Veteran’s Day 2012

Yup, it’s that day again.  I snagged the list of people I know off hand from last year.  The sentiment is the same, Thank you, even if I haven’t met you.

A thanks to: Nick, Oliver, Mikel, Doug, Allen, Christine, John, Mike, Al, Tom, Ken, Andrew, Becca, Matt, and so many others that I know.  If you can, thank a Veteran today.

Another Awesome Assassin’s Creed Video…

Seriously I think I know how I’m going to spend some of my free time this winter.

As I said before, who doesn’t want to punch a Red Coat in the face with a tomahawk.

Overheard in the TMM Castle…

The Minutewoman: So evidently Joe Biden was joking about running for president in 2016.

Myself: (makes a funny face) I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Seriously that isn’t funny, that’s not a joke, that’s just disturbing.  The idea of another four years of fearless leader is bad enough, but following that up with the tyranny of Plugs is unbelievably disturbing.

As it is I keep hoping I will wake up from this nightmare but instead it just keeps getting worse.

If you don’t get the reference for my quote above:

Though I think this version is even funnier:

Yes, it’s a parody of this song.

Hey, I know a couple of these people

My friends run the Whiskey Barrel Cider Company.  It’s nice seeing it moving forward.

In Which I Become A Professional Photographer

So I recently got a check in the mail from a company, that shall remain nameless, for services rendered.


You see, said company has a company calendar that is sent to customers and given to employees.  Well they needed pictures to use with the calendar and they selected two I took in 2011 for inclusion in the calendar.  Evidently they needed more winter photographs.

Cold Winter Day

Ice Tranquility

I really was hoping they wanted to use this one though:

Lone Prints

The prints across the field are Joe‘s, he was at the Taj as this picture was taken.  Who cares, I’m getting paid cash money for snapping a picture, that’s AWESOME!  Now to master the art of using Photoshop.

So That’s What It Looks Like…

From the right front seat of an EA-6B.  As this route is out of the PNW, WA to be exact, I’m reasonably sure my dad probably saw it first hand.

I like my whiskey… (Hint: Dry Fly if you want to get me a bottle!)

So on Wednesday after the funeral the wife and I decided to hit up a couple places in Spokompton while we were there.  First on the list was the Dry Fly Distillery.

We showed up just as they were about to start a batch of Washington Wheat, which comes highly recommended by the way.  Even the wife drinks it straight.  I have known about Dry Fly for a while but I only knew about their Vodka and Gin.  At GBR, one of the bloggers brought a bottle of Washington Wheat, there was nothing left in the bottle by the end of Saturday night.

They had their hours listed online but we showed up at just the right time because one of the owners (sorry I forgot the name) was utterly awesome and gave us a quick personal tour.  It was quick because process for grinding the wheat and making the mash is quite loud.

He gave us a rundown on the process and explained how they do their distillation differently than most other companies, and the key is this:


Most companies will distill the alcohol over and over to achieve the correct purity, instead they have a quite long tube for condensing so they can dump the top and bottom and keep the middle.  Yes that thing is huge.



After he walked us through the distilling process for their gin, vodka, and whiskey, we went to the back where they age the whiskey in barrels.


It ends up they have additional whiskey types coming out this December.  Currently you can get Bourbon and Washington Wheat, there are two more coming and one will not have any equivalent like it in the world.  They are the first to use this particular seed for whiskey, yes I am excited!  And yes I want one of those barrels!

One of these weekends the wife and I will have to go so we can get a more formal tour, I am awesomely impressed though that the owner went out of his way to give a tour!

If you’ve never had a chance to try Dry Fly I highly suggest it.  I haven’t had a chance to try their Bourbon yet, but the Washington Wheat is down right dangerous.

From there we hit up Cabela’s.  We had a few things we needed to pick up so we decided to walk through and grab what we needed since we were there.  First up, proof we’re winning!



Now I wouldn’t pay that much for a box of M855(SS109), but still the fact they’re front and center at Cabela’s, that’s awesome!  We found a pile of new shirts for me and the wife picked up a new bed set.  On our way out though was this piece of awesome!


Yeah, this wasn’t surprising considering this was again at Cabela’s and in North Idaho, it was actually kind of expected, but down right awesome never the less.

Quote of the Day–Random Little Girl (9/26/2012)

Grandma, why is that guy wearing a skirt?

Grand daughter of the dearly departed…

September 26th, 2012

[Yeah, today wasn’t the happiest day for our family.  Late last week we found out a member of TMW’s family, who was quite close, passed away unexpectedly.  TMW’s parents stayed with them while we were in the hospital after the car wreck.

Initially we didn’t think we’d be able to make the funeral thinking it would be back in Minnesota, except nope it was close by in Spokane.  Sunday my wife found out the funeral was today so I took the day off work and my in-laws drove out from the west side.

Shortly after the wife found out she asked me, what are you going to wear to the funeral?  My response without thinking was, a kilt of course, what else!  The wife didn’t argue but many constantly tried to get me to justify this through some logical means mainly because they couldn’t come up with a justification of why I shouldn’t.  The naysayers even included my own mother.

You know what, every last one of them was wrong.  You want to know how wrong they were, every time the widow saw me she smiled.  The granddaughter asking that question made her laugh.  When I walked up to give my regards she rapidly became more up beat and said, “I love the kilt!”


My only regret is I wish I had known she would have liked to have a piper.  It’s often difficult to find one mainly because it’s not something you can just look up in the yellow pages.  It’s something where you need to know people, well I happen to know exactly the right people as my mom is involved with the Seattle Scottish Highland Games every year and could have certainly given me names and numbers.  Alas it’s too late now, and at least for me it was a good thing because whenever I hear this since 2003 I have to just go off by myself.  Doubly so if I hear it in person.

Goodbye Mike, you will be missed, and thank you for all you did.

