HuffmanExtraordinary Offer

June 19th, 2012

[Personally I think Joe’s response would have been way too kind.  Give me a bucket, a rat, and a blow torch.  Some assembly required.  If you don’t know how it works, don’t worry about it, it prevents you from knowing how mean, evil, and sadistic my mind can be towards those who willingly endanger my friends and family in the name of destroying my rights.*

Don’t worry Joe, it’s not cruel or unusual.  At the time the Bill of Rights was written lashing was still a standard punishment on the high seas.  In fact so was keelhauling which I think would also be a fantastic venture for Mr. Holder. –B]

*In my defense, I would feel bad for the rat.

Quote of the Day – Ken (06/15/2012)

The lesson, preached often here, is this: the government is not your
friend. The people in it are not your friends. They smile. But they
are there because they are the sort of people who like telling other
people what to do, people they do not know, people over whom they have
no moral claim, regarding things that are not justly any business of
theirs. That is what they do. That is who they are.

Argyll and Bute Council Afraid of Mild and Polite Criticism, Little Girls, Pictures of Tater Tots

June 14th, 2012

[I have written about this before when our American federales were claiming to be our extended family and friends.  Go read the story of Martha and her blog, I’ll wait.

Ken stated what I have already known but given the current tyranny being pushed by Fat Fuck George* it obviously bears repeating.  There evidently is a large number of people who seem to think that this government intrusion is acceptable, most likely because they aren’t directly affected.  Well what happens Mr. Tory when all the sudden government sets it’s sights on something you are affected by.  You’ve already given them permission to intrude in your life, you found it acceptable for them to do it to someone else.

There is some good news about Martha’s story.  The council has retreated and Martha’s charity is surging.  That is positive however that outcome is only because of the amount of attention this particular story got.  How many other similar stories slip under the waves to never been seen or heard about?  How many others are crushed under the weight and threat of force from government before anyone knows what happened?

Government is force, and they have a monopoly on the use of it and can self justify it.  While we do have some protections thanks to the First Amendment, that doesn’t prevent tyrants from trying to run over it.  Remember, there are many who would not mind seeing your First Amendment rights trampled because they disagree with your opinion.  Doubly so with the effectiveness of putting the truth on the internet.

Remember, the government is not your friend, it is not your family, its is force and nothing more.  It will crush you if given the chance.  Government is a necessary evil that should be limited and restrained to the greatest extent possible.  For trying to reign back in that beast after it gains the additional power and authority is difficult if not impossible.  -B]

*Who is Fat Fuck George, read this.

You all Thought I was Kidding Didn’t You?

You probably thought my whole Good and Bad post on the soda ban was an over exaggerated joke right?  Well I wasn’t laughing that much as I did the images and rightfully so it appears.

One member, Bruce Vladeck, thinks limiting the sizes for movie theater popcorn should be considered.

“The popcorn isn’t a whole lot better than the soda,” Vladeck said.

Another board member thinks milk drinks should fall under the size limits.

Seriously?  Milk is bad!?  While I’m not one to wish violence upon anyone.  If you happen to see any of these individuals and you happen to land an egg on them, their vehicle, or other wise audibly and visually display your displeasure of their being tyrants, you will get my standing ovation.

Seriously, what has broken in American society so badly that people think they have a right to tell anyone else what they can and cannot eat.  What the !@#$ is wrong with you asshat’s in New York.  Evidently 46% of you love your tyrant overlords.  If you don’t want it, don’t order it or eat it.  You do not need the force of the state to do this, and you have no right to force your will upon others.  Period!

My suggestion to those in New York, either stop it now or kiss your freedom good bye.  You’re already not really American any more, if they can tell you what you can’t eat, next they will be telling you who you can and cannot date, how many children you can have, they will control your life.  That is their goal.  I understand that our side of this issue does everything to restrain themselves and avoid the cartridge box, but this overbearing control does beg the question, when should we shoot back?

Bloomberg* disarmed all his slaves constituents and has provided such a maze of firearms laws one must be anointed to have one.  Other than voting the tyrant out of office what other actions can be taken?  Even if you vote him out, how do you undo the damage.  Even more than that though, if you do nothing, the tyrants know they can get away with this type of behavior.

*From now on I’m referring as Bloomberg as Fat Fuck George, because him and that asshole of a tyrant that was the King of England in the late 18th century would have gotten along quite well.  And well I feel no need to hide or obscure the truth.

Quote of the Day – Tam (06/12/2012)

Eric Holder announced that he was shocked, shocked! to find that there
were leaks of classified information from the Obama administration, and
he would investigate it immediately.
I have no idea how the newscaster read that line with a straight face;
this is like expecting the minister for Reich security in 1940s Germany
to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Jews.

Tam… and now the news

June 12, 2012

[Yeah, the guy who ignored the voter intimidation by the black panthers; the guy who is currently being investigated for Fast and Furious, who may be charged with contempt; is going to investigate his buddy about leaks of classified information?  Did I wake up in a parallel universe?  Because they may utter those lies but we all know they’re lying. 

Politicians and used car salesmen what do they have in common?

You can tell they’re lying when you see their lips flapping.  -B]

On that Soda Ban…

So Phil over at RNS stumbled across and laid out a bunch of petty tyrants talking about how great the soda ban is.  I sparked the beginning of what became the reclassification of the term “New York Reload”.

Now supposedly this ban doesn’t affect places that sell things like grocery’s and convince stores unless they fall under the purview of the “health department”.  I.E. this mainly affects fountain drinks.  I don’t care, and the whole thing is absurd, especially when in light of the following: Continue reading

Quote of the Day–Anonymous (06/09/2012)

Re-elect Dino Rossi!

Bumper Sticker

Seen June 9, 2012

[If you get the joke, you might be a Washington Resident.  -B]

Quote of the Day–Sebastian (06/08/2012)

How sad is it when your excuse is gross incompetence and negligence? Because both of those things are better than the likely truth of the matter.

SebastianPants on Fire

June 8th, 2012

[I’ve written previously on Fast and Furious and I must say that this latest development is anything but surprising. –B]

Quote of the Day – Tam (06/07/2012)

Of course it will, because that’s what a law IS: When you pass a law, you are effectively saying “This
thing is of such momentous import that, if you do it (or don’t do it,
whichever,) we will compel you with force, and will back that force with
the guns of the state. This is something that is so important that compliance is worth, push come to shove, shooting people.

TamIgnorance is no Excuse for a Law

June 7th, 2012

[Seriously I wish that NYC’s soda law was all just a dumb joke, but alas it isn’t.  Some moron actually feels a 44 oz soda is worth threatening and possibly killing another human being over*.  I wish more people would get this through their head.  Government is force and they must use force to enforce the laws.  That’s the thing with laws and government.  When you say, “There ought to be a law!”  You’re saying, “The state should shoot that individual when he refuses to cooperate.”  Please, realize new laws for petty childish crap is NOT a solution to what you think is a problem.

Screw New York City, and state for that matter, there is no reason for me to visit either for business or pleasure.  I say build a wall around the damn city and turn it into a penal colony.  Then the city government might be a little less tyrannical. -B

*While they haven’t put a gun in someone’s face yet, it is only a matter of time till it happens.  If you’re willing to put a gun in someone’s face, the intent is to convey their impending mortality, whether the officer really wants to shoot or not.]